You Only Have One Chance / Application / Kailyn Carter

Kailyn Carter
"If I wanted too, I could blow your brains out in 3, 2, 1 Bang~"
username: HimeKay
introductions: Hime
activity: 9.5 (5 points off since I have school and whatnot)
name: Carter, Kailyn
nickname[s]: Kai (My own personal nickname that I made up myself, so of course everyone knows it. Shorter and easier to say than Kailyn, don't you think?)
age: 18
birthdate: 12/24
birthplace: Dallas, Texas
hometown: Lucena in the Quezon province
ethnicity: Native American
language[s]: English, Filipino, Korean
ulzzang/model: Daniela De Jesus
links: 1 2 3 4 5
back-up ulzzang/model: Amber Stevens
links: 1 2 3 4 5
height: 5ft 3in
weight: 150lbs
appearance: Kailyn is rather short for her age, standing only at 5'3". Her hair, while picture pictures, is actually a wild mess when she wakes up in the morning. Think of an afro...but far wilder. Pass the hair is her face with a wide forehead and big cheeks that make her slightly almond-shaped eyes disappear when she smiles too brightly. Thank God she doesn't do much of that. Anyway, she's not the wraith-like model most girls dream of being. She's a nice 150lbs, and she blames it mainly on her hips and . Birthing hips is what her mama called them. Gross, huh? Her stomach isn't perfect. There's a slight bump there which she swears is baby fat. Right. Her legs and arms are short while her hands and feet are tiny. Her shoe size is a 6 and her 10-year-old cousin has slightly larger hands than she does.
style: Nothing too flashy or the color yellow. I don't wanna be lit up like a freakin' beacon, you know. I stick to the darker colors. Dark red, black, darker blues. Nothing frilly, nothing too over the top girly. Military style is my favorite, from the jacket down to the combat boots. Most say I dress like a boy and that has proven to be true on most occasions but don't doubt that I can't spice it up now and then. After all, to get what I want I can do one of two things. Threaten you with death, or play the y card. While I'd rather the first over the latter, I've had to learn that what one wears can influence what happens next. However! The only time you'll see me in a freakin' dress is if the situation desperately calls for one. And it better be desperate. Oh...and I happen to have a soft spot for the color pink. And despite my seemingly hard pajamas tell a whole different side of me. How? You'll see.
links: Casual: 1 2 3 4 5
Sleepwear: 1 2 3
Missions: 1 2 3 4 (#4 - Earpiece used to communicate with the others)
personality: Okay, so I may have a bit of an attitude problem. Okay, so I might have freaked out a teeny bit when you broke my computer. But come on, I'm not psychotic! Look, I'm known for being indifferent. Insanely indifferent. Basically to the point where, to those who don't know me, it looks like I don't care about anyone or anything. How do you expect me to react? I've got trust issues. I'm not very open. And I've got a very, very dry sense of humor. I'm known for being overly sarcastic, cynical, and a touch pessimistic. However, you don't know me well enough to judge me. You judge me by what is shown on the outside. These qualities are on the outside. Understand? You still with me? I'm not explaining things too fast, am I? Those who truly know me a.k.a my girls, know that I'm a bit of an odd-ball. I've got the mentality of a 5-year-old high on sugar and a secret obsession with stuffed animals. I think I may be bipolar but around here, who isn't?
When faced with a challenge, especially one with numbers and money as the reward, I'm extremely level-headed and calm. I've got a bit of a sharp tongue, as well as a habit of spouting out the f-word every now and then. Especially when I'm working. Speaking of working, don't you dare even THINK of talking to me when I'm in the middle of a code breakdown. That mess takes a lot of concentration and I got a wicked temper when I'm interrupted during "Concentration Time."
summary: Lemme just make this simple, I don't have a very bright outlook on life. I'm bipolar, I'll admit it and the only people I show my 'tender' side to is my girls. Deal with it.
