✈fly to the sky ― (last name, first name)

delete all notes, but don't delete this one (it'll screw up the layout). Replace the picture to the right with a picture of your ulzzang; height is 210px. Font: Arial; Font Size: 11px.
(last name, first name)

name you would like to be called by:


name: (preferably asian, but if you wish for english names, put it in this format: Jung 'Jessica' Sooyeon)
nicknames: (optional. state who calls her that and how she got it)
date of birth & age: (please make it reasonable. minimum age is 22)
ethnicity: (at least half asian)
birth place & hometown: (where she was born & where she currently resides)
language: (it's understandable if she knows a few languages, since she does work in an airport. however, that is not a go ahead to make her know like 7 languages, since that's unrealistic. state the fluency level)


ulzzang: (don't use young looking ulzzangs. make it match her personality, ie. don't use a cute ulzzang if she has a badass personality, and vice versa. jung minhee is taken)
images: (3+ HQ links or a link to a gallery)
backup ulzzang:
backup images: (same as above)
height & weight:
appearance: (briefly describe what she looks like. like hair, tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, scars, etc.)
style: (what she wears when not working. include things like airport fashion, formal wear, party outfits, etc. describe in words, pictures, or both.


personality: (wow me. be detailed and descriptive. quality over quality. be creative and unique and try to create a character you would want to read about)
likes: (4+)
dislikes: (4+)
hobbies: (2+)
habits: (3+)
trivia: (unlimited. anything else that's interesting? anything I might need to know about her?)



father | name | age | 4 + personality traits | alive/deceased
mother | name | age | 4 + personality traits | alive/deceased
brother/sister | name | age | 4 + personality traits | alive/deceased

(no idol siblings. delete if she's an only child. copy and paste if more than one sibling)

background: (describe her family lifestyle; how she got to where she is, if they were rich or poor or middle class. include how her family acts around each other. basically, it's just her life in the past. doesn't have to be long, but 1+ paragraphs)
lifestyle: (her current life. who does she live with? where? is she rich, poor, middle class? briefly describe. 1+ paragraphs)


occupation: (choose from; flight attendant; ground attendant; security; air traffic controller; or food service worker. state whether she is training or not)
backup occupation:

name | age | occupation | 4+ personality traits | are they best friends, just friends, coworkers, or does she absolute despise them?
name | age | occupation | 4+ personality traits | are they best friends, just friends, coworkers, or does she absolute despise them?
name | age | occupation | 4+ personality traits | are they best friends, just friends, coworkers, or does she absolute despise them?
name | age | occupation | 4+ personality traits | are they best friends, just friends, coworkers, or does she absolute despise them?
name | age | occupation | 4+ personality traits | are they best friends, just friends, coworkers, or does she absolute despise them? 

(maximum is 5. delete extra fields you don't need. list who she works with, basically. she doesn't need to like them. choose from master list, but pay attention to see if the people you've chosen are already assigned a job, ie. victoria - flight attendant supervisor. you can change their ages. do not include exo)

how did she get into this occupation: (what made her want to work in an airport? explain how and why)
does she like her job and does she like working in an airport: (yes or no? briefly explain why also)


(delete sections that aren't part of your occupation. answer in your character's POV. be creative and make it fit your character's personality!)

flight attendants
what would you do if someone was being rude or inappropriate towards you or your coworkers?:
how you you react in the event of an emergency?:
if you could say anything to any of the pilots, what would it be and who would it be towards?:

ground attendants
what would you do if you had to find a child who was lost in the airport?:
what would you do if someone's plane was about to depart and yet they were still on the other side of the airport?:
if you were on break and you saw someone needing assistance, would you help them?:

if a fangirl were to get out of line and started to stalk one of the pilots, how would you get rid of her (or would you join her)?:
in the event of someone breaching security, how would you react?:
what is the weirdest thing you've confiscated from a passenger's bag?:

air traffic controller
how do you deal the with stress of dealing with hundreds of planes everyday?:
what would say if, for example, Kris were to be snarky and rude to you over the radio? would you be polite about it or would you be sarcastic to him?:
does being as smart as you come with disadvantages (or are you not smart at all and just somehow made it as an ATC)?:

food service worker
how would you react if someone made you cook up an elaborate and special meal, but then left before you could give it to them?:
would you give special treatment to the pilots, like letting them cut in line, or do you not care who they are at all?:
what's the meanest thing a customer has done or said to you? what's the meanest thing you've ever done or said to a customer?:

(all applicants must answer the next two questions, still answer in her POV)

who's the pilot you like the most, and/or who you are the most friendly with?: (does not have to be your love interest)
who do you like the least?:


love interest: (choose from EXO. Kris is taken)
backup love interest:
personality traits: (4+ traits. most of his personality is already decided, however, please still tell me a few traits you would like him to have. or you could describe it if you want. look to the first chapter if you need help. feel free to create a whole new personality if you really want)
relationship: (what is her and her love interest's personality like? is it a love/hate, flirty, awkward, friends with benefits? describe how they act around each other. please be detailed and explain how they would treat each other on a daily basis)

rival: (optional. choose from masterlist. can be a love rival/work rival or whatever)
name | age | occupation (does not have to work in the airport) | 4+ personality traits | why are you rivals?


scene suggestions: (go crazy. make them funny, sad, cute, fluffy, romantic, dramatic, angsty - whatever. i won't promise i'll use all of them, but here's the go ahead to put down anything)



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hello! i finished the app before the deadline! i didn't need the extension after all c:
i hope it's to your standards! i apologize if it's kinda really long .__.
and sorry for taking so long on it!

oh god i'm doneee /flips tables
i hope you will like it teehee ; ;
here goes nothing~
I know, it's really bad and scattered, but... I tried T.T
It pales so badly in comparison to the others though. /cries/
Pretty sure I won't get picked.
I think even if I'm not, I'll still read it, because exo + crack = best medicine xD
Hehe, i finally accomplished the application !
Please check it out, I a bit so feel free to tell me what's wrong, I'll change it immediately !
after a thousand years!
oh god I'm sorry it took so long but after you announced the deadline I decided to just sit down for a couple hours and finish it!
Hey Hey ^^

It was fun to fill in this app; here is Moon Hwa Young maybe a future Food service worker ^^

hello hello! i finally finished the app~
so i present to you:
xi yulin, applying for the ground attendant position!
( http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/448993 )

thank you!
done with my application.
hope you like it c:

Edited my app!
I changed the ulzzang to: Lee So Ah
I realized I missed 2 of the questionaire ones.
So I filled them out real quickly! ; u;

( http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/446244 )
Hopefully I will apply by Sunday and live UR teasers XDDDD can't wait for more :D
i'm done.
hope you like it...even though i don't.
me ish done!!! yesh. and i copied and pasted the personality but i will probably rewrite it soon. hope you dn't mind.
paperboat- #14
Phew, I'm done!
Here's my app:

Hope you like it :)