And all he had on was a towel -.-

Do you know someone who's completely relaxed in their own skin, not afraid of the world seeing every bit of them? 

apparently the teenaged boy that I'm sorta living with is -.-

I mean it's not like he's walking around completely but I mean, we just had a five minute long conversation  while he stood there with nothing but a towel on and all I could keep thinking was "please don't let it fall, please don't let it fall". I mean he's not bad looking, just very very young, younger then freaking Taemin for Christs sake!

I'm just, you know, not into checking out boys who are four years younger then me, makes me feel a bit awkward -.-

ah, idk, do all teenaged boys walk around in nearly nothing,I was always told to keep my clothes on... 

anyways, it's hot in this house, and not because of barely clothed underage boys, the AC in this house doesn't work and I live in a very hot climate (it's in the nineties right now -.-) I sorta wish they had a pool or a fan or something but I guess I'll just have to make do with what I got

on other news I most probably have a better paying job now, I'm quite excited about this^^


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Ke ke ke ke he was walking around almost ?!