★ Gold ☆ Application ★




As an  AFF user

I am: kaykayenoel

Feel free to call me: Katie

About me: Erm, haha, I don't know what to say. I guess you could check out my profile, but overall, I'm your typical seventeen year old girl fighting her way through high school. I'm pretty chill, so feel free to talk to me~!

Activeness scale: At least once a day to look for notifications. c:




The girl in the  MIRROR

Full name: Jang Baek-hyeon (Hanja: 張 白賢) (Hangul: 장 백현)

Surname(s): Jjang, Xiǎobái (Chinese name), Teruko (Japanese name), Cookie, Kkap Baekhui

Date of birth: 14 February 1995

Current height: 167 cm

Current weight: 46 kg

Was born in: Busan, South Korea

Grew up in: Busan, South Korea; Tokyo, Japan; Shanghai, China; Houston, Texas, USA

Languages spoken: Korean (Fluent) - This is her native tongue. Japanese (Conversational) - She studied abroad in Japan for a year in middle school. Chinese (Rudimentary) - She studied abroad in China for three months during middle school. English (Proficient) - She lived in America for one and a half years and has been learning it in school since she was six.

Does she have an accent, compared to a native Seoul speaker? Overall, definitely yes, but it really depends on the situation. When she can focus, her Seoul-Korean is flawless. But, she very easily slips into accent, especially when she's excited. The funny thing is, she might speak with different accents due to her experience living in so many different countries. Most commonly, she'll speak Satori (the Busan dialect), but occasionally, if she gets her languages confused or especially tongue-tied, she might assume an American or Japanese accent.


Ulzzang(or actress, or singer, or idol, or normal girl)’s name: Jang Hae Byeol

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-up ulzzang’s name: Lee Hyang Suk

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3

The way you dress/Style: Quite honestly, her entire wardrobe consists only of comfortable clothes. From oversized tops (way too many to count) to stretchy skinny jeans to her collections of sneakers, she will only wear what looks comfy and practical. Really, things like high heels and most jewelry is borrowed from her friends if she needs them. Her typical outfit consists of skinny jeans, skater shoes or high-tops, and a comfortable top. If she's not already wearing a big and floppy top, it'll usually end up being the sweater, hoodie, jacket, or cardigan that will be oversized. She really likes big things because the sleeves will go over her hands and she can play with them if she gets bored. She hasn't actually worn a skirt or a dress in years, so when she needs to dress formally, the outfit will most likely be a classy blouse, dark jeans or leggings, and possibly borrowed heels. For sleeping, she wears massively over-sized shirts or sweaters with normal pajama pants. Jewelry, if it's even worn, is kept to a minimum, and her hair is short enough that she doesn't have to do anything but pull a comb through it. Her style can be thought of as funky at times, although she never really tries to make it that way. She just grabs something and wears it, whether it's a sponsored designer tee or her brother's six-year-old sweatshirt from high school. If her style were to be summarized in one word, that word would have to be tomboy.

  • Everyday (1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5)
  • Formal (1 | 2 | 3)
  • Sleepwear (1 | 2)

Personality: She's that fun, spunky, eternally-hyper girl that strives to befriend all of the new kids. Because of her horrible experience with her homeroom coming into highschool, she doesn't want anyone else to go through what she had to go through. Outgoing but incredibly boyish, she has a hard time making many female friends simply because she can't relate to them. Sure, she might pretend to listen, but on things like clothes and boys, she's a fish out of water. Sports and video games. Now those are things she knows about. She likes to make games and competitions out of menial tasks to liven things up a bit, and most would agree that she's the moodmaker of the group. People say that she always seems rushed, and that couldn't be more true. Always on the move, she's not only rushed, but messy and hot-headed too. She probably won't think through something before she does it and that can get her in a lot of trouble. Still, she won't shy away from standing up for a friend in need. Stubborn and a hard worker, she insists on seeing things through until the end. To this point, she can get a bit obsessive, and she won't resist putting her all in everything partakes in. Witty, mischevious, and creative, she is the epitome of a trickster and loves to prank and joke around with everyone. She's not all that big on emotional heart-to-hearts either, mostly opting for a more efficient method instead. Through this, she can be rather blunt, although she never tries to hurt anyone. Some people might find her upbeat personality tiring to keep up with or annoying, and there are few people that can actually make her serious.

