✈ fly to seoul- APP form

✈ fly to seoul

The Application Form

Carter, KailynKai - The Fake Girly-Girl a.k.a The Tomboy



✈ you had me at annyeong 

i'm jei, and you are? » Kay

profile » Me~

availablity » 2

fluency » English is my first language so I'm very fluent.

why apply? » It stood out. It's not a girlgroup/boygroup story and because it looked interesting. Plus I can finally make someone of a different race.


remember the name 

name » Kailyn Jannette Carter

nickname(s) » Kai / She's known as Kai thanks to her little brothers who couldn't say Kailyn when they were younger. Now they , saying everyone who doesn't see her first will think she's a boy.

persona » The Fake Girly-Girl or The Tomboy / She doesn't spend Mama and Daddy's money on clothes and shoes or any of that girly stuff. She spends most of her time looking at skateboards and video games. A bunch of reporters caught her coming out of the local arcade and instantly she was branded a tomboy. The name stuck despite local opinion that it was just a faze and she'd quickly cast off her 'boy attitude' and embrace the world of fashion and make-up. They call her fake. Plastic almost, since most pictures taken of her show her off in make-up and stunning jewelry and clothes.

gender » Female

dob » 12.28.1994

bloodtype » A

birth place » Tacoma, Washington, USA | hometown » Frisco, Texas, USA

residency » Dallas, Texas

ethnicity » African-American/Native-American

spoken languages »

  1. Spanish / Fluent / Her Mama grew up in Mexico for a time and figured it would do her some good to learn the language.
  2. Korean / Semi-Fluent / Her step-dad is Korean so she's currently learning it to better communicate with him and later teach her half-brothers.

traits »

The Good:

  1. Compassionate
  2. Open-Minded
  3. Punctual
  4. Self-reliant
  5. Sympathetic

The Bad:

  1. Unforgiving
  2. Speaks mind without thinking
  3. Pessimistic
  4. Insecure
  5. Indifferent

heels over head 

model #o1 » Daniela De Jesus

  1. o1
  2. o2
  3. o3
  4. o4
  5. o5

model #o2 » Amber Stevens

  1. o1
  2. o2
  3. o3

baby pic(s) »

Daniela De Jesus

  1. o1

Amber Stevens

  1. o1

height & weight » 160 cm & 64 kg

appearance » High cheekbones; large hips; short arms and legs; small feet (size 6); golden brown skin; almond-shaped chocolate brown eyes; black-rimmed glasses (I only wear them at home and with friends, not for public appearances as the camera flashes glare off them and hurt my eyes); shoulder-length dark brown, almost black, hair.

style » Her style...well, she tries on so many different clothes every day. Personally she likes more of a dark feel. Darker clothing, nothing to bright and 'shiny'. Though she does like pink. Black and pink. While most woman wear high-heels and short skirts, she prefers wedges or combat boots if she's in the mood. She likes jeans instead of shirts and long-sleeved shirts instead of tanktops. Formal wear-wise, anything that makes her look good. She adores dress-suits but she's been told she looks just as good in a deep-vee neckline dress. But enough rambling. She likes to keep things simple. Simple is always better in her opinion. She doesn't wanna be lit up like a freakin' beacon so you'll never see her in anything yellow, light blue, orange, or violet. Normally she's comfortable in a black shirt, blue jeans, and her favorite pair of Shape-up sneakers.

  1. o1
  2. o2
  3. o3

extra(s) » A large scar stretching from her shoulder blade to the middle of her back; a tongue piercing; ear piercings; and stretch marks around her stomach from when her weight fluctuates ever so often.


what makes you different

personality » Let me make this clear. Just because Kailyn looks like this loveable, sweet chick, doesn't mean she's gonna acknowledge you. And why should she? Cuz you idolize her? Please, lots of people already do. Cuz you know almost everything about her? Ugh... everything you wanna know is on the internet. Listen, sweetheart, don't take this seriously...but she could care less what your name is, how much you think you know her, and she's gonna say no to visiting your little benefit rally. Sure, she'll send a thank you letter with some poor excuse about why she can't make an appearance, but that's about all you're gonna get. Why? Because she doesn't like you, she won't like you, and she's not gonna take time outta her busy schedule to 'try' and know you.

