✈fly to the sky — ( cha eunsun )



fly to the sky



( cha eunsun )



know your name


username: HaeKyung

name you would like to be called by: Dani is fine!



scream my name


charatcer's name: Cha Eunsun


sunnie » a given nickname her step-mother uses. dislikes it because it is much
too childish, and it's not a name often used unless her step-mother wants something.

dragon lady » the little nickname tao gave her because she's always "breathing fire"
(losing her temper) at other people, because she's easily annoyed.

date of birth & age: (12/12/1990) age 22

ethnicity: full korean

birth place & hometown: Seoul, South Korea

languages: Korean [Fluent], English [Intermediate], French [Basic]



look at me


ulzzang: Lee So Ah

images:  | |

backup ulzzang: Lee Eunhye (Jung Roo)

backup images:  |

height & weight: 163 cm, 53 kg

appearance: Eunsun has a strong, womanly apperance. She's of an average height and size, and has a very simple
feel to her. She isn't supermodel worthy, but she's pretty no doubt. Her hair goes past the shoulders, and has dark brown eyes.
It isn't so often that she wear much makeup though, and prefers to stay indoors above all else, thus, Eunsun's skin is a little paler
than most. Her hair, although seeminly black, is really just a dark shade of brown, and as easy as it is to work with, her hair is quite
thin, and is most often tied into a high bun (due to requirements), or let loose.

style: Eunsun's sense of fashion is simpiler than others; still womany, but less feminine. She isn't one to wear as many skirts,
besides her work uniform, (if they would have skirts, I suppose?) but she would much rather wear jeans over anything. She
doesn't often wear dresses, unless going somewhere fancy and formal. She's kind of the type to want to wear sweats all day,
but knows enough to know what to where, and when.

links: | | | |



whoz that girl


personality: Though some may call her a dragon-lady, full of murderous intentions and a tongue as sharp as a blade,
Eunsun is, but a woman who just doesn't give a damn. Through history, Eunsun was always known as the tough
woman who held no intentions of anyone looking down upon her. A woman who's confidence was so high, that she'd
stare you down for anything and everything. Someone so powerful, so menacing.. just turns out to be a girl with a
horribly harsh attitude. As it would seem, Eunsun is one of those girls: someone that isn't as easily approachable as
other women would be. She's not that much of a cuddlier, and is most certainly not as friendly as most would be.
Fact is, Eunsun has a really short temper. She's a woman who obeys her own rules, and doesn't take no for
an answer. She just grew up to be a little more wordy, and less softer than other girls.

With that explosive attitude of hers, Eunsun isn't one to have that many companions, her words taking all fault of her
non-socialization. It isn't because she doesn't like you (although, perhaps she does, since she obviously isn't a people
person), but it would be because she just can't keep her temper. There are tiny things that get her irritated, and she
usually can't help, but critisize such things. As much as she would try to put things in the nicest way possible, her words
come out more.. hurtful than meaning to. She's still able to put things politely (to children, and elderlies perhaps), but
if you're a teenager, or perhaps someone ranging of a closer age, you'd better run boy, because the girl's ready to
pounce at every stupid, little action you decide to take upon, because she knows that if you're responsible, you should
at least know right from wrong at your age. She will take no excuses. Picture a strong, lecturing mother! Pfft-

Though often, this woman gets on a lot of people's nerves, there's a side to her that rarely anyone sees. A side that is
gentle, softer and a little more respected. Although she does lash out unexpectedly, she holds a side to her that just
wants things done right. As much as she would try to tell you, "Please, be careful next time! You'll get someone hurt!",
it's almost as if she automatically reforms to it as "Think a little, you idiot! Are you trying to ing kill someone?!".
For a girl like Eunsun, it's almost impossible to put things nicely when you already have troubles not wanting to scream
at you.. but, if you have patience, and you learn to know her a little, she'll become the charming woman that not many
get to see. So, she can be a little sarcastic, maybe absentmindedly rude, but overall, she can be a nice girl. Just show her
how you want to be treated. You just gotta be, I don't know, a little persistant, and show her a little love.


