plz, help me friends.

Hi guys.

I'm from Sri lanka. I speak Tamil, Sinhala, English, Telugu and a bit of Hindi, japanese, french and Korean. 

I really, truthfully, hardly wanna learn Korean to speak.

One of my Beat friends from AFF, Love_Zelo helps me a lot.Even if I know the words I really can't understand the pronounce. So if you guys know any sowtwares that can help me. Plz tell. I did search a lot. But I don't feel good. I learn a bit from Talk to me in Korean site. It's so good.

Plz, Help me.

I'm waiting Thnz guys.


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Thnz frds, I'll try my best. <3
I agree with soyeon_hda, youtube videos do helps.
Listen to more variety shows and songs, listen and pronounce it too.
Talk To Me in Korean is already the BEST site! >.<
I learnt my Korean there~~
Maybe u could search on youtube to hear the pronounciation..