You Are My Special Girl ♡ ¦ Application




You Are My Special Girl ♡


─ Plot Two





To the Point;


Username + Profile Life: HimeKay
Activeness: 9.5 (since I have school)




It's Only A Title;


Characters Name:  Kim Kay Lin
Nicknames:  ----

Date of Birth:  December 28th, 1994
Age:  18
Ethnicity:  Native-American/Korean
Languages: English (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent), Korean (Fluent)
Place of Birth:  Dallas, Texas
Current Residency:  Ilsan, South Korea




 She's Breath Taking;


Ulzzang Name: YiYi
YiYi ; YiYi ;YiYi ; YiYi ; YiYi

Backup Ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol
Links: Hae ; Hae ; Hae ; Hae ; Hae
Height: [ 160.02cm| 5ft 3inches]
Weight: [ 61.235kg | 135lbs]
Miscellaneous: [ Tongue piercing, three earring holes in each ear, star tattoo on my shoulder]


Beneath The Looks;


I'm very sincere but I hate hurting someone's feelings, so I tend to bite my tongue about certain things. Though I hate to hurt feelings I happen to be very blunt with my sincerity and can easily hurt someone though I really didn't mean too. When I get into something I'm completely passionate about it and will see it to the end, with or without someone's help. Most prefereably without since I like to do everything myself, convinced that if someone else were to do it it would be completely horrible. My motto is, "If you want something done, do it yourself, cuz someone else will surely screw it up." And it's happened...plenty of times. So just go away and let me do it myself before you ruin something else.

Many times I've been accused of being indifferent to the feelings of others and although I've never confronted these accusations I know they're all true. I just don't care. I've been labeled as a know-it-all by people I know are simply too stupid to know the answers. However, despite all this I'm extremely humble. No one gives me the chance to show this side of myself. Although it has been know that I'm blunt, it's been taken a step farther as people say that I have no filter on my language. I say anything and everything, no matter the severity of it.


I was born to Johanna Young; a full-blooded Native American; and Kim Tae Yeon; a full-blooded Korean; on December 28th, 1994 in Dallas, Texas. My mother had gotten pregnant with me when she herself was 18-years-old. I'm the eldest of five children and I take my responsibilty very seriously. When I was two-years-old, after the first set of twins had been born, we moved to Daegu, South Korea to be closer to my mother's family as my father is an only child and both his parents had died when he had reached adulthood. We stayed there till the second set of twins were born one year later. By then I was learning both Korean and English and Daddy had begun creating what would later become the most used software in South Korea. My mother also managed to get a job as an amateur fashion designer and due to her job we moved to Ilsan, South Korea to be closer to her job during my very first year of high school. Then...tragedy struck. My mother was struck by a drunk driver while on her way to work. She was killed instantly. Since then my household hasn't functioned as well as it had. Though Daddy tries to bring the family together, he need my help more now than ever.


  • Cold Weather/I've never liked the sweltering heat in Dallas growing up and as a winter baby I prefer the cold.
  • Baking/I picked up baking from her mother and it's something I use to enjoy doing with her whenever we both had free time.
  • Stuffed animals/It's a secret obsession of mine since my very first best friend was a pink monkey stuffed animal named JoJo.
  • Cereal/There's no real reason why I likescereal so much but I eat it whenever I can, even for dinner. I even bring cereal to school for lunch.


  • Questions with overious answers/Seriously, think before you open your mouth and say something you should already know. It grates my nerves when the answer is so simple but someone asks it anyway.
  • Girls with heavy make-up/You're not a clown, right? Why do you cake make-up on your face like you got hired to be one. It makes me cringe just to see someone with so much make-up on.
  • Hot beverages/I don't really know why I don't like them, but I really don't. Coffee, tea, hot all just tastes really bad to me.
  • Hot weather/I'm a winter baby. Hot weather makes me very irritable and grumpy.
  • Cheese/It's nasty, it stinks, it tastes like puke, and it's yellow. Overall it's just very unappealing to me.


