dear addictions

dear addictions,


it's the year 2013 now. welll to start off, there goes the movie 2012 and all the hype about "the end of the world". now what excuse would people make when they have to do something for later, or for the next year to come or for whatever? i wonder... well that doesn't really explain addictions much does it? But people have been quite attached to this idea especially last year. However, it could really be the end of the world as we know it. but not in the literal sense like strayed asteroids or meteors or the earth's crust and core moving way too much. in the basis that people are killing each other and nature for whatever justifications - genocide, homicide whatnot. its been posted in FB and probably in tumblr and twitter. so i hope some have an idea about it.

next. i would just like to say, this sort of thing we have is something i love and hate but still wound up around your finger. why? because for one thing, you get me hook up on the good things, if not all are amazing, but i think they are. it depends on others' perspective if they'd agree on me or not. 

anime | manga

drama | movies | series

KPOP. yes. definitely this and more attached to it. 


those are the good parts. most certainly are the good parts. the downside...

they aren't completed. - authors, directors, producers, artists never (i assume) tell you when it actually ends. maybe they just have cliffhangers. maybe they're sadists. and i hate that.

they just keep poppin up. - yes, once i'm hooked on one, others pop up. i hear good reviews, good songs, good anything. i get curious, i watch a little, get impressed and then i'd want more. more i tell you. it's not healthy. i don't want to be not healthy. 


so how am i trying to cope with it? well, dear addictions... thank God for some reason i could only focus on one and leave almost everything else on hold, if not ,multi-task - which doesn't always happen especially if i'm too engrossed into one thing. 

then there's losing interest in the long run of waiting. yes the agony of waiting. that's the worst part of having addictions that aren't actually physically harmful unlike substance abuse, yes? thank God, i don't lose interest in kpop idols, i just... start entertaining the idea of fangirling a new group more. but that's not the case with one, two, three anime and mangas i think. sad. have to lose interest in a good bunch of line up. well, they're taking pretty long to close it up. 


again i don't like the waiting. that's the most painful, or difficult part with being a fan of something. that's why, along with said reasons and with how RL's been, i've come to prefer short completed mangas or oneshots, thirteen-episode animes or twenty something (50 if it's that really good and i'm not really busy) completed anime. again completed. Movies. and at least a sixteen episode Kdrama. we all know how long one episode would take. i don't need one with a lot, i don't have that much free time, and i'd like to do a lot on that free time. Completed American Series. 

so when i heard Vampire Diaries' current season was up and my friends were on a sorta hype about the happenings of it, and dying on the cliffhangers per episode i was telling my self "wait for the end. wait for the DVD. be agonized for the next season all in one go." 

when i heard that GG was on it's last season "okay, wait for it to really end then hunt for DVDs or torrents then watch on free time." 

but when i heard of Sherlock... my gad Addictions! yes bloody hate you, and you must be smiling devilishly at my face like a sadist now. two seasons. three one-hour episode each. hella ing awesome. and i hate you self for being curious and lovuing the UK show. because after searching over it i learned Season 1 was aired on 2010. Season 2 on 2012 and season 3 probably will air on 2013... if i am currenty suffering from post-amazement and obviously cliffhanged on the last episode of S2 how much more for those fans who have watched before me? 

and if anyone knows me on tumblr, guess what i'm currently fixated at? and agonizing about. 


oh i hate being addicted/hooked/engrossed into someone, something, some show, some song... if it screams cliffhangers i'd look for more. but with or without i would still search a few of said people and venture forth and wait till the "losing interest" happens, if it ever happens. or just that the hype just subsides and i'm back to normalcy until... BAM! WB hae_ki the fangirl again. *sigh* life and it's ups and downs.

well i better get my attention directed onto something else... anyone know a 13-episode or less completed anime. an awesome movie. oh wait, nvm, i'd probably just go and try finish and write some fics and do everyone and me a good deed. 


welcoming 2013,

me. obvious


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LOLOL XD This was surprisingly long for you /glomp/