Still, there's another side to Baekhui that very few people ever see. In fact, Baekhui is very self-concious and easily hurt. She blames herself for anything that goes awry, but hardly takes credit when things go right. It's difficult for her to express her true feelings and will only do so with her closest friends. To others, she'll maintain an upbeat exterior even if on the inside, she feels the complete opposite. And even with the friends she trusts the most, Baekhui won't ever cry in front of them. She doesn't want to be a burden to others and finds it hard to ask for help. As a small child, she'd been afraid of strangers, and even now it makes her nervous to stand before a crowd. And although she might be fearless when standing up for her friends, it's almost impossible for her to stand up for herself. In reality, Baekhui is a big scaredy-cat, although she works hard to prove that she's not and will get upset if you suggest otherwise. Still, she fears spiders the most, as she finds them creepy and is allergic to their bite.

Though she doesn't look it, Baekhui is possibly the most innocent girl you'll ever meet, particularly when it comes to love. Having never loved anyone before (or even had a crush), she would definitely start avoiding her crush the minute she realized that she liked him as more than a friend. As this would be her first crush, a range of emotions would be whirling around her head - confusion, embarrassment, wonder, etc. Towards the people she dislikes, she'd be cold, but civil. It's not in her nature to be mean to people, but that won't stop her from glaring at/ignoring/flipping them.



  • Banana Milk.
  • Sports. Any of them.
  • Going on adventures.
  • Nice surprises.
  • Dance. Seems pretty obvious.
  • Building things.
  • Playing little tricks on people.
  • Video games.
  • Church. Surprising, right?
  • Games.
  • Manga! She prefers manga over manhwa.
  • Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Eagles, Journey.
  • U-KISS. Her favorite is Kevin. She thinks it's embarrassing, so it's a secret.
  • Block B, MBLAQ, Beast, FT Island, C.N Blue, 2pm (of course).


  • Hospitals and the smell of disinfectant.
  • Tomato sauce and spaghetti.
  • Spiders.
  • Painting her nails and having long nails.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Math. Pretty self explanatory.
  • Scary things.
  • Blatantly rude or stuck-up people.
  • Being sick. It's such a hassle.
  • Super Junior. Not the people, just their music. /shot


  • Playing video games.
  • Making really really terrible food and running around making people eat it.
  • Playing innocent pranks and tricking people.
  • Hanging out with her friends.
  • Playing sports or skateboarding.
  • Dancing. She and Taeyang have this thing called "A Day in the Life of..." where they make up dance routines for cooking different foods. She's still working on something that can beat his sushi dance.
  • Watching TV (especially Running Man).
  • Listening to music.
  • Watching anime or movies.


  • Tugging on her ear when she's thinking.
  • Biting her lip when she's uncomfortable or upset.
  • Sitting with her legs up and knees bent so that her feet are on the chair. (Like this.)
  • Burrowing under piles of blankets before going to sleep.
  • Constantly quotes favorite movies and can usually identify the movie that a quote may come from.


