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The Application Form

Chaloux, Hiromi - Mi-chan - The Double Personality



✈ you had me at annyeong 

i'm jei, and you are? » Min

profile » =^.^=

availablity » 3

fluency » It’s my second language but I’m completely fluent.

why apply? » The storyline seemed interesting and I would love to have my character be in it.


remember the name 

name » Hiromi Mila Chaloux

nickname(s) » Mi-chan, Mimi : Her parents named her Hiromi which means “abundant beauty” and are too busy to call her by her whole name so they just call her Mi or Mi-chan. Mimi is a name her best friend, Alex Kim, came up with and only he is allowed to call her that.

persona »

The way the public sees her is completely different to what her real personality is. She is known as “Stuck Up Beauty” because of her quiet nature unless she’s provoked and her ability to get whatever she wants. She isn’t really a snob she’s just observant and can discern people’s true intentions easily. Her true persona is deeply hidden behind the frills and lace, the beautiful mask, and the sharp tongue.

gender » female

dob » 11/07/94

bloodtype » A

birth place » Bretagne, France | hometown » Sacramento, California

residency » Manhattan, New York

ethnicity »   Japanese/ French/ Italian

spoken languages » French(fluent): Her first language since she lived with her parents in France for 7 years. Japanese(speaks & understands it well): When her parents decided to travel and expand their business they left her with her grandmother who lived in Kyoto, Japan, for 3 years. English (fluent): Has spent the past 8 years living in Cali mostly. Korean(not fluent): was learning from her friend Alex.

traits »


  • Observant
  • Beautiful
  •  Intelligent
  • Responsible
  •  Honest


  • Stubborn
  • Sometimes too honest
  • Insecure
  • Tense
  • Impatient


heels over head 

model #o1 » Leah Dizon 1 2 3 4 5

model #o2 » Kim Min Seo 1 2 3

baby pic(s) » Aleyna Yilmaz 2 3 (For model #o2)  Lauren Lund 2 3(for model #o1) 

height & weight » 158cm, 52kg

appearance » She is short and slender, has a slightly tanned complexion, hazel eyes, and long light brown hair.

style » very feminine and occasionally a bit of a y edge to it. 1 2 3

extra(s) » She has her ears and cartilage pierced, her flaws are not physically seen because they’re in her personality such as her insecure nature and tendency to not think before she speaks which makes her seem snobbish.


what makes you different

personality »

Hiromi Mila Chaloux is defined as the spoiled rich snob who doesn’t associate with nobodies or at least that’s what everyone seems to think. The public only sees her exterior and is completely oblivious to her true personality. The only way she would let anyone see her true nature is if they gain her trust. She occasionally seen shopping and hanging out with other girls but that’s only staged to make her seem more normal; behind the scenes she is observing her surroundings and would never truly call the people she hangs out with friends. She hates being seen as just another pretty face and is never truly sure why people call her pretty. Her insecurities go beyond just skin deep and she is afraid of not living up to everyone’s expectations.

Mi-chan is not only known for acting “snobby” but also for being overly truthful and a master at tearing people’s self esteem to shreds. She learned that trait from the best which were her tormenters in elementary and middle school. She usually stays quiet unless somebody puts her in a bad mood, then it’s a matter of time before the ticking time bomb explodes. Her sharp tongue only serves to emphasize her role as the rich snob but behind the tough exterior is actually a vulnerable girl who wants to be accepted but is afraid of being pitied for her family situations.