All in all...she doesn't do well with people she doesn't know. And she doesn't know that many. No one seems to try and get pass her...rather intimidating exterior. It's not like you're gonna find some mushy, overly-accepting person inside. No...you're gonna find the same person...but this time she'll actually pretend that she's enjoying your presence and, who knows, maybe she'll get close to genuinely liking you. And don't worry, once she claims you as a friend, then you don't have to worry about anyone getting in your face. Just tell her and she'll take care of them.

in a nutshell » All you're gonna see at first is the bad. The pessimistic, indifferent Kailyn who doesn't care about anything you have to say. But once you get pass that you'll get the good. The sympathetic, compassionate Kailyn. She has a hard time getting along with people she just met and she doesn't like it when people try to get close so she'll naturally tell them off.

likes »

  1. Skating/Skateboarding (She likes the rush of skateboarding in the street and down stair railings.)
  2. Rollercoasters
  3. Baking (She picked up baking from her mother and it's something she enjoys doing with her whenever they both have free time.)
  4. Cereal (Odd, she knows. But she eats it whenever she can, even for dinner sometimes~)
  5. Stuffed animals (It's a secret obsession of hers since her first friend was a pink monkey stuffed animal named JoJo)

dislikes »

  1. Questions with obvious answers (Seriously, think before you open your mouth and say something you should already know.)
  2. Girls with heavy make-up (You're not a clown, right? Why do you cake make-up on your face like you just got hired to be one?)
  3. Cheese (It's nasty, it stinks, it tastes like puke, and it's yellow.)
  4. Hot beverages (She doesn't really know why she doesn't like them, but she really doesn't. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate...ugh...makes her wanna gag just thinking about it.)
  5. Hot weather (She's a winter baby. And like her mama says, "Black people and heat don't mix." It makes her very irritable and grumpy.)

hobbies »

  1. Painting
  2. Singing
  3. Playing the violin
  4. Reading
  5. Playing video games

vices & habits »

  1. Fidgetting when nervous
  2. Mouthing off when agitated
  3. Sharp-tongued
  4. Easily provoked
  5. Very insecure about appearance


  1. Extremely childish when bored
  2. Has a natural; what South Koreans call; aegyo
  3. Overly concerned with the people she knows
  4. Puts others ahead of herself
  5. Spends money constantly for the welfare of others

special talents »

  1. Singing in Korean
  2. Freestyle skateboarding

fears & phobias »

  1. Hydrophobic / She nearly drowned in a wave pool at a local amusement park. Since then she's been afraid of large bodies of water

trivia(s) »

  1. She currently can't tell her brothers apart, though her Mama says that once her half-brothers darken up a bit it'll be easier to at least tell the two apart from the other two.
  2. She can't properly pronounce her brothers' names right since her Mama insisted on giving them Korean names so she calls them Wannie, Junnie, JoJo, and Nu-Nu respectively.
  3. She has an irrational fear of pregnant women.
  4. Most people who meet her for the first time think she's a really pretty boy.
  5. Without her glasses she's legally blind.
  6. She hates wearing contacts because they irritate her eyes.
  7. She apparently looks older than her appears.
  8. She's a huge A+ and KissMe.
  9. She's incredibly boy shy when it comes to any boy she doesn't know.
  10. She has a rather bad habit of swearing when she thinks no one can hear her.



life story » She's the oldest out of five children. There's Young Wan and Young Jun; her twin step-brothers; and Sung Jo and Sung Eun; her other twin half-brothers. She thinks Young Wan and Young Jun are the oldest but half of the time she can't really tell either pair of twins apart even though Wannie and Junnie aren't related to her by blood. Weird, huh? They still should've been born all together if you ask her. Her mother; Johanna Hwang nee Carter; married corporate advisor Hwang Tae Yeon her junior year of high school. He's good to her Mama so she doesn't give him a hard time as much as she use too. She's very protective of her brothers and messing with them is like messing with her. And you don't really wanna do that.

