
Here's the thing.


My job involves life and death. I know cytogeneticist suppose to be serious and all.

But I can't help it. Lab work is dull sometimes.

Especially like now on a SATURDAY morning.

I know i know I'm not even suppose to be on AFF but I'm just waiting for the darn machine to capture images and the sample hybridisation period to be over.

To kill some time.

Squeeling over the fics you guys wrote and reading back my favourite fics here..

*coughs 'Unglamourous"

Somehow Khun really gets me after all these years.


I found out that Fangirling might be good for stress release.

It helps in the production of serotonin aka "happy hormone" or even dopamine aka "the feel-good hormone"

I'm serious~ ^^

So go ahead on fangirling!!

Meanwhile, I'll continue mine~ ^^


Peace out.




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glad to know you are still a fangirl. just don't cross the line and become a netizen.