Cube's CEO

Cube's CEO, Hong Seungseong has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. Basically, the neurons/nerve cells waste away and die, or can no longer send messages to muscles. It keeps progressing until the muscles in the chest stop working and then breathing becomes very hard or even impossible.

It's very rare. We don't know the cause (1 in 10 seems to be genetically related) and we don't have cures. The best we can do is give medicine to prolong life. Most people die within one to four years of being diagnosed. 


You know how YG fans always call Yang Hyunsuk "YG Papa"? Well, Mr. Hong is Cube's father. He debuted and took care of Beast, 4Minute,, BtoB, and Noh Jihoon. Not to mention, he also helped with A Cube so A Pink, Mario, and Huhgak are also affected. I'm sure that all of them care for him very much and this is heartbreaking even just for me, a fan.

But here's the thing: I don't know if this is completely true or not? Employees from Cube have denied it but friends with him have confirmed it.

I know allkpop had an article on it but it's no acessible as I'm writing this. Other websites have also published news about this. Even so, let's hope for his comfort if it's the least we can do. To do more, you can participate in's project for him. I, personally, shall not.

You can read the whole of it on the tumblr link above.

And above even so is a link to information about ALS.


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T-T I sure hope it's not true...if it is, I hope he can fight against it as much as he can.
Yeah, he's taken really good care of all the idols he debuted. Like G.NA mentioned how she lost her father at a young age, so he acts like her father now.
omo ! :( poor him !