She’s obviously never been the life of the party and has kept to herself most of the time by refusing invitations and in result being called a and many other names but it’s all due to her wish to become the perfect daughter. She wants approval from her rarely ever present parents. She has inherited her family lineage’s hardworking gene and is caught up with excelling academically in every way. Though it has kept her parents happy she has started questioning whether it is the right method to gain attention and is contemplating entering the party scene but is not quite sure how to go about in doing so.


in a nutshell » Hiromi is seen as a snob and a plastic beauty but in reality she’s insecure about her looks and is intimidated by people she deems more beautiful than her. She strives academically and wants to be known for her brains not her face. She wants to be a perfect child for her parents but is secretly dying to break out into the party scene.

likes »

  • Her kitty Akio- because he has kept her company since he was 4 weeks old and she can’t live without him.
  • KPOP- It was introduced to her by her best friend in Cali.
  • Coffee- keeps her awake during late night studying
  • Dresses- She is obsessed with buying dresses even when she goes out and promises herself not to buy a new one.
  • Her Hello Kitty pj’s- Her dad bought them for her and because of his serious nature she never expected any girly present from him.
  • Music- Calms her down and helps with her loneliness most of the time
  • Alex- the only person who gets her and truly knows her. (only likes as friend)

dislikes »

  • Cigarettes- Uggg that cancer causing smoke
  • Players- heartbreak is no fun and players just make it into a repetitive occurrence.
  • Sports- an academic pretty girl has no business getting sweaty and gross. (snobby trait)
  • Math- It is the devil’s work
  • Being called “Plastic”- Has lived through years of being called so many names just because of her parent’s wealth and the beauty she inherited from them.
  • Loud people- finds them obnoxious and if she had the guts she’d slap them

hobbies »

  • Reading
  • Shopping for new dresses
  • (secretly) learning KPOP dances
  • Watch Korean dramas with Lee Minho in them <3 <3
  • Painting
  • Playing with Akio
  • Listening to music
  • Playing the guitar
  • Singing

vices & habits »

  • Bites bottom lip when nervous
  • When she feels cornered she lashes out with words
  • Searches for other people’s flaws to help with her own insecurities
  • Doesn’t think before she speaks sometimes
  • Studies late nights in hopes that people will acknowledge her intelligence rather than just her beauty
  • Genuinely smiles and goes crazy over pets (kitties to be more specific)
  • Stares off into space
  • Observes others before deciding whether she likes a person or not.

special talents » singing in Japanese. 1 2 3

fears & phobias » » Fear of the dark. When Hiromi was 7 her parents left her in Japan. She woke up the same night she had arrived and found herself in a dark room. At the moment she hadn’t know she was at her grandmother’s house because she had slept during the whole ride so she woke up in a strange dark place and realized she was alone and her parents had left her. Since then she fears the dark and always sleeps with her nightlight on, no matter how ridiculous it may seem that an 18 year old sleeps with a nightlight

trivia(s) »

  • She has attempted learning Korean and was taught by her best friend who happened to be from Seoul
  • Sleeps with a nightlight every night and takes one even to hotels
  • Still has not had her first kiss yet but will never admit that to anybody
  • She wishes she could party like all the other rich girls but to gain respect and attention from her parents she does her best at everything academically related and puts off the fun stuff.
  • Her first love was her Korean/ American friend, Alex. She had moved to Cali and when she started school all the other girls jealously made up rumors about how her family was related to a Yakuza and that was the reason they were rich. She didn’t mind those rumors but then they decided to tear her appearance apart and point out all her flaws. After much tormenting she was brought to tears and he came like a light through her darkness and stood up for her then later became her best friend.
  • She completely hates the thought of becoming like her parents. Serious and extra busy
  • While she stayed at her Grandmother’s inn in Japan she had rarely been bothered and could go anywhere she wanted even though she was only 7. She would go to the market and to different places without her grandmother even knowing.
  • She talks in her sleep sometimes and tends to say things she would never say while awake.
  • She has vowed never to drink after she experienced getting drunk for the first time and woke up on her roof without a shirt on. How she got up there she never found out but from then on she sticks to soda.
  • She hangs out with Alex and he teaches her how to skateboard. Even though she’s really girly she actually likes learning to skateboard.
  • Nobody really knows this but she loves doing dance covers. 1 2




