of annoying a sister or being annoyed, which is which

... one a letter to dear Ole Perfect Being first. to vent out a bit of frustrations...

dear my forever Love-Hate relationship partner,

though you probably don't have a wind on it, but yes, this is the type of relationship i think we do have. anyway, why am i mumbling and possibly having a higher than normal blood pressure? 

because of the freaking mistake, or as you call it - illness. so i forgot to tell you where the gas was on the thing attached to the car. if i had the guts or half the confidence i have in teasing and talking my point onto my siblings i would've told you - that this was the first time i haven't told you where the bloody point/arrow or whatever was. i told you the last time, probably two weeks or a week ago. i told you and you didn't listen. i didn't waited for you  to ask me where it was! goddamnit! 

then when i told you next is when you asked me and i'm so sorry that it went passed half the line! it wasn't my fault your senses are growing old like you! F you! lemme go vent it out a little on my bigger younger sister then, who is by the way making such novice, idiotic mistakes. i understood why you got worked up a bit on her as well..

but why vent it some on me? oh yeah *face palm* i somehow inherit some genes from you. i wonder how you don't see the resemblance. when you, from so many times this holiday you've been having you're Illness of which you said was mine and my other siblings' as well. fine. fine. you're a stressed middle-aged man. not a good excuse, i should say. but i'm tired of wasting saliva on a losing battle. there. 


unfortunately loves you unconditionally,

the one related to you. 


...now off to annoying bigger younger sister and how she is idiotic and novice. 

tell me, enlighten me, if you haven't ignored my rant and i wouldn't be hurt but if you've stayed to read on my ramblings, thank you - if you sleep over at someone else's place and have a plan to be somewhere else the next day, wouldn't you have prepared everything? from the things you need for the sleep over until what you need for that out-of-town thing? 


yes? well, i would.

i would make it a point that i'd bring everything and if i can't then i'll prepare them where people could see and leave out a note or something that i'd be taking them on my way to this place i would be going. 

not... i dont know, just bring what you need for the sleep over, tell my mom what i needed or just put them on the bed because there wasn't anymore freaking bag. wtf! she has more than just one bag. all she needs is to shake off her school things, stuff it up with what she needs for the next day thing and get it by herself. 


not. tell me to take it to her. a keyboard stand and a lyrics stand as plus plus... for someone as petite as me? (so i'm a complaining, lazy bi-atch. 

not.. text me of what she needs to be prepared and have me take it to her. my gad, thanks to efficient mom, she has more than what she asked for. and how i annoyed her? well, first thing - english isn't our primary language.


too bad for her, i wasn't in a pretty good mood, subtle, but still wasn't a good mood, save for the series i'm watching now. Thank you Sherlock. so i started asking about her things coz person addressed by angry letter asked me - who doesn't have a clue about it. sister started telling me to prepare the things she needed. this was here. that was there. and i'll be calling when i'd need them. though somewhere in the middle of requesting my assistance for her preparation i told them that i was coming along.


they were going first. but i jsut had a talk with our aunt that there's a convoy or something. but for the fun of it i texted in english. 

somewhere along our text she started telling me about the stands, which i think one of them is quite heavy. goes the english text. then the misused spanish jargon i have stored somewher in my brain. then she spammed me with 3 messages. so i threatened her to not provoke me into using what little korean i know how to write and speak (thank you korean smart phone that's localized)  and she says that she hasn't read the text fully...


fine. fine. fine. i'll stop bothering you. it was a bit entertaining. and since she already said she'll come take the things herself i'm more than satisfied already. 


other than these things happening in just this evening, the rest of the day was quite wonderful. slept most of the morning, again. went out with my closest college friends. chit chat here. have a laugh there. and bought some things with a bit of what little money i got from christmas. well, i bought my younger sis who's now working that eye cooling patch. to relieve a bit of those stressful days at work. :3


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