matchmaker jr. application-Primrose0930


CHARACTER NAME; Bang min jung




NAME:  bANG Min jung
NICKNAME(S): min or minnie. all of her friend call her min because it's shorter than Min jung not to mention Min Jung prefers being called Min. Minnie is reserved for her parents and her best friend.
AGE: 18
BIRTHDATE: 09/30/94
LANGUAGES:  Korean-Fluent, English-Fluent, French-conversational, Japanese-Basic
ETHNICITY: Half korean and Half American

PICTURE LINKS: 1  2  3  4
PICTURE LINKS: 1  2   3   4
CASUAL OUTFIT: 1  2   3  4
DATE/FORMAL: 1   2   3   4
WEATHER-RELATED:  1   2   3   Scarf   Hat  Mittens Umbrella
HOME/PAJAMAS: 1   2   3   4
BEACH: (1 while wearing this)  (2 while wearing this


PLOTLINE APPLYING FOR:  The Fearless nanny
Min has a sort of split personality. She's not that good girl one minute than bad the next, it's more of a quiet and shy persoality when you meet her and then crazy and wild once you know her. Min is always terrified of being judged by strangers or her firends, hence her rather shy and reserved personality once you first meet her. She doesn't exactly know why she fears being judged, she knows she shouldn't care, but it is mostly because she thinks people will think she is too weird to be around if she is her usual self. Only her family and friends know her true self; childish, crazy, and always laughing. The moment min gets comfortable enough around you, you begin to see she is not as normal as she portrays. shes childish when she wants to be, doing aegyo when she wants something or pretending to be ignoring somone if they make her mad. They also see how care free she can be, at the beach when she chases seagulls around or squeals when she steps into the water. In fact, that is why min interacts with kids so well, because she can get to their eye level and think like them.
But every baby has to grow up eventually. When it comes to family, Min doesn't screw around. The moment you insult or threaten her family, min is all over you, making it very clear that if you mess with her family, you mess with her. min can also be rather clumsy too, always tripping over her own feet or absolutely nothing at all. But she will always scream 'I'm ok!' right after or during her fall. Min is also a hopless romantic. she has these romantic day-dreams that she always gets embarresed of if someone asks her what she's thinking, another reason she acts so shy when she first meets people. When min is in her quiet mode, she speaks so formally that people mistake her for being a foreigner who just learned the language. Because min never had the chance to be a respoinsible adult, the task of watching over her adorable but tempermental niece seemed like the perfect oppertunity that filled her with a sense of bravado and confidence that seemed to shine through.
*The color purple
*sweet foods
*loud music
*babies/ children (not in the pereverted way, she just adores mothering them)
* nail polish/getting her nails done
*cold weather
*narrowminded people
*scary movies
*Playing the piano
* covers with the back of her hand when she laughs
*hides her face when she's embarressed
*always has to help someone with their goal no matter where she is or what she does
* biting her lower lip when she's confused or upset
* glaring at whatever tripped her
*tripping over any and everything
CAREER: College student/ part time coffee barista