  • Easily provoked/Especially when someone questions my intelligence.
  • Fidgetting when nervous/Only when I know the ranks after a large test are being posted.
  • Sharp-tongued/When faced with stubborn people who don't know what they're talking about.


  • Painting
  • Playing the violin
  • Baking
  • Singing
  • Tennis


  • I have an irrational fear of pregnant women
  • Without my glasses I'm legally blind
  • I hate wearing contacts because they irritate my eyes.
  • I'm hydrophobic in the sense that I'm afraid of large bodies of water.
  • Although my brothers' are one year apart I sometimes can't tell them apart.


Dear To My Heart;


Mother: Johanna Kim nee Young | 39 | Former Amateur Fashion Designer | We got along fine despite the fact that we hardly ever saw each other due to Johanna's work. I adored my mother | Overly-emotional, bubbly, compassionate | DECEASED
Father: Kim Tae Yeon | 42 | Software Designer My father is my role model when it comes to my education and my grades. He encourages me and pushes me to do ny best, though he knows I'm naturally intelligent. | Cheerful, boisterous, animated
Siblings: Kim Young Wan & Young Jun | 16 | High School Freshman | I adore them though I'm often the recipient of their little pranks. | Mischevious, mouthy, devious

Kim Sung Jo & Sung Eun | 15 | Students | Secretly favors them a little bit more since they're the 'babies' and they love to be around me. | Quiet, serious, down-to-earth
Other: [ important relatives. optional]

Best Friend: Shin Qui-Young | 18 | Student/Rookie Hair Stylists | She spilled chocolate milk all over my shirt during the lunch break | Qui-Young understands me intellectually and emotional. We're both incredibly smart and she's the only one I actually appreciate and acknowledges academically. | Smart, casual, laid-back

Friends: Hwang Ha Hi | 17 | Full-time student | She follows me around constantly so it's hard not to know she's there. I putsup with her as the younger girl seems obsessed with me  and she constantly calls me her idol and role model. | Energized (constantly), talkative (way too much), spoiled (to the extreme)




What A Lovely Love Story;

Love Interest: Dongwoo
Personality: He's bright. Extremely bright. But why bother using it when everyone thinks he's dumb. Why not just play off that and have some fun with it. He's extremely hardworking, just not with his assignments. Working to provide for his family is more important to him than finishing boring assignments. Unfortunately no one knows he's working so hard for his family so naturally everyone just thinks he's dumb and can't even do a simple assignment. But that doesn't bring him down and he ignores the talking and simply comes to school to have fun.

Relationship: Acquaintances.
First Meeting: He keeps staring at me in class and even though I've told him off he keeps doing it. It's really irritating because I don't know what he wants. He's introduced himself before but I've ignored him. Why bother when he already knows my name? How...I really don't wanna know how.
Impression of him: He's so...annoying. All he does is talk and he's so dumb. How could you be at the bottom of the ranks? Unbelieveable.

Love Rival: Junhyung
Personality: He nags...a lot. About assignments, grades, and the like. But when he's confident in himself he's completely laid back and completely sure of himself, to the point that his ego is very easily seen. He's cocky, but because he's smart no one calls him out on it. He rarely ever turns in a late assignment and when he does he up to the teacher to get a pass and be able to turn it in later. School is like work and there's no room for play.
Relationship: Acquaintances
What do you like about him?: His intelligence and maybe his appearance as well. He is very cute~

To win you over: Prove to me that you can actually solve a simple problem. Well...simple to me but complex to others. And show me that the reason you don't care about assignments is because you care more about your family. Family is very important to me.
In the end: Become an unlikely couple. The couple that no one saw coming.


See Ya Later;

Anything Else?: Special Girl
Scene requests?: Have fun with it~ I can't think of anything right now.







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Thanks for applying.
I'm actually was going to be using the ulzzang Kite so if you could give another back up ulzzang that's be great. Also Junhyung's personality is missing so if you could fill that in. ^^