  • Few know that she was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia almost five years ago.
  • She was originally planned to study in China for six months. After her diagnosis, she and her mom moved to the US for treatment.
  • Originally, her hair was only short due to it having not yet grown back fully after the treatments. However, people ended up liking how it appeared on her, and it became her "look".
  • It's difficult for her to retain a normal weight, so she's constantly working on ways to gain weight.
  • She hates her real name (it sounds like a guy!) and would rather people call her by her stage name.
  • Her older brother is none other than 2pm's Wooyoung.
  • Her brother taught her the ssanti dance, and she tried to teach him the kkap dance.
  • Having taken classes since she was two, she knows a variety of dances, from traditional to modern to European, but is a master of few.
  • She has a relatively high IQ (~150), but also suffers from moderate dyslexia, so they cancel each other out.
  • There are few sports she's actually bad at. They're usually the ones that require patience, like golf.
  • When she debuts, she dreams of guesting on Running Man.
  • She has never been in a relationship.
  • She's exceptionally bad at cooking to the point where there's always the chance that she'll screw up making ramen.
  • Making friends with other girls has always been difficult for her as her interests are all very boyish.
  • On the other hand, she can fairly easily make many guy friends.
  • She can't wait to become an adult and get her license. She plans on getting it the minute she's old enough.
  • Interacting with fans is something she loves to do. She's probably the most active on twitter and the fancafe. She also thinks it's entertaining being her own antifan.
  • As a little kid, she was actually very cute and girlish.
  • When she has a chance, she wants to learn how to play an instrument.
  • She started a dance club when she was in the hospital and organized performances every Monday morning to lift everyone's spirits.
  • She loves almost all music but enjoys rock, r&b, and hip-hop the most.
  • Her blood type is AB, she's ambidextrous, and in her final year of high school.
  • She was taught by a stylist unni how to apply make-up one way, and that remains to be the only make-up style she can do on her own.
  • People say that when she dances, it's hard to believe that charismatic dancer is the same girl.
  • During her first couple of months in America, she was withdrawn and severely depressed. Initial, impedementing side-effects from her treatments forced her to halt all activities and hobbies.
  • It was only through music therapy that she opened up again. What was done depended on her physical state; sometimes they could only listen to music while other times they could write their own songs or dance.
  • Most of the songs she wrote were all notably dreary and/or angsty. Perhaps her best work was a slow, sad piano piece.
  • That being said, she doesn't actually know how to play instruments and most often used computer programs to compose.


Time for an interview:

·      Been part of any scandal? Yes, actually, although it was more awkward than anything else. She and her brother were in a short-lived dating scandal after some paparazzi took a picture of them eating together. Now that was weird to wake up to in the morning.

·      Do you have any tattoo? And is there any meaning to them? No tattoos. She doesn't want to be old and wrinkled with a bunch of tattoos.

·      What is your special talent? She can disassemble or fix almost anything. She built her own computer and replaced her brother's car battery before he realized she had even broken it. She can also b-boy and has a black belt in hapkido.

·      What is the thing you’re most proud of? She's torn between two massive events in her life; firstly, she's incredibly proud of her brother's solo debut. But on the other hand, she can't help but be proud of herself for overcoming such difficult hardships.

·      What is the thing you wish you hadn’t done? Basically, your biggest mistake. Going overseas to study. Although she learnt a lot from her experiences and had made many friends, it took her away from her family for such a long time, and she isn't even sure if it was worth it.

·      What do you feel about sports? Sports? Just say when and where and she'll be there. It doesn't matter what game it is; she loves them all.

·      How do you feel about animals? Do you eat meat? She loves animals just as much as the next person but also loves meat. It's not like she eats dog or anything. Strictly beef, chicken, fish, and pork.

·      What was your dream when you were a child? Is it the same as today? Well, when she was really small, she wanted to grow up to become a big strong boy like her brother. Well, that's not exactly possible, as she was soon told, and so it changed to a unicorn, then a fairy princess, then a rocket scientist, then a policewoman, then a soccer player, and, well, the list just goes on and on. It was only a few years ago that she finally discovered her true calling.

·      In the group, what personality suits you best and why? The middle child. Not all grown up yet, but no longer a kid either. She definitely needs someone to keep her in check but would be bored without a younger sibling or two to play little tricks on. Oh, and she's a great negotiator.

·      Are you more like fire or ice? Fire, definitely.

·      What is your favorite gift a fan sent you? A pair of retro black, white, and dark pink Nike Air Jordans. She wears them at least once a week and takes care of them as though they were her child.






