I'm having way too much plot bunnies! HELP ME!

so I'm having a lot of plot bunnies, and it's freaking me out. And the reason is simple. the more plot bunnies I have, the worst it is, because it may mean I won't finish the fics I'm currently working on. The plots involve Infinite and MyungTal, so I would like your opinion, because it may sound good in my head, but it doesn't mean it would be good written or that it would be good for the readers, so any feedback telling me what is the best plot and if you think it would be nice to read, would be wonderful! Here they are:


Plot 1 - Hoya and Dongwoo decide to play around a little more with the "WGM" joke. Everyone thinks they are just doing that to entertain everyone, including the fans. What those two members weren't counting on was that one of them was going to turn those pretend feelings into real ones. He becomes extremely over-protective, jealous and controls the other. But what happens when things are taken too far and their friendship is in danger and a possible future?


Plot 2 - Myungsoo is a quiet, cold man. He doesn't like to talk to people, only if he has to and can't stop it. Since he was a kid people called him weird. His parents thought it was just shyness, his teachers thought he could have some attention problem. He never had friends, but honestly, he never thought he needed them. Even in college people forgot about him and they didn't knew his name. But one night, a rainy night, a girl named Krystal appears from no where and asks him for help. He doesn't know why, but he allows her to invade his life. And as soon he does it, his life changes. He knew that girl would be trouble, but he never realized she would turn his life upside down.


Plot 3 - They never meet. They lived in different countries. Oposites of the globe. They never saw each other, they didn't even knew the other existed. One is a famous singer in Korea. The other studies acting and works in London. The singer always thought people just cared about money, abou fame. But a certain day, the singer receives an email from an unknown person and this is the perfect chance. the chance to leave the real world and live, even if it is for a couple of minutes in a world where people actually loved and cared. But what happens when virtual life becomes too intense? (this can be any Infinite couple or MyungTal. Just tell me what couple you would prefer^^)




So, any feedback would be amazing! I can't wait for your opinions




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BeeFish #1
plot 2! plot 2! MyungTal
plot 2 !!
plot 2 , MYUNGTAL~~
GDbaby700 #4
im a fan of myungtal, so anything! haha. actually, i like plot 2 but i feel like it might be cliche, but as long as its written by u, and its about myungtal, im sure it'll be great. i dont like the other 2 that much, to be honest.