Emerald - Beatriz Rivera Ahn


AFF Username: Whitecrayon

AFF Link: Click

Nickname: Siri



Name:  Beatriz Rivera Ahn

Age: 20

Birthdate: September 29, 1992

Blood Type: 0

Ethicnity: Half Spanish, half Korean

Weight:  50

Height: 168

Languages: Spanish (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (almost fluent), Japanese (basic)


Among her friends she's called the evil master mind. Why? Well this girl loves to prank people and enjoys "bullying" people because they most people are so cute when they get angry or annoyed! The best way to get her to stop bothering you is to take it with a smile because if that is exactly what she doesn't want. Some times she might take the joke too far but she's tries not to, and when she finds out that she went to far she'll come to and appoligize like a obidient puppy. She'll make it up to you by making you some of her special prank-free pancakes that is 10cm thick with a lot of mapple syrup. She loves to make people laugh.

She can be both loud and quiet, hyper and lazy, it all depends on the situation. For the most time she's just being her nutcase self, laughing creepily to herself as she plots her next prank or even world domination.
Eventhough a lot of people would think the opposite she's actually very smart, and aced her classes in school when she went there.
It's probably because of her obsession with memorising stuff. She can spend hours reading about weird things and she finds things other people would ignore interresting, such as random facts. Like did you know that there are 200millions of insects for every human?
Nothing is to difficult to learn, be it dance rutines or how to fix broken things.
She also loves to tell people about it so if you talk to her prepare for more then just a casual chat, in matter of minutes you'll find yourself getting a lecture about the facinating world of godesses who's name begin with the letter M.

Despite this she has NO sense of dirrections and gets lost easy. Therefore never let her go alone because she might never arrive and you'll find her on the opposite side of town sitting on a bench waiting for the rescue. That's why she has a gps tracking device in her purse. She also lose things often.
She might seem like a child to you? Well no matter what she's still a young woman. When she falls in love she falls with both legs first. She will devote her time and energy into making him/her fall for too, making up weird and complicated plans.  She also might stalk him/her to get to him/her better... Her style is also very feminine with dresses and shorts that shows of her (according to herself) supermodel legs.

It seems like she has no temper at all, there are very few people who have seen her angry.


Likes :

  • Detective Shows - She loves to try and figure out who did it, and pay attention to the small details that give it away. Don't you dare turn the tv when she's watching one of her favorite detective dramas, she may end up killing you. After all, she has seen enough CSI and such shows to know excactly how to kill a person and getting away with it too....
  • Weird music videos like "Ulala Session - Beautiful Night". She loves it when artists dares to make fools out of themeselves and has a quirky humour.
  • Dark Chocolate and vanilla ice cream with pear souce - The best combination!!
  • Video games - Especially Legend of Zelda.
  • Nail Polish - She loves to decorate her nails in bright or not-so-bright colours.
  • Jazz, rnb and soul - She feels there a little class over those genres, and she can imagine herself being back in the 2o's in a smokefilled bar and... *daydreams*
  • Cats - What's not to love? they are cuddly and cute, but still are spunky and independent beings.
  • Jewelery and bags - She loves to visit second hand shops and search for hours and hours after something cute and vintage, or just something that catches her interest.
  • Twitter - She loves posting dorky and fun pictures of everything and everyone she sees, and have crazy conversations with her friends and fans. It gives her so much joy to interact with her fans!
  • Teasing people


  • Online video games - While she loves games she can't stand the online ones, to her games is a very personal experience which is best enjoyed alone or in a company of only a few friends. Besides online games are scary addictive, many lifes has been ruined because of such an addiction.
  • Most seafood - She is allergic, if she eats seafood she'll get heavy stomach ache and fever.
  • Getting lost - no sence of dirrections remember?
  • Picture perfect people- they are boring as hell.
  • Cold weather - She's used to hot tempratures


  • Memorising long poems and other random thing. She can say stuff like this with no difficulty http://youtu.be/jnrRWgrsKR8
  • Reading.
  • Shopping in second hand shops.
  • Swimming
  • Kick Boxing
  • Playing Video games.
  • Watching Detective Series.
  • Stalking
  • Nail Art
  • Pranking people
  • Cooking




