My time on AFF is over

Hello everyone,


The time has come for me to say goodbye. At least goodbye to AFF.

I've been thinking for some time now about leaving this site, because it no longer corresponds to what I look for in a fanfiction community.

I will take down all my works here and even though my profile will probably still be active, I won't post anything on here from today onwards. Several stories won't be available to read any longer, that is my choice, and I would like you to respect it. Some stories will be reposted after revising on my other platforms, and some won't, ever.

Please don't make this harder for me by asking me to put my stories up again, because I won't, and it will make me feel guilty and sad.


There are some other things that I would like people to respect once the stories are taken down:

- No repost of any of my stories, available or not, is allowed.

- No translation of my works in any language is allowed.

- All the previous translations to my works that I allowed should be taken down.

- No reproduction or adaptation (podfic, film, etc.), of any kind, of my works is allowed.


If you see some of my stories posted outside of AO3 and LJ and by someone else, please let me know.

If there are still people trying to repost my fics after that, I will be deeply hurt and disappointed.


I would like to thank everyone who took a moment to read this post, everyone who read my stories, commented them and talked to me via AFF. This site allowed me to make myself a space in the huge community that is the EXO ficdom, and for that, I'll always be grateful.

This site also allowed me to make great friends through the love of my OTP, a.k.a. BaekYeol, and I'm extremely happy I know them today.


Good news is that I won't stop writing BaekYeol / EXO and I won't stop posting my fics. Just, not here.

If you still want to talk to me or still want to read what I write, you're welcome to visit my AO3 profile. I'm @0winterchild on Twitter, feel free to follow me and talk to me (I'm most active on Twitter tbh).


Thank you for your support, thank you for your friendship and love.


Till next time,


-- P_N, Alice



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I'm glad you won't stop writing ChanBaek hehehe... Good luck with everything. ^^
Awwww. Good luck in ur future endavours
Lovex2712 #3
Bon voyage friend!
popmy3 #4
I'm sad to see you go, but if this makes you happy than who am I to stop you from doing what pleases you're heart. Take care and don't me a stranger ^_^
audbear #5

*in a somewhat nonstalkerish way*
musicislikemagic #6
As long as u don't stop writing and posting baekyeol fics, I won't be sad and I will follow u where u are going.for a moment I thought u would stop writing and disappear T___T I'm glad u won't.