Her Mama married her real dad after she was born but divorced him a little bit after her 2nd birthday. She won't tell her why, just that he wasn't the one. Then...she believes it was around her 10th birthday she introduced her to her future daddy, saying he was just a friend that she had met during a conference in South Korea. They married two days into her junior year, bringing along Wannie and Junnie who were his sons from his first marriage. Nine months later JoJo and Nu-Nu were born.

family business » Daddy has Hwang Inc., which she believes was passed down to him by his grandfather. She doesn't really know much, only that it started off as a simple trade center until Grandpa got a large investment from a private party and it expanded gradually until it is what it is now.

Mama has Carter Investments, her baby that she helped build from the ground up. After years of letting others handle the company she finally took her spot and became President. With her in the seat she raised and maintained a 200% investment rate. She kinda think she's the private investor who helped Daddy build up his company as she fell in love with him before his company was what it is now.

family members »

» Father | Hwang Tae Yeon | 42 | Korean | Corporate Advisor | Alive | If ever a man could be compared to freakin Santa Claus, it's Daddy. Always happy, always giving, always smiling. It's pretty creepy. He never gets extremely mad, just sulky or quiet when he's upset. And he's always trying to give me something, be it money or a small gift. He's a pretty nice guy. | He calls her his baby, she calls him Daddy and occasionally Appa. Sometimes they'll go out to eat together or stop by an art gallery if they have time. He bears through her tempers and even tries to comfort her aftwards. He doesn't deserve to be treated so horribly by her when she's in her agitated moods. He's a great guy.

» Mother | Johanna Hwang | 39 | African-American | Housewife/President of a Corporation | Alive | Her mother is overly emotional and a little too bubbly for my tastes, though her randomness is extremely funny. She figures that's how a formerly poor woman acts after having built herself up into a figure that has been splashed on magazine covers and is known throughout the world. | She and her Mama get along fine, though they hardly see each other due to her work. However, she's her first-born and she had made a promise years ago when she was little to always be there for her, even when she didn't need her to be and so far she's kept that promise. She hates how mean sje can be towards her.

» Siblings | Young Wan & Young Jun (Step-brothers) | 7 | Korean | Elementary students | Alive | Her mischevious brothers. They get it from Daddy. They love pranks and jokes and she's always the recipient of their little pranks when she's around. | She loves her brothers with all her heart. She's there to comfort them and whenever they call her late at night, complaining of a nightmare she'll always be right there to tuck them back in and protect them from the 'monsters'.

» Siblings | Sung Jo & Sung Eun (Half-brothers) | 2 | African-American/Korean | Babies | Alive | Her quiet brothers. They look like more serious, baby versions of Wannie and Junnie. They like to cuddle and listen and sometimes they give me a smile or a giggle. Oh, and they love giving kisses. | Just like the other twins she loves them so much it hurts. Whatever they want, she gets for them and no matter how much money she has to spend she makes sure they're comfortable and happy. She spoils them, it's true. And that's not a bad thing because they're learning how to not be completely spoiled as well.

» Others N/A (JoJo and Nu-Nu are allergic to anything with fur and Mama's parents died when she was younger. Daddy isn't in contact with his family for personal reasons.)


family properties » Main House; Hwang Inc.; Carter Investments; Villa in Korea; Beach House (Miami); Beach House (Beverly Hills); Cottage (Ireland); Guest Home; Mountain Home; Valley Home & 300 acres; Megamall in the Philippines (Investers & Co-Owners); & A Resort

*optional home sweet home » how does their main residence in Manhattan look like outside and inside? do they like in a hotel suite? a mansion? what? provide pictures for the master bedroom, kichen, guestroom, bathroom & etc


miserable at best

kpop » Love it! Kpop is all she has on her iPod. U-KISS, MBLAQ, NU'EST. It's her guilty pleasure, I guess you can say. She listens to it when she wakes up and she listens to it before she goes to sleep with plenty of time in between to listen to it. Lots of her friends only learned about Kpop through PSY when he released Gangnam Style so she can't really talk to them about it in detail since they don't really understand.

the sweet life » Pretty sweet, actually. She got to buy a lot of MBLAQ CDs that her family says is a waste of money. She attended some fan meets and got autographs, plus they have a pretty wicked skatepark down the street with awesome ramps and jumps, so she was amused pretty much the entire week.

downfall of us » She knew it! Okay...so she didn't know it. It actually took her by surprise but then again Mama never sent her anywhere without a condition being attached to it. Still, she's not very happy and if she thinks that this punishment is going to somehow change her whole perspective and make her change my ways...then she's got another thing coming.