  1. Spicy octopus stir fry
  2. Cold weather
  3. Milk (I really love milk~)
  4. Stuffed animals, computers
  5. Memorizing the binary codes of different bank accounts
  6. Batting practice (which basically consists of a bat, myself, and a stuffed dummy target~)
  7. Collecting foreign money
  1. Cheese (Yes, seriously. Just sliced cheese though)
  2. Juice (Orange, apple, cranberry, whatever. It's nasty)
  3. Sweltering hot weather
  4. Extremely short dresses
  5. People with no common sense
  6. Overly pitiful people
  7. Having my Concentration Time interrupted
  1. Batting Practice (It's a way of relieving stress without taking it out on a living person.)
  2. Violin (I play the violin to clear my mind. When I play the violin know that it means I'm coming up with a wicked idea.)
  3. Baking (I's something I do when I begin to think of home and want to remember the days of living with my mother.)
  4. Reading (I've transcribed every book I own into binary code. By reading this and knowing what each 0 or 1 stands for in its sequence, it prepares me and strengthens me in case I happen to come across a difficult code.) 
  1. Dropping the f-bomb very, very quietly when I'm confused over a code
  2. Biting my bottom lip when I'm eager, being overly sarcastic when I feel the situation is hopeless
  3. Poking fun at everyone when I'm pleased with myself over an accomplishment
  4. Going off to seeth when I've been lectured over something
fears: I'm hydrophobic, meaning I'm afraid of large bodies of water for those of you who don't read. When I was younger I nearly drowned after falling into a river while playing tag with my older brothers.
trivia: Hm...I'm afraid of pregnant women. They kinda freak me out. All bulgy and wobbly. They look like hard-boiled eggs with arms and legs and hair.
background: Most people who hear about the background of a gang member expect the same old sob story, if you know what I mean. They were abused. They were neglected. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, my life wasn't like that. I was born in America in a normal hospital in Dallas, Texas to Wolffe Carter and Johanna Blache. I have a brother, Farren who happens to be a year older than me. Back then we were lower class citizens with lower class problems and that meant shouldering the problems that the middle and upper class didn't want to deal with. But we had a roof over our heads and food in our mouths so we were happy. Around the time I turned 3, my father; who had been active in the military; was stationed in Daegu, South Korea. Because of our circumstances we were allowed to go with him and were sheltered in a military housing unit. I began to learn Korean on top of leaning English. Talk about a headache. So, we lived in South Korea for a while. I grew fluent in the language and attended kindergarten, middle school, and my freshman year there. I wasn't very social so I only had very tight, very small group of friends. About a month into my freshman year my father got a job at some mini-corporation. In the Philipines. Mama hated to move as did Farren. But I didn't care much. As long as I was fed and clothed I didn't care where we lived.
So we packed up and moved to Lucena, a 2nd class city. A city that opened our eyes to everything we had never had. You see, although the corporation was little it was rapidly growing, which meant the pay was growing, which meant that we had money. Lots of money. Not enough to make our head swim but enough to convince us that things would be better. Since we moved, I had yet another language to learn and while it was hard, it was also fulfilling. Being tri-lingual is something to brag about in my opinion and as I grew and went to school in the Philipines, I learned that sometimes it was okay to brag. And wasn't. I'd gotten my tail kicked plenty of times by bucking up to the wrong girls and sometimes I've even been struck by a couple of boys after beating up their girlfriends/sisters/cousins, whatever. But I gave back every strike, every insult. It's not that hard for me to retaliate quickly, without a moment's hesitation.
the gang: For the record, I never wanted to join One Shot. I'd never even heard of them. I was fine without them. The memory is foggy but I'll give you what I can remember. At my school, I advanced in computer technology. I was cracking passowrds and changing my grades nearly every semester and no one ever found out. My test scores were impeccable and my memorization was something to be marvelled at. My junior year of high school I was invited to attend a contest. It dealt with mock-hacking. Whomever cracked the complex code in the least amount of time won a prize of $2000. I couldn't believe it when I went and sat down at my computer. Complex? That code was like breaking into a child's piggy bank. I had already reached up to safe-level cracking. I was done with that flimsy code in less than a minute. The prize was mine and so was the attention. The attention of everyone in the room, including someone from One Shot. The rest is history. I was approached one day while I was walking home. And I was given a proposition. Given a day to think about it, I went back home and did just that. Thought about it. My family wouldn't have cared. Not because they themselves didn't care but because it wouldn't have been something new. Farren was a crime boss masquerading as a CEO advisor, even though he was only 18-years-old at the time (he's pretty vicious). And I'd begun to suspect that my father's meetings at his corporation were all but civil when he came home one night with blood on his face. Mama was her same cheerful self but always had this knowing gleam in her eye. So, I accepted One Shot's proposition and became their hacker, safe-cracking, and code expert.
