Christmas Eve

Today is Christmas Eve. Started my day cooking, cleaning, and decorating my room. And to end my busy Monday, I am here at Vancouver, Washington in my aunty's house for Xmas Eve feast aka my dad's side of the fam. Well.... I'm bored. Realllyyyyy reaalllyyyy bored. I'm full, but I'm bored. I have my cousins on my left and the adults on the right..... I'm just stuck in the middle blogging this ish. (; I can just write about any thing thats in my head, cos I'm bored laaaaaik daaaat... so I guess I'll just do that.. Umm. My dad's side, they are Chuukese. What's Chuukese? If you search that up on google, you'll see many negative articles about them, cos' they're badass like that. Umm yeah, but anyways. My dad's side, I dont like this side. Long story short, I just don't like em'. So I post a status on my facebook that I didnt want to go here, at Vancouver, and once I stepped in my aunt's house my cousin asked me why I posted that. Lol a total MODED on my part. So I just told him I just didnt wanna come.. I ate, I laughed, and now I'm bored a'f. This blog is Nonesense. Lol. Soo excuse meeeeeeeeh >__< I really wanna go to church tho - 10'o clock mass. I went last year and I really liked it. But I'm stucked here in Vancouver......... Wifi, earphones, my ipod - I NEEEEEEEEEEEEED! I'd blast my kpop songs to the fullest and shut off this boredum here... Anyways, im gonna stop here now. Hehe Merry Christmas Eve everyone~! :))


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