life story » Hiromi was born to a Japanese mother and French/Italian father after he had a fling that resulted in her conception, his divorce to former wife, and his marriage to a 21 year old college student. She was brought into a world where she had to take after her parents and become the best at everything. Almost her whole life she was taken care of by everyone except her own parents. At four months she had a nanny who cared for her while her father worked and her mother continued her schooling. Then when she came of age to start elementary school she found herself dressed by the nanny and fed but no mother or father to drop her off at school and reassure her that everything would be fine. At school she spent most of her time reading and staring off into space. Even when the other children asked her to play she would just stare at them and they’d end up leaving her alone instead. At age 7 her parents were already well submerged into their new found responsibilities such as the company and the start of Sayuri’s Café chain. They had no time to even be home so they decided to change her surroundings and let her experience something new by dropping her off in Japan with her grandmother. They left her there without so much as a bye for 3 complete years with only the occasional happy birthday or happy holiday card in the mail as well as money, but what use was money to her? She struggled to learn Japanese and also to make friends because of her foreign accent and her looks. Then finally at age 10 her parents picked her up and said that they’d be moving to the States. She was ecstatic at the thought of finally living together again but her happiness was short lived because again she was stuck in a new place with only a nanny to care for her. She endured being gossiped about and bullied while her parents did what made them happy, earn more wealth.  When she got to high school she made up her mind to try to gain attention from her parents by becoming number one in all her classes and getting honors and awards but of course all her hard work never paid off and she’s stuck being just another pretty face that gets everything except love.

family business » Her father is the CEO/ President of Chaloux Enterprises which has been in the family for decades and her mother became a successful entrepreneur when she founded Sayuri’s Café in Japan and parts of southeast Asia and northern Asia she is also Vice President of Chaloux Enterprises.

family members »

» Father | Basile Chaloux III| 47 | French/ Italian | CEO and President of Chaloux Enterprises | alive| A serious man with no room for failures, mistakes, or family time. Is always at work. | Very distant because of his serious nature. Even as a child she always favored her mother over him. Reno

» Mother | Sayuri Chaloux| 39| Japanese |Vice President of Chaloux Enterprises and owner of Sayuri Café chain in Japan | alive | Always busy but will always make time to send expensive things for her only daughter. Loving mother but oblivious to what a child really needs. | Hiromi has felt close to her mother but after her parents left her for 3 years in Japan she has grown distant and prefers to be by herself. ~~

» Siblings (older, half, brother) | Gaspard Chaloux |21 | French/British | Student | alive/ | Reserved and observant. Sometimes has a cold personality | Hiromi didn’t know she had a brother till she turned 14 because he had stayed with his own mother in Spain. When she finally met him he treated her coldly and blamed her and her mother for his parent’s divorce. 1

» Others

Maternal Grandmother| Umeko Sato|66 | Japanese | Owner of an inn | alive | A smiling old woman full of energy but also strict when it comes to her business | Loves her granddaughter and wishes that she’d come and live with her. ~~

Paternal Grandfather | Basile Chaloux II |67| French | Former President/ CEO of Chaloux Enterprises | dead| Loved to joke around and play with his little granddaughter. | None. ~~

Paternal Grandmother| Adalina Chaloux | 65 | Italian | housewife and currently a restaurant owner | alive| Warm and welcoming with a loud voice and a contagious laugh| When she first met Hiromi she wanted to raise her and was devastated when her son sent her to Japan. ~~

Pet (Kitty)| Akio | 2 months | Rag doll |alive | playful little baby who loves to cuddle and be treated like a prince | He has been Hiromi’s only companion for the past month and a half and is taken almost everywhere she goes.

family properties » Main house in Cali, Traditional Japanese house in Japan, house in France, condo in Manhattan, Summer house in New Zealand, Chaloux Enterprises, Sayuri Café

*optional home sweet home »She lives in a condo. outside, master bedroom, kitchen, guestroom, bathroom, living room, Akio’s play area,


miserable at best

kpop » Mi-chan likes Kpop because her best friend introduced her to it when she was in middle school.

