Would you mind helping OCM get promoted?

Hi there~~~~


I was wondering if you would be so kind to help me promote my story, One Clingy Monkey by donating karma points?

I know, I'm shameless, right?

Well, seeing the previous bids, I know I'll need at least 5000 points which is humongous and I'm not even halfway through gathering the points xD


So, if you think my story deserves to be advertised, or if you simply like me and are willing to help me out, then I'd greatly accept your karma donations xD

Any amount is fine, really! I don't know if I'll know if you've given me karma, because I think no one gave me points before, so please notify me if you're doing so, so that I can properly thank you ^_^

And if my story ever gets promoted and it helps me gain more subs and thus more karma, I'll pay you back =)



/shameless beggar mode: OFF/







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So I gave like 200 I know it's not much but hope it helps ^^
I donated 1000, hoped that helped ^^