BACKGROUND: Min has always been the baby. From the moment she was born she was seen as dainty and doll like because of her petite size and pretty looks. she spent most of her life traveling between Korean and America, never settleing down for long due to her father's hectic and rather demanding job. It is also because of her constant moving that Min has never gotten the opportunity to show how responsible she could truly be. Although she embraced her parents love and generosity towards her, Min had longed to grow up just a little bit and show how mature and responsible she is. It wasn't until Min was 7 did her family finally settle in incheon.
Bang jihoo/49/ father/ brain surgeon/  oc/ jihoo has always seen min as his baby and only a baby, the very thought ot his youngest daughter growing up or even dating makes him anxious. he constantly works hard so min won't have to. he tries his hardest for his entire family and will do anything to make them happy. He's usually calm and level-headed in most situations, but when it comes to his youngest, he will raise hell if t means keeping her safe
Bang Eun Ae/ 45/ mother/ stay at home mother/ oc/ Eun ae has always seen min as a fragile doll, too fragile to do anything but study or sit diwn and look pretty. she deeply cares and gaurds Min, but is usually over protective and constantly worried. but she has all the right intentions.
bang nana/ 27/ older sister/ veterinarian/oc/ Nana and min have always had a decent reltionship, they fought a ton when they were children, and even to this day they don't see eye to eye on all matters, but they trust and love each other no matter what.
Jung Rye/29/ Brother-in-law/ lawyer/ oc/ Rye and Nana have been married for 5 years, and he always treats Min like a princess, mostly to make sure she likes him and approves of his marriage to her older sister. he always treats her like she's as young as Inso, but with more mature taste.
BEST FRIEND: ying victoria (vic) /18/ college student/ oc/ these two literally refer to eachother as twins seperated at the womb. they share the same interests, hobbies, and yes, even thoughts. there isn't a single things these girls don't know about each other, they know the other better than they know themselves.
sulli/19/college student and model/ idol/ sulli and min will always find something to talk about, and when they do, they talk for hours. they're not as chummy and min and victoria, but they always get along and even have friendly competetion.
Kevin/ 20/ college student and part music employee/ idol/ Kevin and min have that weird romantic/couple kind of relationship without having any romantic interest in each other. they feel very comfortable around one another, but that doesn't mean that they don't harass or prank each other when they have the chance.
krystal/ 19/ college student and part time store clerk/ idol/ Krystal has her heart set on getting Taemin/L, and she has been for the past 3 years. she also thinks min is a big fake when she acts polite and sweet infront of strangers. But she mostly hates her because min (being the clutz she is) knocked into krystal in the cafeteria, spilling food all over her and causing her public humiliation./ krsytal has a dry sense of humor, but she has never been that cruel. although its true Krystal has a tendancy to be moody, she does have her moments of kindness.
BIRTHDATE: July 15, 2009
BABY ULZZANG: Lauren Lunde
ULZZANG LINKS: 1   2   3   4
CASUAL ATTIRE: 1  2   3   4
SLEEPWEAR: 1  2   3
HOW THE BABY ACTS AROUND YOU: Cho Hee and Min usually have a pretty casual relationship. Cho Hee thinks of Min as her unnie rather than aunt, which is why she shows her temper more often than she should.
HOW THE BABY ACTS AROUND YOUR LOVE INTEREST: Cho Hee acts like an 'unnie'. she'd always say 'You like unnie, right?" You'll take good care of unnie, right?" "I'll hurt you if you make unnie cry!"
HOW THE BABY ACTS AROUND ANYONE ELSE: Cho Hee is a little angel when it comes to strangers, that's how she lures them into her trap. when she's comfortable enough around them, she goes all wild and crazy on them, racing around the place and pulling (Harmless) pranks on all her babysitters and family members.


AGE/BIRTHDATE: July 15th, 1993
CAREER: College student and part time model
PERSONALITY:  Taemin is the school's playboy. There isn't a single girl in school he hasnt dated, except for min and Victoria. he has a cool and almost uncaring exterior, but on the outside, he is warm and loving. He acts mysterious and distant to strangers mostly to keep up with his 'y' and 'cool' image of a playboy, but thats just to hide is gooey and pver protective interior. Taemin loves acting cute and care free and being able to act childish when he wants, but because of his handsome looks, Taemin has to act mature and stiff. He is also unbelievably stubborn and a bit of a smart-, but that only adds to the fun.
RELATIONSHIP: These two are basically strangers. Taemin has the reputation of a playboy and min doesn't know him too well, so she acts very formal and shy around him, especially when she recognizes him as her sunbae.
HOW DID/WILL YOU MEET?: Min and Cho Hee were at a nearbye park, playing on the playground. they were about to have lunch when the ice cream truck came down the street. Cho Hee wanted some but min knew Cho Hee wasn't supposed to have sugary foods, so when she told her 'no', she threw a temper tantrum, and min couldn't console her. that's when Taemin shows up. He had been walking to work when he saw the ice cream truck and heard the commotion. He managed to convice Cho Hee to calm down.
AGE/BIRTHDATE: March 13, 1992- age 20
CAREER: College student and part time music store attendant
PERSONALITY: L is a laid back kind of guy. he has never seen the point of races or competition. it's that kind of cool and calm personality that made most girls fall for him.  He's peaceful and usually never shouts, but when it comes to his friends, family, and especially his girlfriend, L shows his over protective nature and tough side. It's only with the people he trusts most will he do his aegyo, something he is constantly made fun of for because its a complete contradiction to his serious playboy image.
RELATIONSHIP: Same as with Taemin, because he is the play boy and Min is shy, the two are complete strangers/
HOW DID/WILL YOU MEET?: Cho Hee and min were taking a walk downtown to go window shopping. when they passed a toy store, she began to cry and beg for the toy doll she saw in the window, but min wouldn't buy it for her because she already had a toy that was similiar to the one she wanted. when Cho Hee began to throw her tantrum, L (whose music store was right next to the toy store) came out to see why she was crying and was able to calm Cho Hee down.

COMMENTS: I'm sorry i went overboard with links T.T i get in to images and clothing so easily! 
SCENE REQUESTS: Can you do a scene where Min and her love interest go to the beach, and someone mistakes them for being a family or he has to putsunscreen on her back because she can't reach it?
OTHER: Bubbly



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