  • Father || Mr. Jang || 53 || Government Official || very conservative and stubborn. could seem cold-hearted, but actually very caring and proud of his family. a bit rash, but a devoted father and husband.
  • Mother || Mrs. Jang || 52 || Retired || rather gentle and loving. supportive and open-minded. difficult to anger and rather sociable. willing to stand up for what she believes in. notably daring and a risk-taker.
  • Brother || Jang Wooyoung || 30 April 1989 / 23 || Idol Singer || charming and sometimes manly, though he might seem a bit stand-offish at first. innocent, cute, and goofy, but occasionally mature and responsible.
  • Pet || Peep || Wooyoung's pet chicken. It's gotten rather large...

How I was raised: The Jang family has never really been the hugging type. Because her father is strict, Baekhui spent much of her time studying in an attempt to please him. Anything earned that was lower than a B was unacceptable, and even a B was pushing it a bit. Baekhui always looked up to her brother, though, and as a toddler, followed him like a lost puppy. As for her mother, she would always be trying to make Baekhui more feminine, taking her to dance school since she was two and enrolling her in a variety of other classes. She was happy when Baekhui expressed her enjoyment for dancing, but not so pleased when she discovered which genre Baekhui was most interest in. Despite this, Mrs. Jang remained supportive of her daughter and eventually accepted that she wasn't the kind of girl who would wear frilly dresses (it was at this point that Baekhui stopped wearing girlish things).

It was at this point that Mr. Jang sent Baekhui to study abroad in Japan for a year. Initially reluctant to leave at such a young age, she eventually relented as to remain in her father's favor. Living in Japan was difficult, but Baekhui made the best out of a hard situation. Her mother called every day, and her brother did his best to call every so often to see how things were going. Contact with her father was sporadic, but they were always happy to talk to one another. Baekhui would always tell him of all the fun she had, and so in an attempt to please her, her father almost immediately signed her up to go abroad to China. He reasoned that it would not only be an excellent learning experience, but Baekhui should enjoy it at well. Unfortunately, that was nearly the opposite of what happened, as she found China miserable and the language unnecessarily difficult.

It was three months into her exchange trip that Baekhui was diagnosed with cancer. Almost immediately, she returned to Korea only to fly to America with her mother for treatment. It was during this time that the family's relationship became stressed. With the combination of Baekhui's illness and Wooyoung's dreams, everyone was afraid the family might break up. And yet it didn't. They endured together and if anything, became stronger in the process.

Now: Baekhui still admires Wooyoung as much as ever and is proud to be his little sister. These days, instead of aimlessly following him around, she might go play sports with him or just hang out together. They're siblings; they do sibling things. As for her mother, she still supports and encourages Baekhui, although she's a bit of a helicopter parent. Baekhui tries to explain to her that she can to things on her own, but her mother is too reluctant to let her baby go. And so that can get annoying, but she realizes that it all comes from good intentions. She and her dad still have some misunderstandings, but he's loosened up significantly after one, retiring, and two, her illness. Such events really make people stop and reflect. Due to this, it was actually a lot easer than she'd anticipated when she said that she wanted to walk down the same path Wooyoung had done years earlier. Honestly, though, she's been a bit spoiled since returning from America. She's a lot more free to do as she pleases than Wooyoung had been at the start. Though she lives away from her family, she does her best to call and visit if possible.




My superstar  STORY

How did you become a part of Frost Entertainment: Returning from America with a renewed passion for dance, she actively searched for a way to channel that passion. Classes were great, but there was always something missing. Following her brother's suggestion, she began to participate in auditions. After leaving YG, she was at last accepted into Frost.

How many years have you trained? 2 years (plus 1½ years in YG Entertainment)

How were your trainee days? Initially rejected by Frost Entertainment in one of the final rounds, she actually trained in YG for a year. During that time, she vastly improved her dancing and singing talents while also making a few (enviable) friends. However, a year into her training period, her past medical history was deemed too risky and she was dropped from the company. Heartbroken, she wasn't quite sure what to do. Her brother, busy with his own promotions, could only convince her to try one more time. Once more, and if she didn't make it, he'd stop pestering her. With a heavy heart, she participated in the Frost Entertainment auditions expecting nothing at all. It was to her utter amazement that she was accepted. With an "I told you so" from her brother, she joined Frost as a trainee. From her experiences at YG, she was inspired to work harder than ever to improve and prove to everyone that she wasn't some sick little girl anymore. From dawn until past midnight, all she did was eat and practice, somehow squeezing in school as well.