the sweet life »At first Hiromi wasn’t much into it and kept on thinking of all the fun stuff she could be doing in Cali with Alex and little Akio. After spending the whole first day in her hotel room just reading and anticipating the end of the week she finally decided to go out. She went shopping in Gangnam and her spirits were lifted when she found the most perfect dress ever. Then after that she just thought “Oh hell maybe I should just enjoy this.” And she spent the rest of the week partying and being the person she couldn’t be when she was back home.

downfall of us » When she found out she remained calm, or at least her exterior. She played it cool but later she basically had a panic attack and couldn’t believe her parents would just do this to her. Hadn’t she been a good enough child all these years? And how the hell would she provide for herself in a different country?

why oh why? » Her punishment came because of her father. He had offered her a job at the company after she graduated and told her that in the future she would probably be taking over the business. After doing so much to make them proud all her life she decided that it was time to rebel and told him she didn’t want to take over the business and wanted to do something meaningful in life not just work till death like he planned on doing. Her first rebellion was a huge mistake and her father chose to teach her a lesson.

part-time job(s) »After her panic attack had ceased she decided that she would teach her parents that she could survive without their “precious” money. She went out to look for jobs and got a part time job as an English tutor.


the great escape

academic major » Double Major in fashion design and business and marketing

behind the choice? » Hiromi chose that major more for her own pleasure rather than to anger her parents. Her love for fashion is what helped her make her decision.

best subjects »Fashion sketching and drawing, Computer-Aided Pattern Drafting, Fashion Marketing

worst subjects » Statistics, Textile science, Business Administration

grades ranking » Since Hiromi’s strength is in academic studies she is A- to A+ student and only gets B+ in textile science because it’s a boring class and she tends to fall asleep and sometimes skips that class.

club(s) » She is a member of the Vocal Music Club, Modern Dancing (hip hop), and the Philosophy Club


the story of us

love interest » 0-Lee Taemin, 1-Kim Jonghyun, 2- Lee Minho (actor), 3-Ok Taecyeon, 4-T.O.P, 5-Nichkhun, 6- Kim Kibum(Key)


#o0.Taemin| SHINee|19
» personality| He is the adorable maknae of Shinee. He is quite shy and innocent when he meets a new person. He’s playful and cute but can be y and manly when he dances. He is an amazing dancer and is quite fluent in Japanese.
» meeting | Hiromi  was walking to the house of a little girl that she had to tutor and she couldn’t read the address because she had accidentally spilled coffee on the paper . She ended up reading the paper wrong but followed her own intuition. She went to the right street but when she rang the buzzer at the apartment Taemin answered the door. She was a bit startled by his appearance at the door and asked in Nari was home. Taemin had looked at her in confusion and she realized that she probably had the wrong door. She blushed crimson red and apologized for intruding then turned around to leave only to be stopped by him saying that he knew where Nari lived and that it was alright. She turned around and he smiled at her shyly then gave her directions to Nari’s house. During her days of tutoring Nari she bumped into him several times and was greeted with that cute smile. Later he asked her where she went to school and they found out that they both attended SNU but didn’t have any classes together. They began talking more often and he even joined the Modern Dance Club just to be closer to her.
» love story | they’ve become good friends and are attracted to each other. They act freely and in a friendly way towards each other but they have moments when they can’t help but smile shyly or think about each other. The first time they met they found each other attractive and as the days progressed and the time they spent together increased they found themselves falling in love. The only hindrances to their relationship becoming anything more is the fact that she is supposed to inherit her family’s business and will be busy all the time. She is also not sure if she still has feelings for her friend Alex.

#o1.Jonghyun| SHINee|22
» personality| He loves skinship and is very sweet. He’s adorable and has the cutest smile. He’s also the most muscular in SHINee (loves to show off his abs). Has an amazing vocal range and is extremely talented.

