Two Things That People Should Not Ask Uri..


The question that should never ask me is..

Who is your crush?


What is your favourite food?


For the 1st question.. Hahaha. I seriously have a lot..


For the 2bd question.. I got a lot of food that i love so i hav no favourites..


This is the two things that you should never ask me..

Hahahah.. Besides, im a forgetful person.

I sometimes can't even remember my own house phone number..


Anyway, just don't ask..

If you do, let me have few days to think of it..



Even my frens never bother to ask anymore cuz they cant keep the track record.. :P


So dun bother to ask..



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lol, I thought those two were gonna be the two people should never ask beause you would massacre then or something XD