  • coffee ¦ her energy source
  • sleeping in
  • strawberry yogurt ¦ easy, tasty and portable
  • barbeque [mainly meat]
  • RAIN [popular soloist]
  • books [favorite genre: romance] ¦ may not seem like the type of person, but she is.
  • men who are loyal and devoted ¦ though, not someone to say she has a type, she does.



  • being corrected ¦ likes to be right and in charge
  • certain types of beer ¦ can only handle so much
  • waking up early
  • orange juice ¦ grew up not liking it
  • crowds ¦ loud and annoying and asdfghjk--
  • getting her picture taken ¦ says she isn't photogenic
  • skinship ¦ feels uncomfortable


  • reading ¦ something she does during her spare time
  • writing [on hiatus] ¦ used to write and try to submit novels. not as often, anymore.
  • watching korean dramas ¦ wishes life was as perfect as a drama.


  • doesn't hold a proper diet, and eats mostly take-out
  • skips breakfast, and sometimes eating
  • lacks sleep
  • sleeps late + stays up late
  • cracks knuckles
  • over-thinks
  • pinching the bridge of her nose when stressed
  • drinks too much coffee


  • has a very big fear of dogs ¦ bad childhood experience
  • isn't a very good singer
  • not a strong drinker, and gets drunk easily
  • is a fan of RAIN ¦ grew up with this singer.
  • camera shy
  • eats a lot of take-out ¦ mainly pizza or chinese food
  • addicted to coffee/caffine
  • aspired to be a writer, but gave up mid-way
  • has tried submitting stories, but failed multipule times
  • can eat spicy foods ¦ actually really, really eats spicy food well
  • snorts when she laughs
  • holds a secret love for romance





father | cha hunwoo | 53 | strict, critical, masterful, blunt | alive

step-mother | jang hyemi | 51 | conceited, twofaced, cruel, tempermental | alive

mother | cha eunji | 52 | kind, sympathetic, sweet, generous | deceased

older sister | cha eunjung | 24 | mature, admirerable, kind, quiet | alive


Raised somewhere in the middle of Seoul, and being born into a middle-class family, where they would only
buy what's needed rather than wanted. Often, things would be bought as prizes and awards, but between
the two sisters of the Cha family, Eunsun was one who didn't often recieve as many, Eunsun was raised in
a strict manner; having lost her mother at a young age, Eunsun grew up with no other then a critical father,
a of a step-mother, and a kind, but too perfect older sister. Being the youngest among them all, Eunsun
was always treated differently, especially since she was the only one opposed to her father's remarrige.
Through most of her childhood, Eunsun was usually often compared to her perfect, goody-goody sister,
Eunjung. Eunjung, the pretty and wonderful elder, sister that everyone loved - while there was Eunsun,
the tomboyish, little that no one acknowledged. But, this was certainly untrue. Eunsun's scores
were always at the top of her grade, but her parents never payed much attention to her as they did to her
sister. Why was that? Because Eunsun wasn't as beautiful as she? Wasn't as elegant?.. No. It was because
they had high expectations for their eldest daughter. Expectations that Eunjung would become the greatest,
most perfect woman alive. Eunsun, on the other hand, apparently didn't have the potential; Eunsun was
often scolded for never being able to be as bright as Eunjung, was. Always getting compared, and being
told how she'd end up worthless and un-employed. How she was unable to become someone great. But,
Eunsun, being the prideful girl she was, wouldn't take that into mind. One day, she would show them that
she could be better than anyone.. she'd just have to start from scratch.

lifestyle: One reaching the age of 19, she immediately moved out of her once, middle-class home, and
moved herself farther and deeper into the lively, and active city of Seoul. She currently lives in an average a
partment, where the rent is cheap and easy to spend for. But, as hard as she works, she often spends more
money on take-out, rent, bills and etc, rather than actually buying anything fancy for herself.



i'm still fly


occupation: Air Traffic Controller [not in training]

backup occupation: Ground Attendant [not in training]


Lee Taemin | 21 | Air Traffic Controller | friendly, caring, overreactive, cute | The relationship between the two is a little on
and off. For Eunsun, she thinks of Taemin nothing more than just a clingy, little dongsaeng, of a coworker who just loves
to chit-chat-chat-chat-chat. While, dear little, bubbly Tae is always happy to see his noona. Taemin is an observer, so he
can easily read his peers, mainly inside and out. He cares a bunch for his noona, and really likes taking care of her. Often,
Eunsun will just give into his presistance, because Tae is just so innocent. So, their quite good friends, even if Eunsun is
always scolding him for the mistakes her coworker makes.