why oh why? » She talks back too much. She uses foul language in front of her Mama's guests and she doesn't respect authority. Basically she thinks she can do whatever she wants and no one can say anything about it.

part-time job(s) »  She's a teacher's assistant and helps work with disabled children. At first she hated it, only because she thought she could be doing something better with her time but slowly she begins to enjoy it, especially once the children warm up to her.


the great escape

academic major » Archaeology major

behind the choice? » Since she was nine she's wanted to be an archaeologist. She never wanted to inherit both Hwang Inc. and Carter Investments. This is her choice and she's genuinely surprised her parents actually support her. She figures she'll just be in charge of watching over both companies until the twins are old enough to take over themselves.

best subjects »

  1. English
  2. Science
  3. History

worst subjects »

  1. Math
  2. Psych
  3. Physical Education

grades ranking »

  1. Best: She gets mainly A's in English, A's in Science, and B+'s in History
  2. Worst: She gets mainly C's in Math, C's in Psych, and C-'s in Physical Education
  3. Average: She gets mainly C's. She tries her hardest not to get ANY D's in any class

club(s) » Archaeologists Association (It's the only one that doesn't require her to be face to face with people all the time. Though she's thinking about maybe joining the cooking club.)


the story of us

love interest » 
#o0. Cheondoong/Thunder | MBLAQ | 22
» personality | The sweet guy that seems to have the "Prince Syndrome". He's always the odd one out of everything, but that is what makes him unique to her. But some of his bad points...he's absolutely terrible at making jokes and gags. And that's what makes her laugh.
» meeting | During a fanmeet, like any other person who wants to see an idol. She's a huge A+ and she really wanted an autograph from her bias. It's kinda...cheesy but that's really how they met.
» love story | She always feel so awkward with him when they're around the other members of MBLAQ, seeing as they were determined to meet her no matter what. They all look at her like she's his girlfriend and they don't seem to believe her when she says she's just a friend. She doesn't even believe herself when she says that. She thinks it makes him embarrassed. But soon they warm up to her and they're all joking around. She can playfully hit him and he'll whine and say Dongsaenggie is abusing him. Though she hates it when he calls her that but she can never get him to call her just Kailyn.

rival » Yoo Hee Soon | N/A | 23 | Sickly plastic-acting; she doesn't really know how to use aegyo very well; very vain but she can be kind to people she actually likes...which isn't Kailyn so she's normally on the receiving end of her glares and cold shoulders. | Hee Soon is a background dancer, who happens to like Cheongdoong and was hoping to get pass the Noona-Dongsaeng relationship with him and now thinks she's a rival for his affection though she doesn't even know if he likes her likes that.

 #o1. Mika / The BOSS / 22

» personality | Mika is very quiet, but this is just a front for the public. When he's with his band mates, he steals their food and likes to touch their faces a lot. He's often very rambuncious and outgoing and rather loud. It's amusing to see him try and impress her.

» meeting | Same as #o0 except at a The BOSS fanmeet.

» love story | Contrary to popular belief, Kailyn knew Mika briefly during a visit to South Korea with her mother for a conference in Daegu. Though her mother didn't approve of her hanging around an older man, she took to having coffee with him in the morning. She can't remember why he was in Daegu, only that they had some things in common and talking with him was always a treat. When she met the rest of The BOSS he always pulled her away from the flirtatious; yet joking; advances of the other members, especially Karam.

rival » Same as #o0

#o2. CNU / B1A4 / 21

» personality | CNU-ssi...is a weird one. She's positive he never stops smiling yet it's a welcoming smile. He's rather silly, like most idols nowadays, and is very affectionate towards his band members to the point where many a fangirl has had rather inappropriate thoughts about him and the one he's being affectionate towards. Oh well, people's imagination I guess...

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a B1A4 fanmeet.

» love story | While she's not a big BANA fan, she attended a meet with a classmate and ended up meeting him by chance as well as the other members of course. She found that not only did he have a very charming smile but when he complimented her glasses, she found he had a rather nice voice as well. It was by chance she happened to see him at a local eatery and, despite lingering paparazzi, walked over and introduced herself. Imagine her surprise when he asked her to eat with him.

rival » Same as #o0

#o3.  AJ / U-KISS / 21

» personality | AJ looks very playful, funny, and happy. Almost like he just wants to fit in with everyone else. But he's genuinely like that and it helps to liven up everything. He's very affectionate in his manner of speaking to the other group members.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a U-KISS fanmeet.

