Christmas, Twitter, and Internet.

Umm. Christmas was GREAT! Went to church, came back home opened presents & cooked food, prepare food, and ATE food (: Just a lil fam dinner w/ my cousin and her kids. Then later on I read a Daragon fanfic, Crazy Little Thoughts (I think thats what itz called). I loveed it! Every once in a while I'd jump on my twitter (btw, follow me @teeh_isonline ; iFollow baack :D) and I follow YongSeo shippers, Daragon shippers, Micronesians, etc. oh and my MBLAQ boys sans Lee Joon.. I noticed that half of my tl was spazzin about SNSD's new song IGAB and half spazzing about 2NE1 and BigBang Gayo Performances. Lol. Made me wish I had internet instead of my wonderfully cellphone -_- Anyways I'm high on sugar right now. Lol. dietDR.PEPPER, youuuu diee~!! But I LOOOOVE U!! lol. Bye6x


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