Woo "Zico" Jiho | 24 | Security | presistant, childish, blunt, rebelious  | Woo Jiho is one of the security guards that just really,
really, really, REALLY loves to bug Eunsun. His reasons being unknown, for he's the type to play pranks and such. Eunsun
is quite unfond of this boy - her reasons being because he is often playing around the Air Traffic house than actually doing
his job as a security guard. Jiho, or, who he likes to be referred to as "Zico", will always comply that he is guarding the
Air Traffic Controllers, and is making sure no bad guy of some sort bursts in. Taemin is the only one who is able to get Zico
into actually doing what he should, since the two are close friends as well.

Ham Eunjung | 24 | Air Traffic Controller | quiet, polite, hardworking, observant. | A girl who is new to the EXO airports, and
has been working with Taemin and Eunsun for a little over than a week now. She and Eunsun don't hold much of a
relationship, let along able to hold a simple conversation. Eunsun doesn't think of Eunjung as much, than a girl having the
same name as her sister. Overall, the two don't have that much of a relationship, so nothing more than just coworkers for now.

how did she get into this occupation: This job was most certainly not what she had intended. She previously dreamt of
becoming an author of some sort, writing sick romances, or angsty dramas- but, no. An air traffic controller she became,
and it wasn't a choice she would have wanted to take. Who father being a pilot, step mother a flight attendant, and her
sister soon following into her parent's foot-steps, Eunsun was forced upon this job - the lowest one at that - for becoming
a silly little writer, was not going to be tolerated.

does she like her job, and does she like working in the airport: No. Eunsun doesn't like her job for many reasons. One,
being due to the fact that this job was forced upon her. She hates having to wake up early morning, and spend late
nights talking into nothing but, a flimsy little mic, that sometimes maufunctions during the process of actions. She hates
having to deal with the pressue of guiding a plane full of babies, childrean, adults, eldery, pets, and pentiful lives into
the depths of the sky. She hates it when the obnoxious pilots make unessecary jokes and comments about her voice,
or lectures, and really doesn't like having to deal with them every single, freaking day of her life. She hates sitting in a
chair, doing almost nothing while she waits for the next flight to be taken off. In all honestly, she really hates this job,
but as long as it pays, and as long as it gives her the slightest bit of recognition from her family, she's willing to keep it
because perhaps someday, she'll be able to move of from it (and her dream) and start a better.



fly with me

air traffic controller: 

how do you deal with the stress of dealing with hundreds of planes everyday?: 
.. Oh, that's an easy question. Totally not something personal, right? Well, whatever.. uhm.
Well, I usually just listen to my ipod. (shrugs) Close my eyes, sit, maybe read, or something..
It usually depends. I can deal with it many different ways, maybe even just.. hitting.. someone.
(koffkoffkoff) Yeah.. but, I think the easiest way is just for me to go on long walks. Drink some
coffee, perhaps.. usually at night, or when my shifts are over, since it's kind of quieter then..

what would you say if, for example, Kris were to be snarky and rude to you over the radio?
would you be polite about it, or would you be sarcastic to him?:
Ha. (scoffs a little) Well, monkey see, monkey do, right? As much as I'd like to stay content
about it, Kris is a real pain in the . Ugh, that Panda is too.. (sighs, pinching the bridge
of her nose)
But, honestly what kind of questionaire is this? I don't even.. do you always
ask these questions?

