Reason why Power has to be one of my favourite B.A.P songs

1. The main reason: I feel like Himchan and Jongup get decent parts- and let me stress decent- they usually get the smallest parts when I believe they have such strong voices. Maybe not as strong or powerful as the other members but they are definitely not appreciated enough. (No Mercy gives ok parts too, still wish they had more of a chance to show off what they have in other songs though).

I wish they all got at least a couple of lines to themself, or even a little solo section. Zelo and Bang are the most appreciated members, more than likely because of their Never Give Up debut. Daehyun and Youngjae have some of the most beautiful voices I have heard in kpop, they are pure and sweet but also powerful and strong. They have such talent that I feel Himchan and Jongup are a little overlooked. Himchan's voice is epic, so deep and rough and it's like the sess when I hear it-if you know what I mean.

Also, dancers- I don't understand you kpop choreographers. Jongup is the dancer, so why doesn't he get more time to show it off? Ok, I know he does get dance sections, but this happens with so many groups- the dancers are put in the background or in the back for the entire song until they get a little dancey part. I didn't mind this until I discovered my two babies-Changjo from Teen Top and Jongup the DaDaMato :3


Exscuse this rant, it makes no sense. I realise they get fair parts, don't hurt me. I just like my bias and I want to see more of my babies :3

It's hard when your bias is one of the less popular idols in a group, for e.g:

Changjo- Teen Top

CNU-  B1A4

Himchan and Jongup- B.A.P (yes, they have fans.....but admit it, not as many and Bang as Noodle head :3 )



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Omg I. Adore. Crazyno. He's amazing! <3 And you are right about Himchan and Jongup; I hope they get more solos and time to shine. My B.A.P feels.....I just love them.<3
crazyno??! is he good? omg he was born in melbourne? the guy hopefully speaks perfect english ^^yay
yeah you are totally right. himchan and jungup had pretty acceptable lines in oneshot but for himchan's bad luck, he broke his fingers....
If you notice that the main dancers in exo are always seen and they just stand and dance in the front like lay and kai. Kai is the main dancer in exo and it seems that sm for the first time appreciated that.. Unlike bap which are my bias. we always see Jungup at the back while Bang in most of the times in the front dancing. Also Himchan is such an amazing rapper....
If we also go to btob we can see also that some members are being sort of forgetton.