Willow Application - Cho Jung Hwa


"Free Spirits."
Your Info:
AFF username: WhiteCrayon


Le` Character:
Birthname: Cho Jung Hwa
  • June - Her English name
  • Summer - Because her english name is a summer month
  • Junna
Age: 22
Birthdate: 29/ 09 / 1990
Ethnicity: 3/4 Korean, 1/4 Canadian
Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea
Hometown: New York, USA
Height: 174cm
Weight: 52kg
Languages spoken:
  • English - Fluent
  • Korean - Fluent
  • Japanese - Moderate


Le` Appearance:
Ulzzang used: Lee Mi Hyeon
High quality picture links:
Backup Ulzzang: Kang Yui
High quality picture links:
Dressing style:
This a girl who loves fashion, but she doesn't follow it blindly. Her style can be describe her as style as clasic and chic, yet a little egdy at times. Her experience in the fashion industry gives her the adventage of knowing just what fits her before even trying it on. She shops a lot at second hand stores so her acceries are often vintage and unique. The colours she wears are mostly calm pastels, black or white, but she might add sparks of neon colours if she feels like it.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Tattoos or Piercings:


A Few Something's Bout Yourself:

Because of her modeling past she is extremly comfortable in front of the camera. In front of the camera she's abble to display her real personality, her dorky and weird sides. It's not like she's much different when the camera is turned off or anything, it's just that she's much less confident in "normal" situations. She's extremly afraid that people won't like her or think what she says or does is stupid so she tries to act perfect, resulting that she might appear cold or arrogant to those around her who doesn't know her. She has slight traces of social phobia aka she's more then a little concerned about how she acts and talks in front of others, she might get really silent all of a sudden because she's afraid her breathing is too loud. Therefore you'll often see her reading, taking pictures or playing with her phone, playing with her keychain and etc to try to distract herself from the fact that there are other people around her. She also can't write music or lyrics when someone is watching, because then she can't focus probably. In her head those small things she "messes up with" (like cracking her voice) or the fear of doing such mistakes gives her a small amount of aniexity.

If she does end up messing up she'll picture her mistakes over, and over, and over again in her head at night. Therefore you can often see her sitting on a rooftop or on the balcony late at night, to try calming herself down. Also she might drink a little more then neccacary during parties with a lot of people to calm her self down. It's very important to her too keep her mask up so that no one will see through her and realise how weak she really is, so there is only a handful of people who know of her fears. All of this doesn't seem to bother her on stage or during practice though, because then she can distracte herself with what she loves the most, dancing and rapping.

If have managed to get closer to her you'll see a very fun person. The fact that someone actually wants to spend time with her, something that to her is a miracle, makes her extremly happy. So happy that she can't help expressing her happiness and love with hugging and a little clingyness, and of course a big dose of hyperactivity. Because really, is there any better feeling in the world then when a person you are found of is found of you too? She's the kind of person that on good days always thinks of a glass as half full, even if there's just one drop of water left in it. She's very good at motivating, supporting and teach other people. She also loves to make people laugh and is not afraid of making smalll happy dances or acting like her dorky self if she feels comortable. In fact, if she hadn't had her aniexty could have been something like a social butterfly. Because she is actually a very people loving and soical person, she just can't seem to get rid of her fears.

Because of her faults she pays extra attention to people who is not included in a group or in a conversation, and goes to great lenghts to try to get to know them despite that talking to strangers is hard for her. She has a very strong sense of justice, and is not afraid to speak up if something she feels someone is treated unfair or disrespectful. In fact this has gotten her in trouble more then a few times. She seems to be one of those who gets angry quickly, then regrets and blames herself for what she has done or said. If she's angry it's better to give her some time alone, because when she has calmed down she's like a puppy who accidently destroyed it's masters precious vase.

She loves to act like a second mother to people she cares about. Dare hurting one of the people that are dear to her and you may never breathe again...

