People -_-

So this is me being rather angry right now...if you are against gays please do not read this because i don't wanna start anything..I am just really mad and want to rant. 

GAH! So i knew this was coming I really did. One of my friends happens to be against gays and I find it very sad and maddening at the same time. In my eyes it is not right to tell someone that they cannot love someone else. HOW IS THAT RIGHT?! PLEASE GIVE ME A LEGIT REASON!! Besides the bible (sorry to those who believe in god but i am not religious so i don't believe in god sorry if that makes me a horrible person) to tell me why being gay is so "wrong". 


My best friend happenes to be gay and he is one of my favorite people in the world! He is so funny and cheerful. Seriously I could never look at him and say "i think you are wrong and distgusting." That just sounds so heart breakingly horrible to me. Gays should have just as much rights as we do. I feel proud to live in a state that has said "Look we don't care who you marry, you should be allowed to marry whoever." Although I am not proud of my town for how anti-gay they all have to be! 


I mean it's hard enough being a teenager as it is. You are finding out who you are and trying new things. Attacking people on who they are or who they are trying to come to terms with is not okay in my book. You don't know how much gay people or people in general have to go through being picked at all their lives for who they are or what they did. You don't know how hard it is. I think every teenager has struggled with their ualtiy at one point or another. Don't why I'm about to admit this to people I don't really know...but for some reason I think you guys are super accepting, I know I've struggled. I honestly don't think being gay is wrong, no i don't believe I'm gay...I honestly just don't know. I think girls are cute but would i ever date one? I don't know...Wow. I've never really told anyone that besides one person. 


Honestly it really breaks me apart when people bash gay's. Leave them alone. What if it was the other way around? What if gay was what people believed to be "normal" and straight was the "wrong"? How would you like to be picked at by not just one person but millions of people? I don't think you would. I think gays are right. And honestly i don't think I should have to say that either. I shouldn't have to say I support them because they should ALL ALREADY HAVE OUR SUPPORT. Sorry for the rant I was just super mad. And gah...i don't know...:/. It's tough being a teenager but to all those who have a hard time gay or not, it'll get better :). 


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elisaexplosive #1
I'm gay and came out to my close family and friends.
I'm one of those people who have to deal with homophobia. My older brother refuses to accept my existence; he refuses my being and doesn't talk to me. Sometimes he walks right through me, as if I'm not even in the room. He also doesn't want to sit at the same table as I am.

I know that sometimes we need to respect others' opinions, but... that opinion is...just pure evil!

I'm over it though, I mean, I was upset at first
popmy3 #2
No your right, I was raised as a catholic, my entire family was, but I have 2 gay brother, and we accept as they are. I go to a catholic high school and we have tons if gay and lesbian students and we accept. Why should your uality determine if your a good person or not
popmy3 #3
No your right, I was raised as a catholic, my entire family was, but I have 2 gay brother, and we accept as they are. I go to a catholic high school and we have tons if gay and lesbian students and we accept. Why should your uality determine if your a good person or not