Jiyeon Profile

Stage name: Jiyeon

Date of debut: march 23 2013

Debut song: Lost in you

Birth name: Yoo jiyeon

Date of Birth: Nov-8-1996

Place of Birth: California

Hometown: California

Height: 163

Weight: 47kg

specialities: singing, dancing

Languages Spoken: Englsih (fluent), Korean (fluent)

Horoscope: Leo

Music Genres: Pop, dance, electropop, electronica, R&B, ballad

Hobbies:Dancing, Singing, Gymnastics, and Piano/Guitar

Habits: Biting her lips when nervous

Fan Club Name: Cuties

Fan club color: pink
Trainee years: 3
Trainers: Girls Generation Tiffany


* SM Entertainment (Korea)



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