  • She has 2 types of evil laugter: "MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA" which is used while with friends for fun or on twitter, and "Nyahahahahaha" which is laughed quietly for herself.
  • Teasing people and getting them irritated or embarressed or just to make them laugh.
  • Being attracted to people who is a bit childish and dorky at heart.
  • Snore
  • Be very difficult to wake up if she has slept for less then 2 hours. A marshing band with elephants and a circus may pass her but she won't hear a thing.
  • Stalk those she likes online... and in real life.
  • Speak spanish when she's angry.
  • Insult people in spanish because she beleives no one will understand it XD què imbècil eres!" is her favorite, which means "You're such an moron/idiot".
  • Stick her tongue out when she's concentrating.
  • Always using a lot of emoticons in her texts. Like: ( >o<)!!!
  • Talk very fast when she's stressed or nervous.
  • Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare at people she finds interresting.



  • Born in Puerto del Rosario on the on the island Fuerteventura in Spain.
  • Her favorite Color is Cobalt blue, black, white and silver.
  • She has a cat named Nala 
  • She's Bi ual - Or it's more that she doesn't see gender when she falls in love.
  • Her favorite animal is the penguin.
  • She started taking rapping classes when she was 8 and joined a local rap crew when she was 10.
  • Her bestfriend Eric is the only one who knows she's bi-ual.
  • Her first love was a girl called Kiara Lee when she was 5, and her second was a boy named Phillip Alvarez (yes Eric's older brother).
  • Her favorite bracelet is the one her grandmother gave her, she always wear it.


Ulzzang Name: Ryu Kkr

Pics of ulzzang: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Shin Sol Ki

Pics. of Back-up Ulzzang: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |

Fashion Styles:

  • Casual: 123 | 4 | 5
  • Formal: 1 | 2 | 3
  • Dorm: 1 | 2 |3 |4
  • Training: 1 | 2 | 3





*The whole family is fictional, but I used actres/actor and model pictures.

Family Background:

Beatriz father was once married to a cold blooded woman Called Ahn Bo Kyung It was a loveless marriage, decided by their parents. Bo Kyung had actually tricked Woo Jang into thinking she was pregnant and thats why they had to marry, but conviniently she "lost" her baby soon after. Because of this she couldn't have any more children and they decided to have a surgotate mother to give birth to their 2 children (She was steril from the start). Bo Kyung was the kind of woman who must keep the facade at all times, whatever it takes, so when Woo Jang fell in love with a spanish woman on one of his work trips Bo Kyung became furious. I mean; How can he leave her for such a woman, who is not even korean and already has a son from a previous relationship? She even tried to set up a car accident for Olive to die, who was pregnant with Beatriz at them time, believing it would stop Woo Jang from divorcing her. ( But luckily that woo Jang found out and gave Bo Kyung an ulitmatium: You let me divorce you nice and easy and never bothers us again, or I'll arrest you for attempted murder. Bo Kyung has kept her promise, but that doesn't stop her from feeding lies to her children about Olive. Woo Jang moved to live with Olive  in Puerto del Rosario soon after and they married right after beatriz was born. For the first time in his life Woo Jang found real happiness. Because they was afraid of Bo Kyungs revenge they waited a while before they had any more children, and 10 years later they had twins!

*Sigh* Now all that jazz is explained, let's talk about Beatriz childhood. Beatriz was a happy child despite that she had trouble fitting in the small comunity on the island she lived in. She wasn't fully asian so she didn't fit in the asian community, but not enough spanish to pass as hispanic person either. She found a few close friend though, like her best friend Eric who was half Japanese and half spanish. From they one Beatriz was attracted to music and perfoming, and as a child she would always pay close attention to every music show or theatre perfomance she saw. She early decided that she wanted to be a singer, but it wasn't until she was about 8 she finally decided how. Her older brother friends was very into rapping, and since she followed her brother along like a puppy she also tagged along when they went to local underground rapping places. There she discovered she had a tallent for memorizing lyrics and rapping, and started taking rapping lessons soon after at the local youth centre. The youth centre also offered dance classes and a choir, so she joined those too. When she was 10 she joined a small rap crew called La Rosa (since her town called Puerto del rosario), and they become half famous in spain as a kid rap group.

When she turned 14 she moved to korea to live with her grandparents, who finally had accepted Olive as a part of their family, and she auditoned for YG when she turned 15.