She was born in Gwangju to her Canadian-Korean father and Full Korean mother, but right after she was born they moved to New York where her father had gotten a job as a english teacher at a korean High school there. From she was young she showed tallent for modeling and she became a model at the age of 6 doing photshoots and commericals for children clothing and toys. Jung Hwa, who is normally shy and awkward, could forget all about the people around her when she was infront of the camera. Because of her modeling she was kind of excluded from the rest of her class who thought she was stuck up and had let her "fame" get to her head. But she had one good friends who she have known kindergarden, Scott. They used practice dancing togheter every day after school or when Jung Hwa had time off her modeling. Her uncle Tablo also made it his mission to teach her rapping as he saw that she had a great sense of rythm, and he succeded making Jung Hwa loving rap!
When Jung Hwa was 13 she quit modeling in the states and her family moved back to Gwangju take over the family farm there after Jung Hwa's mothers parents died.
When she was 14 she had to moved to seoul to go to Seoul High school of perfoming arts there togheter with scott was an exchange student. She shared an appartment with 2 other girls, a 18 year old senior called Eun Ji and a fellow classmate Momoko.
Her class turned out to be filled with kids just like her who was just as eccentric, and for the first time Jung Hwa felt that she really fitted in! Jung Hwa would later claim these years was the best of her life, and it was they who gave her confidence to try to audition for YGent. And eventhough she failed because she completly froze up at least she had tried! She also failed her sment audition, but for another reason. She had to be excorted out by security guards after she started yelling at a jugde who dismissed a girl with a stunning voice (and when I mean stunning I mean extremly tallented like beyonce voice), just because she was quite chubby. Ooops.
Now Jung Hwa had turned 18 and didn't really want to try out one more time, she told herself she was completly okay with becomming a composer. But Scott, who had started working at Everlasting as a cheographer and english teacher, got her an audition with Everlasting, and this time she got in!!
  • Spicy food
  • Children!
  • Cooking and making dinner for her friends or members.
  • Legend of Zelda
  • Leather jackets
  • Frogs
  • Vanilla and chocolate chip ice cream.
  • Dragons
  • Weird songs like: Ulala Seissions Beautiful night
  • Rain (Both the artist and the weather)
  • Eyesmiles
  • Hugging
  • Acting like a motherhen
  • When people tell her that they like her! (as a friend)
  • Interacting with fans on twitter and youtube.



  • Homophobics
  • Racists
  • People who gets a kick out of making others feel usless.
  • Disrespecting people
  • Sassaeng fans.
  • Seafood, she's allergic to most seafood like shrimps, crabs, lobster and mackerel.
  • Tasteless food, it makes her very sad XD
  • People who she does not know sitting too close to her.
  • Talking to strangers who is not her fans.
  • Her Phobia.
  • Playing with her phone or whatever she can find to distract herself.
  • When she reads she's lost to this world.
  • Hug the people she cares about a little too much
  • Suddenly start dancing or singing randomly.
  • If you can't find her she's more then likely outside. Check any nearby park or rooftops.
  • Wish on every 12:12, 0:00 22:22 and similar.
  • Hide her nervousness behind a mask of self confidence.
  • Be very emotinal. She cries easily while watching movies, when she gets happy she's like a hyper bunny and when she's angry it's like a thunderstorm.
  • When she's angry she'll yell things she normally wouldn't say: Like the pink song. "I can be so mean when I want to be, I am capeable of really anything, when my heart is broken"
  • Act like a second mother to her friends.
  • Be instantly attracted to people with a genuine warm smile.
  • Speak in English when she's really pissed off.
  • Writing and composing songs
  • Playing guitar
  • Kickboxing
  • Practicing her facial expressions in front of the mirror.
  • Reading
  • Tumblr (but a her tumblr url is secret one so that she can reblog whatever she likes)
  • Drawing
  • Knitting


