MIJEOM Application - Miryn


Username: Whitecrayon

Profile Link: Click me yo click me!

Name to call You: Siri is fine by me.

Activeness: 9


~Baby Steps~

Name: Park Kang Mi

Second Name: Kathryn Kangmi Arai (but she'll use Kathryn Park)

Nicknames: Ryn, Kat and Katie

Age: 19

Date of Birth: September 29th, 1993

Ethnicity: Half korean, a quarter British and a quarter japanese


  • English (fluent)
  • Korean (fluent)
  • Japanese (fluent)
  • Spanish (conversational)
  • Mandarin (Not enough for people to understand her, but enough to be abble to read some)


Blood Type: O


~Pretty Girl~

Appearence Description:

She's quite tall for a korean girl but then again both her parents are mixed and both are quite tall. Her face is heartshaped and her smile reveals moles on each side of her chin. Her eyes are almond shaped and hazzelnut coloured. Morning rutines takes longer for then normal because of her naturally curly hair, and when I say curly I don't mean wavy, I mean really really curly. It's hard to tame it, and only a few hairstyling product works on it. It's a little longer then shoulder length. When she's not smiling she might seem cold and a little scary because her resting face is quite horrible (resting face is when your face is natural and doing any expression), but when she smiles it lights up the room. Her nose is definitivly not the ideal nose but rather plump, and her lips are naturally, allthough a bit uneven coloured, pink. The only thing about her face she really likes is her eyes her eyes are almond shaped and hazzelnut coloured and she got long lashes just like her mother.

She has a lot of moles covering her body and some on her face; three like a triangle on her left side of the chin, one in the corner of her right eye, and also one above the right side of her lips. (the ones on her body is too many to mention). The right side of the back of her shoulder is covered with a Legend of Zelda tattoo, and she has music note tattoo on her right tigh and music notes behind her left ear. She has matching piercing in both ears, 3 on the earlobe and one in the outher conch cartilage.

Height: 174cm

Weight: 51kg

Style: Ryn's style is very "Ryn". Her outfit often seems randomly put togheter, but trust me, theres hours of planning behind them. She mixes and matches whatever she likes,often use layers and with just the right accecories the look is completed!  She hates clothes that are too revealing and prefer long skirts/dresses because are just so damn comfortable! Allthough she tolerates wearing different outifts on stage and when promoting the group, because when then she kind of steps into a role as the idol Miryn, she would probably never ever be seen wearing any clothes like that in her personal time.


~Angel/Into Your World~


Ryn is a spiritual young woman who believes there is more between heaven and earth then waht can be seen with the eye. She's supersticious and has a certain ritiuals she has to go through before doing certain things, if not she'll become a stuttering insecure mess of a nervewreck, convinced that something horrbile will happen.Because she's so passionate in what she believes in she might scare people away with her intensity, and most people concider her to be a little weird if not even creepy. But one the bright side she's very likeable with her friendly and openminded attitude. Becaus of she was brought up she gets along with pretty much everyone and has no problem sharing a dorm with many others, she doesn't have much need for personal space it seems. But when she does, you'll find her outside, maybe on the roof or a nearby park. Second to performing being outside it what makes her happiest. She cries very easily, be it because she's happy or because she's sad. I guaranteed she'll be the first to cry while watching a sad movie.

To her every creature is beautiful in their own way, be it animal or human of any shape, ethnicity, gender or uality. She hates that society is almost progammed to hate everyone and everything that sticks out from what is "normal" in their eyes, she knows that it's an impossible for everyone to be one jolly familiy, but she dreams of a world where everyone will at respect each other. Allthough she'd like to be accepting of all beliefs she can't stand people who jugde other based on other things then personality like homophobics and racists. In fact her biggest "problem" is knowing when to keep shut and just ramble about her opinions- because if it's one thin she's good at it's voicing her opinion and discuss eeeeeeeverything, even touchy subjects, regardless in front of the camera or not. And I'm not going to lie, she kind of likes to share her opinions to feel important too keke.


  • Cupcakes with a looot of icing.
  • Rasberry flavoured things.
  • The scent of vanilla.
  • Dorky people
  • Eyesmiles
  • Jazz music
  • Pocket heaters
  • Incense sticks
  • The ocean
  • Card games
  • Nintendo games


  • Homophobic people
  • Racists
  • Animal or/and human abuse, especially domestic abuse.
  • Marzipan
  • Dentists
  • People who try to stop her from speaking up for what she believes with.
  • Songs with too much autotune or/and ual referances.
  • Plain food.
  • People who call communal living cults without even trying to understand it

Favorite Song:

  • The Grace - My Everything (If I let her she'd fill the list with The grace songs, but I only let her chose one. This really showcase the talents of the grace)
  • Lee Sung Hee - Fate (The lyrics are absolutly heartbreaking, Love isn't always enough T____T Also she/I love the melody and the "tradisional" feel to it)
  • In heaven - JYJ (I'm not sure if she's allowed to say this as an sment artist but meeh, she has a thing for heartbreaking songs, and this is sure one. Written by Kim Jaejoong about his dear friend who took his own life and his feeling about not wanting to live without him. Also the vocals are amazing)

Favorite Colour:

  • All shades of blue. especially Cobalt blue

Favorite Animal:

  • Penguins
  • Sea dragons
  • Sheeps

Favorite Cartoon/Korean Friend:

  • Pokemon

Favorite Foods:

  • Bulgogi
  • Warm applecake with ice cream
  • Pancakes

Electronic Life:

  • Her phone: Samsung Galaxy Note 2
  • Her 4 year old Ipod touch
  • Her Nintendo Ds, neon pink version.
  • Her laptop.