father: Wolffe Carter | 37 | Corporation Share-Holder | I've never seen Daddy get angry. It's always been this blank look. This look that, when he looked at you, made you aware that you were less than nothing. But when directed towards family, let you know that you were loved more than anything. He's a kind man though people, who don't live long, know him as a cold-blooded devil. But he doesn't seem to mind. | I love my Daddy. I'm his little girl. When I need a favor, like the name of a high standing accountant, he gives it to me, no questions asked. In return I do him a favor, like intimidate a rival or smooth-talk young and stupid potential investors. | Of course! | Alive
mother: Johanna Carter | 37 | Housewife and something else I'm sure. | Absolutely bursting with joy. It's like her seams are about to tear apart. I've never once seen her frown. She always has a smile on her face. It's actually kinda creepy and total fake towards our guests after I happened to walk in on her literally beating the crap out of another woman. Probably the wife of a rival of Daddy's. It was rather funny to see. | When we can get together we do. Always at the house and always at night. I'm her only daughter and her youngest so she tends to worry a lot about what I do. But she doesn't argue the fact that I'm in a gang, nor does she try to convince me to leave. | Not as often as I'd like, but I can't be seen with her or people will make the connection of mother and daughter and she'll be in danger. However, she may be able to take care of herself. | Alive
sibling[s]: Farren Carter | 19 | Crime Boss | And you thought I was heartless? Farren is vicious, cruel and won't hesitate to cut you down if he can. Literally. Like with machetes, or guns, or something. However, he keeps his business out of the Philippines. You could say he's the crime boss of outside influences. To me however, he's loving, doting, and loves to make me happy, cuz when I'm happy then everyone in my family is happy.  | We talk sometimes and if he can then we'll go out to eat somewhere private and catch up with each other. He's my big brother so I'll always be there for him and he'll always be there for me too. We fight sometimes but it's not that bad. Sometimes. When there's no guns around.| Once every couple of months. | Alive
rival: Bang Freakin' Yong Guk | 23 | B.A.P | Okay, so I kinda don't know his personality. I mean, I spend most of my time plotting Baby Jell-O's death and getting on his nerves. Oh! I'll ask one of my girls! If I figure out his personality then I can really mess with him! | Relationship? As if. Oh, you mean how we get along and stuff. In that case he considers me inferior, since I'm young, and I wanna slap him so hard his head spins. | So he's the leader of the rival gang, I can deal with that. So he likes to beat up girls, I can deal with that too. But when you question my loyalty and my usefulness, then you've just severely ticked me off. He's lucky I put up with him for the sake of my sanity and other matters but I wouldn't hesitate to lodge a bullet straight into his brain if giving the chance.
love interest: Zelo
personality: Baby Jell-O uses his young age to get what he wants. Women who don't know any better would call him gentle and loving and so affectionate that it melts their hearts. Um...ew. That's not Baby Jell-O at all. As the youngest he's learned how to manipulate and do it correctly by watching his hyungs. He's got an intelligent mind, and being me I like a man with a brain and a high IQ. He may be manipulative but I gotta say, that boy knows how to handle his guns and since I'm the kinda girl who likes that kind of thing...well, let's just say he's piqued my interest. Plus I will admit he's gorgeous.
relationship: Oh my Baby Jell-O tries to kill me all the time. Either he really likes me...or he's mad that I call him Baby Jell-O. I for one find the nickname absolutely adorable. Anywhere, we tell each other we like each other by trying to find the worse possible way to kill one another. I told him to be respectful of his elder and find a way that wouldn't bore me to tears as I died.