  • This is how I imagine her rapping to be: Collab K.Will | Collab with Outsider
  • Here is a bit of singing voice + Rapping
  • Including those she also did a collab with Jang Hee Young "Love is pain" and one with Jung Yup "Why baby why"
  • This is how I imagine her dancing to be: Link
  • When she's relaxing she loves listening to "Lauryn Hill", "Maria Mena", "A fine frenzy", "Keisha Cole", "Winterplay" and "Michael Bubble". Basicly any Jazz, soul or RnB.
  • When she needs to get pumped up she listens to any song by DBSK and especially "Tarantallegra" by Xiah Junsu, that song make her feel confident and y.
  • She's a LEGEND OF ZELDA addict!!!
  • She's a skilled song writer and have written "Tomorrow" for her uncle tablo and "she's gone" for gdragon.
  • Her bloodtype is O.
  • She only concider the friends she met pre-debut as her closest friends since she needs a lot of time getting to know a person.
  • Her favorite colours is black, pear white and blue
  • If she had a personal fanclub she'd call them "Chosen".
  • Her Twitter-name is "LetsMakeAChoice"
  • Her rap idols are her uncle Tablo, Outsider and Tasha Reid.
  • But her nr.1 idols is Lee Hyori and Rain whom she'd faint if she met.
  • She's also fan of japanese artists such as Utada Hikaru, Gackt, Kana Nishimo, Superfly and Azu
  • Here is a picture of her when she was modeling when she was younger
  • She knows almost all disney songs by heart, and likes to sing "I'll make a man out of you" in the car with the other members.


