Exo on a Founder's Day (Hidden Scene of Sehun's Side Story)

This a Hidden Scene - Behind the Scene whatever you call that XDD



So Exo M are Sophomore's in the story.


If you read the Will We Be Together? of mine. Luhan is in there but not the real main character.

So in Chapter 19 said he was a staff. It's only a secret but Luhan has this group of friends and TADAH! There's EXO M in my stories xD


Anyways for the Hidden Scene...

Since he was trying to overwork himself being the staff-in-charge at the backstage, the teacher-in-charge told him that he did a great job but Luhan declines to have a break... So he was practically kick out from the gymnasium.


Everyone was busy in his class. Seohyun and Sooyoung might be busy rehearsing they're performance later then he remembered his friends from other class.


Yes he remembered that those 5 invite him to come in their booth.



"What's with your booth Kris?" Luhan asked

"It's simple you get a prize if you don't laughed. If you laughed we get your money." He respond.

"That's interesting." Luhan looked outside their booth. There wasn't many customer like some food stand in the other side but their gaining. Kris was throwing tantrum when the group decided to use their stuffs as the prize since they can't afford buying and Kris doesn't like the idea. His precious plushes are in stake so he was this motivation to make all the customer laughed their off.

Luhan look at the new customers. They we're group of 6 young boys either Freshmen or Seniors.


Chen went near them and orient them about the booth's rules.

"Can we pick any stuff from that table?" the tallest of them pointed the table full of Exo M's stuff.

"Yes. You can pick any. One lose, One item." Chen smiled.

"Then let's get started sunbae!"


"Oh? Freshmen? Doesn't look like!" Luhan said to himself.


While the others we're preparing on their little stage Luhan went behind those freshmen. To see how Kris will do this.

Play 1

- START! -

(Lay what are you doing?)





PLAY 1's Reaction....



Kris went down and signal them to hand out  the money.

The young boys eyed the tallest one.


Is it that really funny? Luhan thought. He even wanted to cry in embarassment in place of his friends doings.




- START! -






Seriously what's wrong with this freshmen?! Kris's not being funny here.


Xuimin this time went down and grab the money. He went back to discuss their next act. Luhan on the other hand accidentally overheard those freshmens.

"YAAH! We can't laugh in this round!" the fairest of them said.





(PLease imagine that it's EXO M xD)


PLAY 3's Reaction


"KAI!!" the guy who covered him shouted.


"That's 3 times! WOOOO!!!" Lay cheered.

"Okay Freshmen's this will be the last round." Kris announced then went backstage..

His not even finishing the Play 4!!!




- START! -






Play 4's reaction



"WAIT! We're not done yet!!" Tao shouted.

Play 4's Reaction


"AND LASTLY" Chen shouted pulling a swivel chair with Kris behind it.

 I wonder what will Kris do?








Hope you enjoy X)


LOL I laughed by myself in doing this hahahaha


In addition, after they laughed hard.



Chanyeol and Kyungsoo cried because they we're the main reason why they became losers xD




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