love story: Truthfully, I think we're a little bit of both. We were rivals and our hate for each other intensified when we realized we were attracted to each other. I was cornered by him a little while ago and he seemed to think he was the eldest in that situation, seeing as I'm rather...small for my age. He didn't like it when I put him in his place and he didn't like it even more when he found out who I was. But who am I to leave such a cutie alone. I've dubbed him 'My Jell-O' and I use it whenever B.A.P and One Shot happen to confront each other. I want him to hate me even more. The stronger our hate, the more we want each other.
back-up love interest: Ricky
personality: Yummy~ Hm, oh right, personality not appearance. Sorry about that. Now, Ricky...he's a bit of an enigma. At least to others. He's a bit too expressive for my liking. I can read him like a book. A very attractive...right, right, sorry....anyway he can't hold in his outbursts and he tends to say what he's thinking THEN think about the consequences of what he just said. I'm inclined to think that handling all those grenades has scrambled his poor brain.
relationship: He's a year younger than me and he seems to think that 'Noona Kai' is his and his alone. Me? I just like looking at him. I wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet in his head if ordered too, but I'm normally kept in shadows, hacking and cracking.
love story: I've never really considered Ricky a...rival. To me he's completely harmless. The more tame one of Teen Top. And I'm not really into the tame type. But he's rather persistant when he wants something so why not humor him since he continues to want me.
code name: Tech
specialty: I specialize in a wide range of hacking. Cracking codes is what I do best. Want in to your boss' bank account, no problem. Give me a name and I'm all over it. Want an even bigger bust? Well, I better start seeing a bigger amount of money.
motto: If I wanted to, I could blow your brains out in 3, 2, 1 Bang~
gang member: How do I feel? How would you feel? I'm in a gang. A gang that's not afraid to beat the life out of someone who crosses our path. And you're asking how I feel?! Pretty darn good, actually. I get to put my brain to use and release some anger as well. My parents know what I've been up too. They don't care. And even if they did, well, it's not their decision anymore what I decide to do. Sometimes I wish I could go home and pretend this was all just a dream, especially when things get too hard for me and I want to cry. I could never express my feelings at first and I tried to shut out the other members until I realized there is no going back and I needed to get use to my new family. So I tried. And tried. Cried a bit. Tried even harder and finally, I intergrated myself within One Shot and learned to love my girls. The people who take care of me and in return I take care of them.
almost family: It was hard getting along with them. Internally it was even worse. I wanted to trust them. Wanted to allow myself to relax, but I could never stop thinking that whenever they looked at me...they were judging me, deeming me lesser than them. So for a while I shut myself off and refused to speak to any of them. It was only after weeks are prodding and constant questions that I finally spilled all of my feelings and fears to them. They listened. They didn't judge. Didn't speak. And when I was done...they hugged me. Actually hugged me. Only my family had ever hugged me and I was amazed to find...that their hugs felt exactly like a family hug. They were family. And I was family. We were family and I'd never been happier.
ending: Honestly, give her whatever ending you think best suits her. I'm not picky and either way I'll enjoy it. I guess I like leaving the fate of my character in the hands of others~
anthing else: Not that I can see~
comments/questions/concerns: First of all, thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing us to use a character of a different race. I was beginning to get tired of always having to use a Korean face for everything. Secondly, I hope this is acceptable. I would've worked on it even more but my internet might go out and I wanted to finish it before that may happen. Thirdly, thank you for being so incredibly creative and making this type of story instead of one of those girlgroup/boygroup stories that seem to have popped up everywhere~
scene requests: about Zelo and Kailyn going at it, trying to kill each other, which results in an angry kiss followed by shouts of outrage and more attempts to dispatch of the other. Until Kailyn is contacted through her earpiece and ordered to return since they had completed whatever mission they were doing. Kailyn drives her knife into Zelo's arm, kisses his forehead almost sweetly; as if nothing had happened; tells him that she'll see her Baby Jell-O later and quickly leaves.
Other than this scene...I don't have anything else. Go crazy with it~



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