Wonderful life....? Not so much=.=

Yo! Yeah! Hello people! Keke~

4 more days of school break and school would reopen next week=.='

The teachers will babble about some s that would make me go sleepy... The 'popular' friends would start to make some stupid dramatic fights... The nerds would start studying like crazy making me feel stupid... Great, I feel awesome *sarcasm*

On the bright side, I'll be able to meet my friends!

We'll be able to talk and go crazy as usual but... only during recess:( We may be schoolmates but we're not classmates T.T Why?! Why is this life so unfair. In class I'll be all like the quiet girl who scribbles a lot but outside when I'm with friends... I'm the crazy girl who doesn't give a about the world!

But seriously, I feel so lonely in my class. Well, I have those clowns at the back but I need my real friends whom I love dearly to be by my side too:( durian2003, aurorofantasy! You know, I'm talking about you guys....

Gonna dissapear now and cry at the corner.................. Not just because of school, my mom is like pestering me to study already since school is gonna reopen... Gosh, kill me now...........................................................................................


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I don't miss recess at all XP
Recess?? ..
I stopped having ANY recess time after Elementary School..
O.O (The only time we go out is for GYM -,- )
How old are you? (Not to be a creep!! ^^)
Lol! School is also in 4 more days for me too. :((
It's such a horrible feeling.
13seconds #3
Well, I actually can't say anything about it, probably because I've already accepted this fact OTL.
You still have recess? Wait until you are in middle school. And then high school. This ____ is MUCH much worse.
Are you a malaysian???
durian2003 #6
That is why we scribble and doodle all day long during classes my dear... it's our way of surviving through the day~ =.= but i think there's a possibility we might have a few similar classes together. ie; PE~ ^^ although we do nothing when we're supposed to be exercising... =.='' BUT NOT MATTER~~ ^^ It's all for a good cause. It's for our future!! So lets work hard together towards the future~!! b^^d
Same here. Goodluck to you dear I got all subjects with my friends that's why I am so happy :)). Goodluck to you dear :)
me toooooo !! but our first term is gonna finish soon so.. yeah !! Hwaiting for me enduring these upcoming weeks !! and Hwaiting for you enduring hard times at school !
Cbearz #9
I Hate That Time Of The Year
I only have one class with my friends (more like one friend) and that's math. Oh god math.
I know how you feel gull.
I'm always alone in class! Lol but I take naps...
Omg! The hangeng gif! ASDFGHJKL

Good luck on school! =)
meh. school -.-