Favorite Brands:

Usual Apparel:


  • Not being able to keep quiet if someone says something she strongly disagree with.
  • Mix japanese, korean and english when she's nervous.
  • Be easily moved to tears.


  • All the members of The Grace
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Beyonce
  • Lauryn Hill
  • Miss Elliot
  • Gilme (korean rapper and singer)

Role Models:

  • All the member of the grace
  • Jung Yunho from DBSK
  • Lee Hyori
  • Shin Bong Sun (Variety show host)

Wants to meet:

  • All of her idols
  • The cast of "the avengers movie", she has the hots for everyone of them, especially Robert Downey Jr.
  • Johnny Depp
  • Lee Hyori


Ideal Type: Someone who's openminded and accept people for who they are. He needs to be warm hearted and a family person, and a weird and dorky side to him is a must (it doesn't have to be the side he shows the most, it just has to be there). He must have a sense of loyality and responsibility too. Looks? Uhm... she really doesn't care, allthough she really don't like arms that are too thin so you can see the bones through the skin. that's her petpeeve. But seems to fall for people with eyesmiles or/and a really warm smile.

Favorite Members:

  • Exo: Chanyeol
  • SNSD: A tie between jessica and Sooyung (her bestfriends)
  • SHINee: Key
  • Super Junior: Yesung
  • TVXQ: Both
  • F(x): Luna
  • The Grace: ALL OF THEM!!!!!

Desktop Wallpaper:

Always in Your Bag:

  • Ipod
  • Phone
  • A small pocket mirror
  • A notebook to write lyrics
  • Several pens
  • Lipbalm
  • Bandaids
  • A travel sewing kit
  • A bunch of random stuff that's always there because it's convient

Can't live without:

  • Her panda shaped pocket heater.
  • Her ipod
  • Her phone, but only because her managment would kill her if they can't reach at all times.

Other stuff about you:

  • She has Dentophobia =Extreme Fear of dentists. It's because she was hit by a dentist when she was 7 while being hysteric because it was her first appointment without her mom around.
  • She makes a wish at every 00:00, 08:08 and 22:22 and so on.
  • She loves to make weird nickname for her friends.
  • Every contact on her phone has a unique ringtone and reminds her of the person. Her manager has this ringtone.
  • She's obsessed with The Grace! They are main inspiration to become a singer and she just... she just loves them with all of her heart mind and soul.
  • When buying stuff like plusies or christmas trees she'll pick the one in the worst condition, because she is scared it'll never get sold otherwise and will end up in the trash, feeling completly alone and worthless.
  • She's also a huge fan of DBSK, as 2 and as 5.
  • She's friends with K.Will and Zyno (also known as crazyno).
  • Ideal type is Park Yoochun.
  • Her favorite dramas at the moment are "rooftop prince" and "Hana Kimi (the 1st jap ver)"
  • She's kind of obsessed with the tv series "Castle" and "super natural".
  • Huge legend of zelda fan!
  • She kind of prefers japanese dramas over korean dramas because most korean dramas is about a company, the rich heir and the evil mother-in-law. (but she won't admit it though, that's like social suicide in the korean media)
  • She wants to dye her hair in a crazy colour at least once just so she can have a picture to show how crazy grandma used to be.


~Dear My Family~




Sparks flew when the young bohemian chick Elisabeth met the slightly older healer Hiro at a alternative marked in London. They fell head over heels right away, and 2 years later they were married and expecting their first child. After that they got 2 boys and 4 daughters more, including Ryn. Ryn grew up in cozy house in an area known for their close knitted community. Ever heard of Comunual living where different families with same values lives closly togheter and sometimes even in the same house? (No it's not a cult! read more about it here) Well it's kinda like that. She lived togheter with a group of wonderful, kind and slightly eccentric people of different ethnicities and background. Her parents are both very spiritual and believes in alternative medicine such. It was important to her parents that their children learned both korean and japanese.

Enough about that. Ever since she was young Ryn loved singing and dancing, and togheter with her bestfriend and neighbour Audrey they started a small group called "RynRey". Togheter  perfomed infront of the family at an age of 5, and when the girls discovered jpop and kpop they got interested in learning dance and joined a local dance shool when they turned 8. Ryn learned also learned rapping from another neighbour. Her parents has always been very supportive her, as long as their children is doing something they love and is happy they are happy too. When Ryn turned 13 she traveled to south korea to go to a korean high school there and try out for Sment since they had The Grace.

How you were casted: She auditioned.

