Where Were You On 9/11?

I'm just curious where everyone was when 9/11 happened and how you guys all felt about it. Some idiot people on Youtube said '9/11 was the best day ever' or 'LOL that's so funny!' when they watched video's of those poor people jumping out of the Twin Towers isn't that sickening? :/ I think I was in school on that day and my mom picked me up after my nana told her the news.


Also RIP to everyone who lost their lives on this tragic day. Especially the brave passengers (minus the terroists cowards ><) on United Flight 93.


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I was in Pre-school......i think, but it was still a sad day for everyone in New York.. R.I.P for everone that loss their lives that day.. T_T
@KpopluverTP: It was a horrible day wasn't it? I've done that on Facebook a few times I think.
not-even-in-pre-school-girl. I was still learning my ABCs, and I was a bystander at the crash, actually. it was really scary and i was crying my eyes out for days at the death of alot of people and the twin towers death. today(naturally september 11) I tried to get a 100 likes or more for the death of people/things of that day on facebook.
@hanichan_1812: Yeah it just riles me up when people make comments like that. I would dare any of those morons to say those things to any of the family's. They'd get a major beat down I know that.
4th grade. In a computer lab. Teachers were freaking out and rolling TVs into the room to watch what was going on. We saw the second plane hit the South Tower. Really, us kids couldn't connect how wrong this was, but we did know that no pilot flies a plane that low...and seeing comments like that rile me up and make me want to rant like nobody's business. But YouTube commenters tend to love the internet's ability to make someone anonymous. It makes people brave to say something they wouldn't normally say in real life, to someone's face. I dare any of those commenters to say such a thing to a child who lost their mother or father in the attack.
I know isn't that sick? And they call themselves 'Americans'. I don't really remember the news reports all too well but when my mom picked me up from elementary school I noticed she was a little quiet...it's sad when people make jokes of these things isn't it?
AbriMathos #7
I was in my classroom in 3rd grade playing around when my teachers kept calling my classmates out because their parents where there to pick them up. Suddenly my name was called and I was told to grab my sister and leave. We all went home and I remember asking my dad what happened. He told me there was a big fire in New York. I turned around to look outside and saw one of the Twin Towers surrounded in smoke. All I remember was being completely confused and in shock seeing it happen before me. It was last year that I saw one of the videos of people jumping out of the buildings and some landing on the ground. I was completely sickened and i sometimes have nightmares about them >.< Its really sad and disgusting when someone finds someone falling to their death funny. Those were peoples mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, siblings, cousins, fiancees, grandkids, best friends. How could that even begin to be funny?