  • Father: Ahn Woo Jang ||55 || Police Detective || Alive || love || He is a man who look like a ganster, but has the personality of the perfect daddy. Yes sure, when he's angry he'll make Yakuza Bosses cry for their mother, but normally he's very nice. He has a great sence of humour and often likes to tease his kids. Because he is in the police he is also very active and loves playing sports with his children, and was the person who teached Beatriz how to fight and how to swim. Allthough he can be a bit strict at times and is is a tad anti social he'd do anything for his family, anything. He chersish his wife dearly because he knows how it is to live in a loveless mariage for long. Sometimes he worries about his age and will do riddiculus things to look younger. Sigh.... || Beatriz Idolize her father. He is the perfect man in her eyes! He is the main reason why she got into korean music since they used to listen to old korean casetts and records her father brought with him from korea. He's her number 1 supporter. Around him she'll act like a little child just to get spoiled by him ;D Because of his work he hasn't spent as much time with his family as he wanted too, but tries to make up for it the times he is home. || picture1 Picture2 Picture3
  • Mother: Olive Rivera Ahn|| 41 || Chef and owner of a little resturant called "Luna Rosario" || Alive || love || Olive can best be described as a feminine tomboy. She has a fierce and spunky attitude and hates being talked back to or ignored. Sometimes she can be childish and sulk for hours if she is proven wrong in something or if she lose a game, because she's very competive and a bit of a perfectionist. She loves cooking second to her family, and can make a delicous meal out a tube of toothpaste and a garlic, some spice and a cucumber. You rarely see her in dresses, most of the time she's wearing jeans (often with a little baking powder on them) and a t-shirt and some sneakers. Just like her daughter she loves to prank and tease people, and she often makes her husband mad on purpose because as she says: "Have you seen anyone who looks as cute as him when he's pissed off?" || Olive and Beatriz is... very alike and very different at the same time. While Beatriz loves to dress up Olive hates it, but they both are pay a lot of attention to details. They are also each others partner in crime when plotting awesome pranks. Sometimes Olive is more like a sister then a mother to Beatriz because Olive isn't very good at the whole "strict" thing. Olive loves to teach Beatriz how to cook, and beatriz tries to dress up her mother more.   || picture1 picture2 picture3
  • Half Brother : Christan Rivera Martinez ||23 || Teacher || alive || love || Christian is pretty smart for his age and was an universty student at the age of 15. But instead of becoming a scientist or something like that which everyone expected him to become he decided to be a teacher instead. He loves children more then anything. He is a warm person with a very inviting smile and overflowing charisma, but can be a little dense at times when it comes to personal matters. || Christian desperatly tries to stop his sister from pulling so many pranks as she does, telling her that she should be more ladylike. In his eyes she's the perfect little doll (except from the pranking), and is very protective of her. He has a huge crush on Park bom which Beatriz knows about, and she tries to get them togheter all the time. (which is difficult since Christian is in spain and Bom is in korea) Beatriz loves him with all her heart and is very proud of him. || picture1 picture2 picture3
  • Half Sister: Ahn Bo Rin  ||33 || Fashion Designer and Model for Bermuda Entertainment (fictional)|| alive || Hate || personality || Matrialistic and manipulativ. She is the fashion industries "Ice queen" who rarely displays any emotion. She's a perfectionst and a workaholic, and knows how to use her great looks to achive what she wants. Secretly she lives a double life and is actually pretty insecure about herself and suffers from Social Anciety disorder    because of her cold mother's treatment. She's very dependant on her brother and would do anything he says. || Just like her brother beatriz mother, but knows that her parents relationship was an arranged marriage and a loveless one. She doesn't blame Beatriz, but acts cold towards her because of her brother. I mean, if her brother hates beatriz then it must be the right thing to do... right?  Unlike her brother she'd never do anything to hurt beatriz who she's secretly a bit found of, and tries to support her from behind the scenes. Bo rin may be the person who can save her from the wicked Bo Suk. Beatriz is missunderstanding the situation and thinks Bo Rin is the worst of the two.   picture1 picture2 picture3
  • Half Brother: Ahn Bo Suk  ||28 || Ceo of Entertainment (fictional) || alive || Hate || He is even worse then his older sister. Super matrialistic and extremly self-centered. A clean freak who's afraid of all kinds of bacterias and eres white glowes most of the time. Manipulative and cold hearted like his sister, but a very good actor, making people believe he is a good person. Until you get on his bad side that is. If you betray him he will ruin you. Very Protective of his older sister. He tends to get very obsessive. || Bo Suk blames Beatriz for his parents divorce, because she was born right after the divorce was finalized. He believes that if it wasn't for Beatriz his parents would still be togheter, and he's unable to see that his parents relationship had been over years before the divorce, and that it wasn't only Woo jang who cheated but also their mother. But instead of showing his hatred for Beatriz he simply ignored her before he realised she was under ygent. Now he tries to trick her into thinking he has forgiven her and that he wants to be like an older brother. But really he is just plotting how to make Beatriz hurt as much as possible. He has created many rumours about her before, but Beatriz is doesn't realize he's behind it all. She blames Bo Rin whom she believes is the evil mastermind of the two. She has actually started being a little found of Bo Suk, though she has realised Bo Suk is friendly towards only because she is going to be a singer. She's unable to see that he wants her harm though. || picture1 picture2 picture3
  • Younger Sister: Belle Rivera Ahn  || 9 || Middle School Student || alive || LOVE || Belle is a lazy little girl. Unlike her brother she couldn't care less what she looks like and could easily wear pyjamas to school. She hates sports with passion, and prefers to be inside and read. Belle shares beatriz love for crime show and she really wants to be an detective when she grows up. || how you treat him || picture1 picture2 picture3
  • Younger Brother: Bendic Rivera Ahn  ||9 || Middle School Student || alive || LOVE || Bendic is a smooth little boy who dispite his age is somewhat of a playboy. He LOVES girls and seems to know just what to say to make them fall for him, even girls a few years older then him is charmed of their feet. He pays close attention to his looks and never the leave the house without the perfect outfit on, or having a hair out of place. Sometimes he will make a fool out of himself when he hits on ladies 10++ years older then him. He hates being lonely and is afraid of being alone, but he pretends to be  strong. || how you treat him || picture1 picture2 picture3