Trainee Years: 5 years

Before debut:


~Flower Power~

Stage Name: Miryn

Position:  Main Rapper , Vocalist, Dancer  | Back up possiton : Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper

Persona: The Spiritual Dreamer

Fanclub Name: Fere (means Friend or Companion in old english)



~Is It Okay?~


  • Jung Jessica (SNSD)
  • Choi Sooyoung (SNSD)
  • Shim Changmin (DBSK)
  • Jung Yunho (DBSK)


  • Yoobin (wondergirls)
  • Kahi (afterschool)
  • Kang Daesung (Bigbang)
  • Choi Seunghyun (Bigbang)
  • Park Bom (2ne1)


Love Instrest: Kris (exo)

They became trainees around the same time, ryn arrived at sment only a couple of months before kris. Ryn was singing and dancing to "I will surive" on her ipod, acting all dramatic because one of the senior trainees forced her to clean a living room because she falsly claimed that ryn had made a mess in there when it was actually herself who had done it. Of course that was the moment Kris and some other new trainees walked in because they was going to be introduced to the other trainees. They couldn't make her notice them until she the song was over.... AWKWARD!! Luckily Kris thought it was adorkable and they became friends after that, discovering that both of them came from an english speaking country and was not full korea, or not korean at all in kris's case. He still calls her "disco girl".

Rival: Cho Ga Eun from dalshabet. | These girls aren't exactly rivals, at least not in the common meaning of the word including cat fights and trash talking. Okay, they do some trash talking, but only to each other. It all started one warm afternoon on at party hosted by some random person "who's important for your future in the show business" or something. Anyways, Ryn was taking a break from the crowd and was standing outside when she heard someone arguing, sounding like a lovers quarrel.Suddenly a man people appeared form the bushes, and a girl came running after him shouting "oppa, OPPA! Gajima!!" (Oppa don't go) in a sickenly cutesy tone. She contuined shouting for a few times before she stopped chasing him and her expression changed completely. "Gaesekiya..." (You son of a *****) the girl said before she noticed the Ryn standing there with open. "Whatcha lookin' at?" the girl said and left.

Then they met again they were introduced to each other, and Ryn noticed that ga eun would act cute around people, so ryn being ryn she decided to ask why. Ryn: "Why are you acting cute? It's clearly not you at all?" Gaeun: "You don't even know me" Ryn: "No I don't, but it's clear as daylight. You don't have to act to cute to be liked by people! Be who you are and feel what you feel, for does who matter won't mind and does who mind won't matter" Gaeun "Yeah sure, I'll show everyone this side of me and I'll can sucsefully debut as an Idol. What kind of fairytale land are you from?! You might have had it easy with your foreign look, sment was probably swoon at your feet at first glance. But I, I have to work hard everyday to be as perfect as I can be so that I might have a small chance to fullfill my dream. And if that requires me to pretend to be someone I'm not, so be it. So don't dare acting like mother theresa who knows everything and shut the hell up, because you have NO idea what hardships is." and with that she had pissed of Ryn enough to start a major argument that still contuines today. But honestly? If they could just let that matter go I think they would actually be friends, no peanutbutter and jam of course, but you know... friends.

Backup-Love Instrest: Minho (SHINee) I'd pick chanyeol but I know he's veeery popular and so is tao my 3rd favorite so I'll pick minho instead :)

Ryn, who normally doesn't fall for pretty boys or people in general at first sight, fell an instant attraction to Minho. But because she's so passionate in everything she does she scared minho away with her intensity. Ryn tried everything to make him like her, even trying to act like the ideal korean girl type. After about a year Minho got a girlfriend and Ryn backed off. When ryn looks back on it now she feels like a fool for trying to act like someone she's not when she herself hates people like that. She pretend to have gotten over minho and tries to avoid as much as possible because she knows it isn't true.. And what about minho? When ryn stopped stalking him he felt strangly lonely... I wonder why?...

Partner: (I think I messed up big time on this part but I just included one from all the mayor groups in case my ever collab with anyone of them.)

  • Shinee: Minho
  • Exo K: Kris
  • Super Junior - Yesung or Eunhyuk
  • SNSD: Jessica
  • F(x): Amber
  • TVXQ: I'm good with any of them.


~So Goodbye~


if you have troubles with finding a ulzzang or idol who fits my a little to descriptive description and the fact that she's biracial and all I have some suggestions:


Kiko Mizuhara

Jun Hasegawa

Meisa Kuroki

But feel free to choose anyone, suprise me kekeke :3


Can Ryn and Kris do a duet of "If your not the one" by Daniel Bedingfield (or maybe her and changmin and kris gets jealous because of Chanmi's chemestry?)

Please let Ryn sing "fate" by Lee sung hee on a show?

if you have troubles with finding a ulzzang or idol who fits my a little to descriptive description and the fact that she's biracial and all I have to

Other then that, feel free to do anything to my character. Anything. Kill her, torture her, break her heart, just don't get her okay? Of course I'm hoping for a happy ending but life isn't perfect so do whatever you want to make the story the way you want it!!





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