Le` Famiry:
Famiry members:
Mother: Ok Mi Young | 45 | Manhwa artist | Mi young isn't much of a talker, in fact it's rare getting more then 10 senteces out of her during an entire day. But makes up for it by her actions, she's always there if you need a hug or a shoulder to cry on. When she's working she focuses 100% and forgets all about the world around her. Unless it's her daughter who's speaking, when Jung Hwa was young Jung Hwa's cry was the one thing that would snap her our of the trance. Mi young loves everything creative, from cooking to gardening to drawing (well duh she draws manhwa). She's quite anti-social.
Father: Cho Anthony | 45 | English teacher | Unlike his wife Anthony often speaks too much. Or it's more that he speaks so fast and change from subjects to subjects often so it's hard to follow the conversation. Just like his daughter he worries too much about what other think of him, but he can forget all that when he's teaching. His life mission is to "Make english fun and exciting to learn for everyone" and he takes his teaching very seriously. He has a lot of good advices and sayings like "No one is good at everything at their first try" and "Let people be whoever they want to be unless they are hurting otbers".
Half-Uncle: Lee Seung Woo "Tablo" | 32 | Rapper, Member of Epik High | Tablo is witty and funny, and loves to make people laugh. He is positive most of time and he's good at encourging others.  It must run the family because just like his half-brother Anthony he's also good at teaching people new things.
Siblings: None
Best Friends: (all are fictional)
Ahn Eun Ji | 26 | Musical Actress | Eun Ji is known for her temper and her blunt and sometimes harsh way of speaking. She's seductive and flirty,  and according to her "way too good to be wasted on only one man". Well thats what she says at least, the truth is that everytime she gets attached to a man something happens and they break up. Either it's her who's scared he'll leave her and decides to leave him first or he has suddenly figures out he's gay and elopes with his boss, or something else that she never saw comming. Everytime it happens she'll get depressed for about a month then bugs omo or junghwa to introduce her to some good men. She acts like a mother to her friends and is VERY protective of them. Whatever you do, do.not.metion.her.age. It's her nr.1 weak point. If you say she looks or dare call her unnie she'll curse you to hell and back. She'll do anything to look younger xD
Hasegawa Momoko | 22 | Composer | Momoko, or Omo as Jung Hwa calls her, is truly one of a kind. As if being japanese and living in korea isn't hard enough even when your fluent in korean, Omo's korean is between basic and rather horrible. It's a miracle she has survived so far. But then again she's used being confused, she often mistakes words and idoms in her mother language too. Omo is the type to give it all in everything she does, eventhough she fails most of the time. Her attention span is like a 3 year old she's always distracted by the stupidest things. She's really into everything spiritual or super natural. Most people think she's stupid and weird, but they don't know her like her friends do. Momoko is the most kind hearted person you'll ever meet, and she'll gladly put her life on the line to help even strangers and expect nothing in return.
Scott Alexandre Kim| 22 | Cheographer at Everlasting | It's clear as day that Scott is america-korean because he is very "americanized", whatever that means. He is louder then a firetruck and has no sense of personal space, prepare yourself for a lot of hugging. He's very active and loves to work out, and can be a somewhat of a health freak at times. Vegetarian and a animal rights activist. He has trouble being serious unless it's something he really cares deeply about. A perfectionist who will push you till the limit to get everything perfect. Did I mention he's also a clean freak? Yup this boy got a lot of issues.
Jung Jessica | 23 | Idol, Member of SNSD | Because of jessicas cold and at times expressionless face people often mistakes her for being cold and stuck up. It doesn't help that she spaces out frequently either and might seem distant in conversations, not because she isn't interested, but because she just... gets lost in her thoughts. When she's scared she gets violent, and she gets scared often because she's afraid of weird things like cucumber. She treasure sleep dearly.
Choi Seunghyung | 25 | Idol, member of BIGBANG | Despite his scary apperance he is really just a big teddy bear who wouldn't hurt a fly. He thinks he's very cute and loves to be dorky and weird, and making people laugh. You might not believe it, but he is insecure about his looks. He used to be a bit chubby in his younger days, and remember how jugdemental korean society can be. He has a strong sense of justice.
Rivals: None, yet.... (Feel free to give her one though if you feel like it!)
That Guy:
His name: Shim Changmin (DBSK)
His age: 24
Status: Dating for 1 year now! (secret relationship though)
His personality:
Tall, sarcastic and evil is what his hyungs would say if you asked them to describe him with 3 words. He's a bit of a bully, but of course it's all done in a loving way. A tad anti-social perhaps and not much of a talker, but the words he does says are pretty darn awesome and quouted all over the net. A bit of a perfectionist when it comes to himself. He has a passion relationship with food, and has a strong sense of justice. Cares deeply for his friends and family. He checks out every girl he sees, one of the dbsk members once said that if 100 girls walked by changmin would remember each and everyone of them, but that doesn't mean he date them all. He doesn't fall in love easily but once he does he'll devoted all his heart and soul to that person.
How you two met: (I'm gonna explain how they became a couple too)
Jung Hwa and Changmins first meeting wasn't your typical fairytale meeting with sparkles and butterflies and what not. Or maybe it was. Jung Hwa can't remember. Why? Well... she was drunk. Very drunk. So was changmin. All she can remember is grinding up to someone while dancing to Adam Lamberts "Your entertainment". And then waking u half p next to that said person. who turned out to be changmin. It didn't seem like they had done anything more then making up, but it still was pretty akwkward. Especially since changmin was one of Jung Hwas favoite idols. They quickly agreed on never talking about it again and left seperate ways. But 2 months later on, Jung Hwa's 20th birthday, Jessica had invited a lot of people to a birthday party for her and Changmin and Jung Hwa meet again. The same thing happened once again. And again. And Again. Until it had happened 8 times and both understood that they might or might not have been drunk at all the last few times ;)
They started dating and realised that their mutual attraction wasn't only physical, but that they connected in other ways too! :D
How you two act around each other:
They are very... touchy feely. Changmin who normally hates PDA (Publick Display of affection) has a hard time keeping his hands to himself whenever junghwa is around... hey not like that! He just really enjoys hugging and cuddling her, planting soft kisses on her neck or holding her hand. He can be a bit possesive of her. But it's not like Jung Hwa minds one bit, she who normally is awkward around guys feels at home when she's in his arms. Around him she's comfortable and safe and dares to show his crazy and weird sides because she knows he still likes her. They fool around a lot and seems to always smiling and laughing when they are togheter.
But they can also have very serious and heated conversations about everything and nothing.
Backup love: Kang Daesung (Bigbang) If I get daesungie instead of changmin please tell me and I'll give you all the info like how they met and such :)


