work is fun?

AFF! Let me try this blogging thing one more time - I usually see my friends blog about their life or anything kpop related or just about ANYTHING. So how do I start off? Well for once, how about work? Since I'm done with high school and I'm not going to college, I mean I will - but it's just not the right time for me, I have entered the REAL ADULT world; working. I guess you can say I didn't plan out what I would do after high school very well. So my parents didn't want me to stay at home all day doing nothing - sleep is something, right?! - so they wanted me to start working. Working is fun, but exhausting. Theres the goods and the bads. For example, pay day! Pay day is the day I look forward to. You also make new friends or meet friendly employees (idk if I should call them my friends, they're just really cool people (well some of them)).The bads would really depend on other peoples opinions - like for me, because I work at a fast food restaurant, it's the really rude customers and being timed. Yeah, we get timed and it . I always worry about getting customers order wrong or their change. It just terrifies me. I really don't want to continue working at this place. Lol. It's a great fast food place to work, but honestly I rather be in school than work, but then again - getting paid is awesome! I'll just have to see where I can go from here. What are/were your plans after high school? Did you follow those plans? What was your first job? Like or dislike?


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