Best Friend:

Eric Watanabe Alvarez || 19 || Spanish exchange student in Seoul Academy of Art || Eric is a cute... I mean adora-.. *gets an evil look*, innocent, shy and a bit naive boy. He's one of those almost annoyingly postive human beings, who believes that everyone has a good side. He is easily pushed around and manipulated, but can suprise you with a strong belief in himself in certain situation. Not the sharpest tool in the shed and is very clumsy. Loves acting more then anything, the only thing he feels he's actually skilled at.  || They are childhood friends who has been friends since 3rd grade. Before that Eric found Beatriz a little scary, but he changed his mind when she protected him from some nasty bullies. Because they was one of the few half asian kids in her town they found some comfort in eachother. || Eric happens to be both Beatriz's best friend and nr 1 bully victim. But who can blame her, have you seen his face? he's soooo cute!!! And he does know how to get back at her using his overwelming ageyo which he normally tries to hide.  || picture1    Picture2  Picture3


Park Bom || 28 || Idol, member of 2ne1 || Bom is dorky, weird and just plain adorable. She's often called an alien by those around her, and she often seem to be in her own little world. She's very loving, especially towards her beloved corn. Bom is one of those naturally cute people who manages to look y and cute at ones, without even trying. || Beatriz and Bom met beatriz was auditioning for YGent. Beatriz was extremly nervouse and walked around in circles when she was suddenly hugged by a person who told her everything was going to be okay, and that she had heard her voice and she was sure Beatriz would be accepted. Later Beatriz discovered this person was Bom, and from day one bom has taken her under her wing as she was her older sister. || Park Bom treats Beatriz as her younger sister/even maybe her daughter. She protects her and uses beatriz as her personal pillow and teddy bear. Bom is the only person she doesn't tease or bully, and she feels that bom is almost like a mother to her. Around bom she tries to act mature so that bom will be proud of her, but Bom doesn't make that easy when she treats Beatriz as a child who needs her protection. I'm pretty sure both would kill the person who dared hurt the other. || after || picture1 picture2  picture3

Jung Jessica || 23  || Idol, member of SNSD || People often mistake Jessica for a cold person, but she's actually pretty sweet. She's a tad violent though and has a bit of a temper. It's hard to get close to her but once you do you have a friend for life, and she cares deeply about her friends and family. She's easily frightned and is afraid of weird things like cucumber.  || They met by an accident when Beatriz found her sleeping in a chair. Beatriz decided to paint her face with a marker (the kind you can was away of course), but jessica woke up and kicked her . Instant friendship :D || Jessica treats her like her personal punching ball, and Beatriz is always pranking Jessica. Too strangers it they may seem like enemies. But they are not, it's just that their friendship is so strong that they can act like themeselves around each other. They are always arguing and discussing different things loudly togheter. || After || picture1   picture2  picture3