I Am Me:
Stage name: Cho-Ice | Because her last name is cho + Jung Hwa means "Rightous", which kinda fits togheter with "choice" as in everyone has a choice between what is right and what is easy (so not a hp fan) don't you think?
Persona:  The Worrywart Fashionista
Position: Leader, Main Rapper&Sub-Vocalist
Fanservice: Yes! She really wants to see who the fans picks as her pairings and since she is a HUGE fan of all type of fanfics (Even Yuri and ) she wants to read one about herself so she's even cuddlier and clingy then usual infront of the camera. She'll also say cheezy lines and "flirt with whoever she's with. Not in a serious way though, or her boyfriend, who now thinks it's hillarious, would get mad XD (Not that he can say anything, she encourages him to be closer yunho (if daesung then top) because she knows how much the fans like it)
Le` Corner of Awesome-ness:
Password: I am me
Any scenario requests:
Leaked singing clips of Willow? Clip2, Clip2 (well thats more a suggestion than request XD)
I have only one request really: Could my character do "If you're not the one" duett with changmin (or daesung if I get him) and suddenly ChangHwa gets a LOT of shippers and fanfics about them eventhough they don't know they're acutally a couple? Kinda like the Adam couple or Chuntoria craze?
Other than that feel free to do anything to my character, she's yours to play around with mwuahahaha.
Any shows you would like your group to be in: I love Family outing (LEE HYORI!!!!) and Running man (monday couple!!!) ! And also that one in the sauna... whats it called.... Happy togheter! Basicly any show with Yoo Jae Suk!
What song would you like the debut song to be: Day by day - T-ara
How often are you active: 8 of 10. My internett connection is pretty unstable so I might be lost for days sometimes, but normally I'm on this site at least a couple of times each day :)
Annyeonghaseyo, I'm your interviewer for today:
Annyeonghaseyo, thankyou for applying. How are you, Siri-sshi?: I'm feeling rather fabulous today since I fiiiiiinally finnished the app :D
Ahh I see. So, did you like or had fun filling this out?: I like how it divided into different colours, I always have problems when I read through my app before submitting it, but this made it so much easier :3 Also I love the "fan service" question, it sounds promising! *kekekeke*
Hmm interesting. Any complaints?: Not to you,. but I have a complaint about the whole blogging thing. I hate that you have to save it as a private blog to save your progress, because once you click the wrong button and you accidently go back to the last page or close the page your screwed.
Mmm. Was the application form allgoods?: Yeppsi Peppsi
Ok. Are you looking forward to the story, Siri-sshi?: Of course, I wouldn't have applied if I wasn't looking forward to it kekekeke
*nods* Well, thankyou for taking your time to read and fill and answer these stuffs. Anything you would like to say to your future members if you get chosen?: OMOMOMOMOMOMOMO!!! I love you alreaddy! You are all so cute and adorable and nice and waaaaaah please let me hug youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Sorry I seem a little crazy but I promise I'm crazy I'm actually insane. Lets be friends okay???!!! and one more thing: please stay away from my boyfriend or I'll cut you :) OMg I'm so sorry you must think I'm the worst idol ever and I don't fit in this group at all but please give me a chance and I'll prove my worth okay? Please???
Ahh Ok. *stands up and shakes your hand.* Thankyou again, and I hope you have a nice day/night: I hope you have a womnderful time reading my app, and if I did any mistakes please tell me and I'll try to fix em' okay? And I hope it's okay I made one of my friends a cheographer at your ENT :S And you might not have noticed but every fictional character I made has a picture link attached to their name or status (aka "mother" or "Father").
*waves* Baii: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAII!!! HADE PÅ BADE DIN GAMLE SJOKOLADE!! *Non-sensial Norwegian thing children say for fun, it literally it means: Goodbye on the toilet you old chocolate XD*


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