does being as smart as you come with disadvantages (or are you not smart at all and just somehow making it as an ATC)?: 
.. uh, I suppose they do? How would I know? I wouldn't call myself Einstein or anything, but
if I'd have to put it in some ways, than yes. People expect so much from you.. it's so.. so-
ugh. Like, seriously, you come to me for you problems? Don't know how to push a stupid,
little button?.. Aish, it's just- whatever. I really don't have time for something like this, now
if you'd excuse me.. (stands up, and prepares to leave)

who's the pilot you like the most, and/or who are you most friendly with?
In all honestly, I'm not on very good terms with the pilots. In fact, I've barely held a
conversation with any of them. Besides, Kris and Zitao, that is. Those idiots.. always-

(huffs) I haven't really gotten close to any of the pilots yet to determind whether I can
accept them or not.. right now, I might just dislike them all. (
she shrugs)

who do you like the least?
Again. I haven't really gotten to know everyone yet. So, I can't say I like someone the
least persay.. but, if I were to choose.. it'd be Zitao. He just has this.. attitude. (
ball into fists, as she sighs, all exasperated)
I'm pretty sure he gets it from Kris. I'd
like it if you'd add him to the list, too. I'd be happy if the list stayed at two, es.
I really don't need anymore idiots, invading my personal space.



love style


love interrest: Huang Zitao [Exo-M]

backup love interest: Oh Sehun [Exo-K]

personality traits: He's a little persistant about things, like, he's always pushing things onto you until he
gets what he wants, or you do as he tells you. Often though, he'll use his aegyo, because as childish
as he is, he just wants to do things the easy way. But, although cute in a way, he's still kind of greedy,
and doesn't think much of others at times, although he is always scolded by his hyungs for doing so.
But, even when he does what he does to get things moving at his own pace, he's a gentle creature,
besides the intimidating apperance. When you get to know him, he's playful, and kind - mostly teasing
if he's into you, but since he's such a kid at heart, it's not easy to recognize his feelings towards you.
But, mark my words, because you'd better watch what you say.. sometimes there's a beast beneath
that beauty.

relationship: Between the two, you'd most certainly call it a love-hate relationship. Since the two share such
a similar trait, having such anger issues, the two clash in more ways than one; always fighting to see who's the
more dominant one - who can dominate the other over this, or that. It's almost as if, they act as
rivals, even though their stages are so completely different. While one is too smart for her own good, the
other is too carefree and will not back down a fight. Though, even when the raven is who can easily woop your
, he can't seem to lay a hand on latter. Even towards a girl, he'd at least flick your head at the least, but with
someone so fearsome as Eunsun, he struggles to. Thing is, he finds Eunsun a little different from other
females he has come across. His aegyo is of no use, neither is his overall strength. With this one, he just
can't seem to figure her out.



happy ending


scene suggestions: 

  • tao finishes piloting for the day, and is asked to retrieve something for zico up in the air traffic area,
    where he finds eunsun asleep, looking adorable and blahblahblah. making his heart beat.
    while he watches her, eunsun wakes and their heads clash together.

  • tao and eunsun are bickering over a call during air traffic call, and almost end up delaying
    the whole trip if it weren't for kris lecturing the two of them.

  • eunsun falls ill one day, and when tao sees that it isn't her talking to him during the first morning
    flight, he suddenly has the erge to see her and see how she's doing.

  • the two somehow end up eating dinner somewhere, and they have this one challenge
    to eat the super-spicy, noodle soup. whoever loses during the meal has to grant the other
    a wish, of some sort. asdfghjk--

  • tao gets tickets to RAIN's latest concert of some sort, and invites eunsun to go with him,
    since he found out she was a fan. both of them didn't realize that they were going on a
    date. hurdurdurdur.

annyeonghaseyo! author-nim, I firstly thankyou for looking upon my application! I'm not sure if I've tweaked
your interestest, but I've tried my hardest to make it interesting! although, I do realize it's a bit typical, eunsun
was already originally planned out this way, and when I saw that the air traffic people were kind of asdfghj--
I thought it might have been perfect! but, I can't help, but feel that it's a little typical of a personality, and I'm
just hoping there isn't too many errors with it. ;A; /sadfaec. but, overall, I'm happy that you've read my app'
so far, and I wish you good luck! sorry for adding to your long list of applicants. :'D Thankyou!


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