Shim Changmin || 24 || Idol || According to beatriz changmin is tall, mean and snarky which is very true, but he's also more then that. He is very smart and doesn't talk much, but those words he does say make everone stop whatever they are doing and listen. He has some awesome oneliners and his humour is sarcastic. Likes to be alone, or only with a few close friends. Get called lord Voldemin by fans because of his evil laughter and tendency to prank his fellow sm idols and "forgetting" to call him hyung. Gives everything he does his all and can be a perfectionist at times || They met at a private party where Beatriz had snuck it to get a glimse of her idols DBSK. Unfurnatly he caught her while she was trying to hide behind a potted plant. Instead of kicking her out he let her stay if she agreed to be his personal waiter in return. After the party Beatriz hated his guts and had a small crush on him, and changmin had a new friend to order around. || Changmin is the only person who can get beatriz angry, which he does quite often. They are partner in crime in pranking and fools around a lot. Changmin is an expert in making beatriz do things for him by using his smarts. Beatriz says she hates him, but she doesn't. She actually think he's quite funny and even used to have a crush on him before she met the love of her life Kyuhyun. She will know use him to get as much info about kyuhyun as possible. Nyahahahaha.  TVXQ || picture1 picture2 picture3



Crush: Cho Kyuhyun || 24 || Idol || Super Junior || On the outside he may seem shy and maybe even a bit boring, but that is far from true. Just like his bff he's nicknamed the evil maknae for a reason. He loves to prank and make fun of his hyungs and has always an sarcastic comment up his sleave. He hates doing ageyo, but still manages to be Kyute (got that, KYUte? no? T___T) in his own dorky way with oversized sunglasses. According to s he has the skills of a professional gamer, and boy does he love his games. He spends way too much time on them. He's actually a little shy is quiet around people he's not comfortable with. || picture1 picture2  picture3 Had to add this, he's sooooooo pretty!!

Does he has a girlfriend: Yes, he's dating Seohyun from SNSD, but isn't sure if that is what he wants or if it's just what everyone else wants for him.

Does he know you exist: No. Not yet. *evil laugh* She's in progress of making her friend Changmin, who happens to be bff with Kyuhyun, promote her and her awesomeness to Kyuhyun XD

*if no, how will you two met: They will meet because of Changmin. Because by some miracle Beatriz finally sucseeded convincing changmin to help her out in her plan of stealing kyuhyuns heart away. I have no Idea how or when they will meet, I just know she'll make a lasting impression on him. Be it good or bad.

Do you want him to become your boyfriend? YES!

How do you want it to happen: That is entirely up to you! I think it will be awkward at first but at some point they will become friends, the bestfriends, then lovers. I can already picture them playing video games togheter while Kyuhyun tries to get Beatriz into online gaming. But I'm afraid it'll take some time since Kyu is till in a relationshop with Seohyun, he needs to figure out who, and what he wants first.



Male Artist:  Kim Yujin || 24 || Idol, member of After school || Yujin is very mature for her age and prefers hanging with people who are older then her. Because of the way she was raised she is extremly hardworking, maybe even a perfectionist. She wants so badly to be good enough and convince those anti-fans who claim she's a emotionless doll wrong. Because she's so nervous she has to concentrate hard, and therefore her face becomes blank, tricking people into thinking she's boring. But when she's around people she's comfortable with her expression ease up and she can actually be pretty adorable. She even smiles!! It takes long time for her to build up the courage to approach new people. She can be very strict toward younger members, but she only tries to help them become better || After School || picture1    picture2    picture3

Have you two met: Yes. They met at party and became drunk. Of course, as in every cliche k-drama, they shared a drunk kiss which left Yujin very confused, while Beatriz doesn't remember any off it.

Do you like her? Well... She's very pretty. And for some reason Beatriz is very attracted to Yujins lips. But like? Beatriz doesn't know her enough to form anytime of feelings other then skin deep attraction. 