» meeting| While shopping for groceries Hiromi couldn’t reach something at the top shelve and was struggling to reach it when suddenly a muscular arm reached from behind her and grabbed the box. She turned expecting to see a tall man but was met by a Jonghyun who happened to be just tall enough to reach the box. She smiled and thanked him. He had smiled back as he scanned her appreciatively and told her she was welcome then walked away to buy Taemin some banana milk. She wondered if she would get to see him again and began to look forward to their next encounter.
» love story | after their first meeting at the grocery store he made frequent visits in hopes of seeing her and occasionally she would show up. Finally one day Hiromi decided to actually carry on a conversation with him rather than just smiling at him from afar. They got to know each other well and exchanged numbers. The only hindrances to their relationship becoming anything more is the fact that she is supposed to inherit her family’s business and will be busy all the time. She is also not sure if she still has feelings for her friend Alex.

#o2.Minho| actor|25
» personality| He’s very caring about his family and friends. He is always quite busy with his schedule. He hates girls that have no manners and don’t respect their elders. He’s into soccer and is an extremely good actor. He’s romantic and would like a girl who doesn’t just follow trends and is charming. He doesn’t like to make huge commitments when he’s in a relationship but is sensitive and caring towards the person he is dating.---------------------------------
» meeting| Hiromi was walking down a street just window shopping when she stopped in front of a small pet store she was looking in at all the cute animals and was mesmerized by and adorable kitty that looked exactly like Akio which she hadn’t seen in a while. She leaned over to get a closer look and was smiling so happily. She was too distracted to notice that there had been a tall handsome man standing in front of the window also and it wasn’t until she rose up and turned quickly that she almost bumped into him but moved away just in time. Too bad she fell off the sidewalk and onto the road…or maybe it wasn’t too bad because the man reached out to help her and when he found that her ankle hurt he picked her up and carried her to his car. He apologized the for startling her and took her to the hospital where he gave her his number so she could contact him to pay the bill.
» love story | After Minho saved her she couldn’t really bring herself to call him just to pay the hospital bill but she also didn’t have enough money to pay for it so she threw away her pride and called him. He answered his phone and when he heard her voice he already knew who it was. They talked for a while and he said that he would pay it as soon as possible but then asked her if he could meet her again to check if she was fine and from that moment he began to visit her more and more. The only hindrances to their relationship becoming anything more is the fact that she is supposed to inherit her family’s business and will be busy all the time. She is also not sure if she still has feelings for her friend Alex. He is also not sure of their relationship because of his fame and her being just a normal person or so he thought. He doesn’t want her to suffer from antis and his sasaeng fans.

#o3.Taecyeon| 2PM|24
» personality| Handsome and talented in singing, dancing, and acting. Known as one of the beastly idols. He has a strong personality and is fluent in English. Sometimes his actions are based on his mood.
» meeting| While walking to her first Modern Dance Club meeting she met him and it turned out that he was going to the same club. They walked together and he talked a lot and asked her for her number as well.
» love story | While attending the same school they began to talk and had one thing in common which was their love of dancing even though not many people knew she loved it. Taecyeon began to realize that he enjoyed going to the club more when she was there. They talked more often and eventually began to date but like every relationship there are problems. Her parents would never accept a guy in the entertainment business.

#o4.T.O.PSeunghyun)|Bigbang |25
» personality| His is the oldest member of Bigbang but he has the ability to be humorous no matter what the mood is like. He seems to like a kid within but his looks are a bit cold and scary to other people. He loves to eat and is an amazing rapper.
» meeting| Hiromi was at one of her mother’s new café in South Korea just checking out the place. She walked up to the counter and ordered something expensive, completely forgetting that she didn’t have any money to spare. When the barista asked her to pay she searched her bag and was embarrassed to find it empty of all cash. T.O.P had walked up to place his order and saw her distress and said he would pay for her drink also.  
» love story |After Hiromi’s embarrassing moment he walked her to a table and she said he’d pay him back and he just smiled and said she could pay him back with her number. She looked at him for a while and saw that he had a playful personality but serious looks and decided to give it a try. He called her a lot and was always joking around but eventually he asked her on a date and she fell for his charms. The problem would only come from whether her parents would approve of her dating an older guy and not to mention a guy in the entertainment business.