» love story | They did a photoshoot together after having met at the fanmeet. His company had called her, asking if she'd please do a magazine cover with U-KISS in hopes of raising their popularity in South Korea, during her luxury week. Being a loyal KissMe, she agreed, wanting to see them gain more attention and respect from their native country. It was during that photoshoot that she began to really know about him and she found that the more she talked to him, the more she began to like him.

rival » Same as #o0

#o4. Yoseob / B2ST / 22

» personality | So childish, it's a shame. It's like watching a big kid. But this personality is what draws people to him. Including his baby face but when you talk to him he proves that he isn't a baby at all with his mature attitude and manner of speaking.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a B2ST fanmeet.

» love story | Surprisingly their first meeting wasn't at the fanmeet. Though she only saw him from afar, they truly 'met' during the shooting of B2ST's music video Beautiful Night. It was only a glimpse however since she was in a car driving by. When she saw him at the fanmeet, she had to have his autograph and introduce herself. He already knew her, since the news had been hyped up with news about the arrival of the world's richest children.

rival » Same as #o0

#o5. Hoon / U-KISS / 21

» personality | Hoon looks very playful but he's serious about his work at the same time. He loves being around those he likes and can make any situation a fun one.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a U-KISS fanmeet.

» love story | Same as #o3.

rival » Same as #o0

#o6. Dongho / U-KISS / 18

» personality | Loves to eat! He is very funny, rude at times, and playful. Dongho loves to eat and doesn't like people to talk while it is time to eat. At times he can be rude. He usually likes to stay out of trouble and drama.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a U-KISS fanmeet.

» love story | Same as #o3.

rival » Same as #o0, except her age will be 20.

#o7. Aron / NU'EST / 19

» personality | The romantic guy, ladies’ lover, Aaron knows how to handle his smooth and natural charm.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a NU'EST fanmeet.

» love story | The fact that he can speak English fluently captivated her. The fact that he lived close to her beach home in Cali sealed the deal. She declared that they would be friends and caused a scandal when she came to visit their music video set with a bag of food she had made for him and the rest of NU'EST. He then caused a scandal when he did the same, except he came to her school and had lunch with her.

rival » Same as #o0, except her age will be 21.

#o8. Hongki / F.T. Island / 22

» personality | Same as #o2

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a F.T. Island fanmeet.

» love story | Same as #o9

rival » Same as #o0

#o9. Seunghyun / F.T. Island / 20

» personality | Quiet; reserved; serious. On the flip side a prankster; loves to pick on his hyungs and bully them.

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a F.T. Island fanmeet.

» love story | She met him first at a fanmeet and then on the red carpet of a movie event that she had been invited to during the luxury week of her life. They sat together, and occasionally leaned over to whisper in each other's ears about the movie, drawing fire from the paparazzi and any one else who was watching.

rival » Same as #o0

#10. Seungri / Big Bang / 22

» personality | Flirtatious; erted to an extent; hard-headed; a complete jokester

» meeting | Same as #o0, except at a Big Bang fanmeet.

» love story | He's...very forward. To the point that it's almost embarrassing. Why? He wrote down his number on the CD she handed him to sign. She remembered looking at him and laughing when he winked at her. Though that seemed to dampen his mood. She took the CD and thanked him before leaving. That night she called him and they talked till nearly 5:00am in the morning about absolutely nothing and he had her laughing until her sides hurt.

rival » Same as #o0


in the end

is it okay if the authors tweak your app? » Have at it.

the possibilities. . . » I'm fine as a minor character. How about a university exchange classmate.

comments & suggestions » I got brain-dead while writing all the meetings and love stories so a lot of them are the same. Sorry.

scene request(s) » Um...I guess if my character can meet Thunder at the fanmeet and ask if he can sign her CD. When they shake hands he holds my character's for a little longer than normal and my character pulls away quickly and hurries off. I'm not very good with this kind of thing, so can I leave it up to you, Author-nim?

password » { fly } { to } { seoul }



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