mind racing

I'm thinking, thinking of a story... but everytime I got to sit down to write it I think of the other millions of stories I've started and just sorta left hangin and I think "ah, should I really post it if I can't finish it?" ....

and then I think "man, it's not like I'm getting paid, I can post what ever I want as long as it fits the sites rules"


but yeah, I wanna update but I'm waiting for a call from a possible job that I'm hoping to get, so once they do call me I can have a good picture of what my life will be like... hell, I'll just be honest here and say that I'm procrastinating, it's not that I don't wanna write I just have alot of thoughts, alot of everything, my minds just going a mile a minute -.-

anyways, possible new story coming up, the plot'll prolly be cliche but who doesn't like a little of it here and there...

on other news I've been working on a none Asian story that obviously won't be posted on here, it's about girl who... I don't really know how to describe her job, it's sorta like a mythical version of Men in Black. It's a story I've been playing with for years now and it originally was just going to show case vamps but idk, I find it more fun to explore other aspects in mythology^^ so yeah, if any of my peeps are actually interested just tell me and if I ever post it on another site I'll send word^^

so yeah, gonna maybe work on some updates, possibly even stay up a little later then normal^^


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