#o5.Nichkhun| 2PM|24
» personality| He is known as the Thai Prince because of his handsome looks. He is very considerate and gentlemanly. His nature is one of determination and hard work. He has a baby face and always smiles but he is also beastly and muscular.
» meeting| Hiromi found herself overwhelmed with homework so she went to the library to do an all-nighter. She sat at what she thought was an empty table with a large stack of books and began her work. It was about half an hour into her work when the stack of books fell over and a she saw a sleeping boy. His eyes fluttered and he looked up at her. He lifted his head and rubbed his eyes then mumbled something about a beautiful angel. Then he looked at her again and smiled when he realized that he wasn’t dreaming. Hiromi found him really adorable and wished he would ask her for her number.
» love story | Hiromi’s wish had come true and Nichkhun asked her for her number that night. He was sweet and always asked her if she needed help with her homework. At first Hiromi didn’t think he was interested in her because all he talked about was homework and class but it turned out that he did like her but was just too shy to tell her. The problem would only come from whether her parents would approve of her dating an older guy and not to mention a guy in the entertainment business.

#o6.KEY| SHINee|21
» personality| Key is known as the diva or umma of SHINee. He is extremely talented at rapping and dancing. He loves dancing girl group dances and is very into fashion. He speaks and understands English very well.
» meeting| Hiromi’s addiction to buying dresses had not ended and even though she had no extra money it didn’t stop her from going to expensive stores to wistfully look at them. A particular day she had decided to go to a store in Gangnam and she was looking at a pretty flowered dress that she would have given anything to have and at that moment KEY caught sight of her. He usually wouldn’t approach a stranger, not to mention a girl, out in public but she was exceptionally beautiful. He approached her and told her she had a great taste in fashion. She turned around and gave him a huge smile as she explained that she was studying at SNU to become a fashion designer. He smiled back and asked her if she was going to get the dress which unfortunately made her smile disappear as she explained that she didn’t have the money to buy such an expensive dress. He then surprised himself by telling her that he would buy it for her. Her eyes widened in disbelief and she immediately said no that he shouldn’t spend such a large amount of money on her. Then he smiled and told her that she could repay him with her number and clothing whenever she became a famous fashion designer.

» love story | Hiromi found him to be extremely encouraging and kind. He was completely different from what she had expected and as the days went by she found herself falling for him more and more. The only thing that worried her was her parent’s disapproval of him.

rival »Iris Yang | applicant| 18 | She is the biggest rebel and the life of the party | Hiromi has always been the good girl that always does as she’s told and after meeting Iris at school she began to envy her free and rebellious personality. She sees Iris as a person that gets everyone’s attention for just being herself and Hiromi despises the fact that she has never been able to acquire such attention from anyone.


in the end

is it okay if the authors tweak your app? » Sure

the possibilities. . . »I’d be okay with being a minor character if I wasn’t chosen as one of the main. Maybe a close friend of one of the characters.

comments & suggestions » Hopefully you choose mine and I’m going to do an app for a male character if I can finish it on time. :)

scene request(s) »

  • A scene where Hiromi is hit with the full realization that her parents will cut all ties with her if she doesn’t agree to take over their business and as she is crying in frustration Taemin finds her and begins to comfort her. After her crying slowly stops he asks her what’s wrong and she tells him all about her family and how she has lived the past years.
  • A scene where Taemin hears Hiromi talking to Alex on the phone and he mistakenly believes that she is cheating on him. He is feels hurt and doesn’t want to listen to what she has to say so she finds herself at in a bar where she meets Iris and actually confides her troubles in her. After getting completely drunk Iris takes her phone and calls Taemin to come and pick Hiromi up. He carries her to his car and is still angry at her until Iris explains the whole situation to him. He then feels like an and vows not accuse her without listening to her.

password » { fly } { to } { seoul }



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