Warning: Language


What the f***k just happend!?! You f***king crazy fans!?! How DARE YOU push Kai into a fricken pillar!?! Gosh Im SO MAD right now! I felt like crying when I saw the pictures.



Who ever did this to him DOES NOT deserve to be in the fandom. I mean come on. YOU JUST F***KING HURT THE MY I STRESS THIS THE LEAD DANCER!!!!


Im just so urgh.........

To Kai:

I hope you feel better. Im sorry for what happend to you. Dont put so much preasure on yourself. I hope you get better. Lots of love and support.


Wait a minute........


Did I just read that some one HURT LUAHN'S HAND?!?!

HOW DARE YOU HURT MY LULU!?!?!? (this better be a rumor)


Hehe sorry.....

But still I cant belive this.

Why would you hurt your idols and try to get in their personal life? (someone gave Kai a teddy bear that had a camera in it) I am so ashamed. We really got to MATURE and CONTROL OUR SELVES.

Im sorry if I offened anyone.






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