You and I application

you and i
fate brought us together
delete after reading » replace the middle gif with a picture of your uhljjang ( 200x105px ) luhans yum
remember » delete all the brackets and extra messejis before submitting your application through the preview
` let's fly » have fun applying \o

             Drama153  ┊ Reyn ┊ 6         


oh my beautiful lady
full name » Baek Sun Hae
nicknames » Skye - Her close friends and because of her blue eyes.
birthdate and age » 06/04/1991 - 21
ethnicity » White, Korean
birthplace » Ilsan, Korea
hometown » LA, USA
languages » Korean (fluent), Korean (fluent)
holding in my breath
uhljjang » Park Hwan Hui
photos » image | image | image | image | image | image | image | source
second choice » Kim Seuk Hye
photos » image image image image image | source
height and weight » 166 cm & 52 kg
` appearance » Blue eyes, dark brown hair, but it looks like light brown in the sun, slim body not very muscular or lean.
fashion » brief description of how your character dresses; hyperlinks would be appreciated.
extras » glasses? tattoos? what?
you're my style, yeah
personality » quality is key. at least 1 paragraphs. make it correspond to your chosen plot.
background » same as above. 1 paragraph should be fine.
likes » 7+ likes. bullet points please.
dislikeS » same as aboves.
habits » limit of 5 thanks; bullet point too.
fears » same as above.
trivia » anything else would be here. get yo crayon creative- but not too creative orz.
major » can be anything you wish. ( journalism, photography, etc. ) try to make it connect to your plotline.
with a warm heart
family » name | age | occupation | alive or dead | traits | relationship to oc
others » same as above. ( cousins, grandparents, etc. )
best friend » list the plotline which you are closest to.
friends » choose from the masterlist- max of four. name | age | occupation | traits
rival » optional unless stated on plot - name | age | occupation | traits | how did you become rivals
come into my
love interest » Xiumin
second choice » Kai
how did you meet » correspond it to your plotline.
how do you act around each other » link it to your plotline.
delete when read » personality for your love interest is already fixed according to your plot.
id password 'your love'
delete when read » this messeji and the questions not suited to your plotline. answer in first pov.
the wallflower »
did something happen in the past to make you a wallflower?
» make it creative!
how did you find out that it was your roommate you were having meetings at the library with?
» did you overhear a conversation? did he tell you face to face? make it creative \o
the goddess »
why weren't you fond of the idea of having guys as your roommates?
» was there more to it than just your 'no flirting' policy?
what made you fall for your roommate?
» creativeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
the rebel »
how did you find out that you had fallen for your love interest?
» did something happen between the two of you that made you realise your feelings to him?
what sports do you play for?
» no more than five please.
the child »
is there a reason behind your childish ways? if yes, why?
» does it have to do with the fact that you're the eldest in your family? get creative.
why do you think that that particular roommate always ignores you?
» creativity. think outside of the circle o:
the musician »
how did you discover your love for music?
» make it creative you d-bag \o/
what was the dare that you lost against the other girls?
» the dare that caused you to room with one of the guyyyyyyyyys aka your d-bag of a love interest.
the party animal »
is there a reason behind your clubbing persona? yes or no and why?
» something to get rid of your stress? what? get creative = v =
winning the heart of a guy that's dating already, how do you plan to do it?
» list your plan here \o/
oh oh i'm up and high
talk that » anything else you'd like to say; comments, suggestions, etc.
requests » can not promise it will be used but whatever; i'll try me best.
password » have you read the rules yet?



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