What are the things you don't like about him: Beatriz really doesn't like the way Yujin is avoiding her like she's scared out of her mind each time she sees her. Is Beatriz really that scary? What has she done to deserve such a treatment? Maybe yujin is one those who believes those whicked rumours...? If so Yujin isn't worth getting to know.

How does he treat you: She doesn't treat Beatriz in any way. She simply avoids her like Beatriz has green spotted skin with purple stripes and is wearin a pink tong and nothing else. If beatriz tries to talk to yujin she runs away, and when she catches yujin staring at her, which happens very often, Yujin looks away quickly. Sigh... If Beatriz only knew about the kiss and how it has turned Yujins life upside down. For the first time she finds herself deeply attracted to girl! That must confuse the hell out of a young girl who tries so hard to be perfect in front of her parents and fans.



Rival: Seo Joo-hyun || 21 || Idol || Seohyun is smart and mature for her age. She has a strong sence of justice, but is careful in the way that she speaks in case she might hurt anyone. She thinks a lot, somethimes too much. Cleaness and eating healthy is important too her. She has an loveafair with sweet potatoes.  || SNSD || Picture1   Picture2   picture3

How you two met: They met when beatriz was hanging out with Jessica at their dorm.

How do you interact with her: Ignoring her I guess? I'm not even sure if she knows that Seohyun even exsists! All she has on her mind is her sweet Kyuhyun, she seems to blind to most else.

Why does she hate you: To be honest I think Seohyun has a fair reason for her hatred, I mean if someone was trying to steal your boyfriend wouldn't you be pretty pissed off too?(She accidently overheard Beatriz spazz about Kyuhyun to Changmin.) But then again Beatriz doesn't know about SeoKyu's relationship, so she isn't excactly trying to steal him right? If she knew she would have backed off. Unfurnatly thats not the only reason  she hates Beatriz, she's also waay to close to Changmin, who isn't even friends with Seohyun. For some reason Seohyun is more angry about Changmin and Beatriz closeness then KyuTriz's closeness. Seohyun tells herself it's just because she's worried that changmin will get her heartbroken, because according to the rumours beatriz is a bad girl. Buy is that really why? Or maybe....

Do you plan making amends with her? Yes!

*if yes, how? Seohyun will realise two things: That the rumours are wrong. And that she's in love with Changmin, not kyuhyun. Problem solved :D



Stage Name: Soñadora (means dreamer in spanish)

Persona: The Evil Señorita

Personal Fan-club Name: Amado (boys) Amoda (Girls) - Beloved in spanish

FanClub Color/s: Cobalt Blue and Silver

Position: Main Rapper || Lead Dancer

Back-up Position: Visual || Lead Dancer || Lead Vocalist

Why fans love you: The fans love her because she actually interacts with them on twitters and such, and because she has such an evil and weird personality. They look up to her style, and how she looks very feminine yet is a badass rapper. They also love her close friendship with Jung Jessica and how she seems to bring out a different side to her then what we normally sees. They also like her pranks ;D

Why anti-fans despises you: Antifans claim that she's only in YG because she's half spanish. They don't like her because she's "bigger" then most idols (aka she has curves), and they think she's too ugly to be an idol. There have been many bad (and wrong) rumours about her personality, made up by her half brother. According to those rumours she's vain and matrialistic, manipulative and self-sentered. That she is close friends with jung jessica, another hated idol (why do they hate my amazing Sica T__T) , is according to them a proof.

Your long-time idol: DBSK!!



Past experiences:



Singing: 1 | 2 | 3

Dancing: The girl with the long hair  | Same girl with long brown hair

Rapping: 123

How long did you train? 5 years

Life as a trainee:  She moved to korea when she was 14 to go to an Korean High school and try out for Ygentertainment. She lived with her grandparents for 1 year until she was accepted as a YG trainee and moved into a dorm.Her life as a trainee was filled with ups and downs. Ups because she was doing what she loved to do, downs because no matter what she did she was surrounded by false evil rumours. If it wasn't for Park Bom and her friend Eric she might have dropped out.



Questions: None

Comments: If I did anything wrong please tell me and I'll fix it straight away. I hope it's not too confusin, and sorry that I used forever to finnish it!

Suggestions: see under fanclub name ;) It would have been awesome if the debut could be a little unique, what about a fun and dorky one? :D


~Ohhh please. Help me!

What shall our fanclub name will be?

What about Treasure Chest or Treasure Hunters?



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