Did you go to any other agency? YG Entertainment. (She purposely avoided JYP because she didn't want people to think she was just profiting off of her brother's position.)

How many times did you take the audition? Twice for Frost Entertainment. Once before being accepted into YG and again afterwards.




My SOCIAL circle

Friends and bestfriends:

  • (best friends) Dong Youngbae || 18 May 1988 / 24 || Taeyang of Big Bang
  • (best friends) Cha Hyomin (Ulzzang: Yoon Yoo Hyun) || 19 November 1994 / 18 || 3rd year high school student
  • (friends) Gong Minji || 18 January 1994 / 19 || Minzy of 2NE1
  • (friends) Bang Cheolyong || 10 March 1991 / 21 || Mir of MBLAQ
  • (friends) Yoon Doojoon || 04 July 1989 / 23 || Doojoon of Beast
  • (friends) Moon Jongup || 06 February 1995 / 17 || Jongup of B.A.P


How you met:

  • She met Taeyang during her time as a trainee under YG. Typically, the stars don't associate with the trainees, and that's what had initially been the case with herself. Although some were more open to her since she was the sister of a member in an established idol group, most still stayed away. She had actually first run into Taeyang at one in the morning. Unable to sleep, she had returned to the building to practice some more, as the weekly review was to be the next day. She was surprised to see that Taeyang was already using the practice room. After exchanging greetings, she quickly scurried off to find another room to practice in. Their random encounters continued, though, and eventually they would have midnight practice sessions together. Over time, this helped them grow closer.
  • Hyomin was actually her first friend after returning from America. Having spent the majority of the past three years abroad, Baekhui didn't know a single person in her new school in Seoul. Moreover, she'd been ridiculed for her short hair (only two inches had grown back at that time) and mocked and teased by her new schoolmates. Despite this, Hyomin, her class's elected vice president, went out of her way to treat Baekhui with kindness, and they quickly became friends.
  • Minzy was one of the idol group members unafraid of fraternizing with the trainees. They first ran into each other in the halls, and Minzy had to give her directions to the vocal practice rooms. Though they were acquaintances for several months, it was only until she served as a backup dancer for 2NE1 when they grew closer. They've been friends since.
  • Baekhui really only got to know Mir through her brother. She had accompanied him to a show and had run into the maknae (who's still four years older than her) backstage. With similar interests, they hit it off immediately, and by the show's end, anyone could've assumed that they've been friends for years.
  • Once again, it was Wooyoung who she met Doojoon through. Her brother and Doojoon are actually same-age friends, so he'd been invited to a game of soccer with Doojoon and a few other guys. Turns out they were lacking a player, so her brother ended up recruiting her to play. Though the others were skeptical at first, they quickly learned not to underestimate her. Subsequently, they continued to invite her to play with them whenever there was a chance, and Baekhui eventually became friends with Doojoon.
  • Jongup is a newer friend of hers. Assigned to the same homerooms since their second year, they first met as desk partners. Jongup was awkward, something rather usual for him, she later learned, so it was a bit of a quiet first week or so. However, they eventually did begin to work together and soon realized that they took part in similar pastimes. So although it took a while to warm up to one another, she eventually found a loyal friend in the future idol group member.

How you act with each other:

  • Taeyang || They have many little games with each other, like "A Day in the Life of..." and such. It's fun and also helps them practice their dancing. Baekhui really does consider Taeyang one of her best friends, so they have inside jokes and running gags that only they would understand. It's very common that they end up playing sports, but it frustrates her that he's better than she is at basketball. When they want to be lazy, they might just settle down and watch TV in the YG dorms/lounge or read manga. On rare occasions, she'll actually assist him in his gardening ventures. They might hang out in a group or one-on-one; it just depends on the day. She's more comfortable sharing some of her nagging worries with him as is he, but their meetings are mostly light-hearted in nature. They're actually a pretty good match, considering how hopelessly innocent they both are.
  • Hyomin || Outside of school, they like to just hang out downtown, see movies, eat, and go karaoke. They'll share what's on their minds and help one another through hard times. Hyomin often drags her clothes shopping too, although Baekhui has expressed her dislike for the activity on multiple occasions. Despite this, Hyomin is determined to make her more feminine. She reasons that it's just a waste for her to be friends with so many cute guys, but not date a single one. As of yet, Baekhui is nonplussed by these attempts. You see, Hyomin and Baekhui are nearly polar opposites, with Hyomin being your typical girly-girl and Baekhui being, well, Baekhui. It's a wonder how they get along so well.
  • Minzy || They don't meet up so much anymore due to scheduling conflicts, but when they do, they really just hang out. They go out to eat, watch movies, and walk down the street acting like dorks. Their personalities are similar, so they get along splendidly. Still, since they're both so busy almost all of the time, Minzy with her 2NE1 stuff and Baekhui with school and her trainee duties, they often end up back in the practice room, improving their dancing skills together. Oh, and Baekhui completely exploits Minzy for the banana milk she makes. The bought ones are great, but the type that Minzy blends together is absolutely addicting.
  • Mir || With Mir, they do anything but work. Whether it's video games or karaoke, there's always something happening with Mir. Sometimes, Baekhui feels like she's taking care of a hyperactive puppy, but she doesn't really have a problem with it. After all, she loves dogs. Mir isn't the kind of friend Baekhui would share her troubles with, but he's definitely the one to go to if she's bored. Nearly all of their interests are in alignment with one another and Mir's the most likely to accept any challenges she throws at him. Together, they're any manager's worst nightmare. Besides, Mir is still childish enough to go on spur of the moment adventures with her!
  • Doojoon || He's definitely her source of sports-related activities. She might play basketball with Taeyang, but that's nearly it. Doojoon, on the other hand, is game for anything she suggests and isn't afraid to get sweaty playing them. He looks over her like a brother, but it gets a bit irritating when he goes into "overprotective parent" mode. They're also both bad cooks, so when they go to eat (which almost always happens at one point or another each time they meet), it's always at a restaurant. She gets really irritated at him when he goes easy on her since she's a girl, yet he still hasn't learned not to do so. With Doojoon, she might mulling over a few ideas with him on life, but she isn't immediately inclined to share everything with him.
  • Jongup || When she's with this boy, Baekhui ends up leading a more quiet existence for the time being. Jongup is just so awkward and 4-D that it's difficult to be her usual crazy energetic self around him. Although in some ways, that's actually good. When they're together, he actually serves as an anchor that gets her to focus on one thing for more than five seconds. Typically, they'll end up reading mangas or going out to eat in a group. Despite him being her friend for almost two years now, she still can't predict what he's going to do. He's pretty random, but that's just what makes him so appealing. However, his passion for dance is no joke, and they sometimes find themselves working together in the practice room. Recently, though, it's been a bit difficult to meet up due to B.A.P's endless promotions.


Rival(s): Kang Daeho (Ulzzang: Lee Dong Hoon) || 06 August 1994 / 18 || 3rd year high school student

Why did it come down to this? He always seems to be doing things just to beat her! They've known each other since they were children, and he's always worked against her any chance he got. If she did a science project on volcanoes, he would do a project on volcanoes ten times better than her own. He would compete with her in everything, from parts in the school play to elected positions on the student council. He's been class president every year in high school. Just try to guess who'd run for the position against him. He always seems to be able to do what she does, except better. And he doesn't shy away from trying to make fun of her either, whether if it's because of her accent (he'd perfected his Seoul-Korean less than a month after moving to Seoul), her appearance, or a mistake she made. Somehow, Daeho is just incredibly good at pushing her buttons. She resents him for that and he knows it.

When did the rivalry begin? She isn't even sure herself. They used to be pretty good friends as small kids. It just...happened. It's like he's just playing with her for his own amusement. She thought she'd be rid of him after relocating to Seoul, but it was unfortunate for her that his father had decided to move the family to Seoul.

Relationship/How you act with the rival and how she/he acts with you? They're basically frenemies. Baekhui is pretty sure no one could tell just how much she detests Daeho just by how they acted around one another. There's no punching, hair-pulling, or eye gouging; it's all quite civil. Baekhui simply ignores him when he's around, or tries her best to. He, however, finds great joy in bothering her at the worst moments with an incredibly irritating smirk plastered on his pretty boy face. She won't outright curse at him, but her thoughts will typically translate into her tone of voice. Daeho, on the other hand, will just act amused. However, there is a limit to what she can tolerate and if he crosses it, well, that black belt isn't just for show (although she wouldn't dare do anything to him in public).


Love interest: TO BE DETERMINED

He is always like:

Why he is the best:

How you met (or how you will meet):

Our relationship is currently like:

Back up love interest:

He is always like:

Why he is (the second ^^) best:

How you met:

Our relationship is currently like:




I am full of  TALENTS

Stage name: Baekhui (Hangul: 백희)

Stage persona: Dynamite Trickster

What position do you wish for: Lead Dancer, Vocalist

Why would you be best in that position? She's nurtured and developed a passion for dance alongside her older brother. It's helped her during hard times and allows her to express herself. It might seem cheesy, but dance truly has become an integral part of her life.

What are you best at: Variety, dancing, peacemaking, video games, remembering things, foreign languages.

What are you worst at: Sustaining long notes, aegyo, applying makeup, matching clothes, reading the mood, beatboxing.

Personal fanclub name: Jester. She's a trickster, so why wouldn't her fans be jesters?

Personal fanclub color: White. The first Hanja in her given name means white in Chinese.




I want to know YOU

How would you act and feel if:

·      There was a spider on your shoulder? Anything but spiders! Those are the only things that can make her scream and act like a girly-girl. Seriously. Too many legs.

·      Some other trainee ate your banana milk you had saved for a special occasion? They would be in some pretty deep . Ah, but in actuality, she would probably end up pulling some sort of prank against the person, most likely food related. It would be something harmless, though, like feeding them a cupcake stuffed with jalapeño peppers.

·      A fan offered you an old and ugly teddy bear? Whether or not she actually liked the gift, she would happily thank the fan, accept the bear, and throw it in the wash once they got to the dorm. At that point, she would most likely put it somewhere that'll freak people out when they run into it in the middle of the night.

·      There was another trainee every member of the staff was praising and set as an example for you? She'd be a bit irritated but wouldn't say anything. If she understands their sentiments, though, she would work harder, but in no way would she ever think of copying someone else.

·      The director of the company felt like you lacked talent and told you: “Why are you so bad at dancing?” She would definitely be hurt by the question but not say anything. On the outside, she would be cool about it, responding in an upbeat, joking way meant to bring up the mood of the room. However, afterwards, she would work harder than ever at her dancing, pushing herself past her limits and ignoring things like her health in the pursuit of improving her dance. Only until her skill is acknowledged will she take a break.

·      Sang Jae Sung came and flirted with you? There's a 99.99999% chance that she would be completely oblivious to it. What if he went and did the same thing with another girl? She wouldn't care too much. She might wonder why he was acting so weird, but that's about it.

·      You got a part in the group? She would first react with a sporadic kkap dance. And she'd be uncontrollably hyper for days. The others would probably have to figure out how to make her work off all of her excess energy somehow.



Comments? I'd love to hear your thoughts on my character so that I can improve her! c:

Scene request? n/a

Demands? n/a

Questions? n/a

Anything else? n/a


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Seen the change. Did you put that because of the teaser? ^^
OMG! So many words. I absolutely LOVE that. :)

I feel like her personality is well defined and I can definitely work with your character. She can brings comedy to the story as well as 'tragedy' for her past. I think she wouldn't burst out crying when telling someone, but it's still a truly moving story.

I like how she wanted to get into Frost at first. Makes me feel like the company I created is some big shot in the idol world. XD

I am wondering about Taeyang. Do they have a brother-sister relationship or just friends on equal grounds?

Finally, do you wish for her to fall in love and date one day?