B!tch, I'll blow your house down

Everyone can tell that you're angry!

not matter how many times you deny it, it's always the same, it's always you scowling, always you about another bit of drama in your life! People say I'm a downer but you, man, you take the cake and the clown that comes with it.

I hate how you try to be suttel about your anger, how you sigh loudly and sound irritated on the phone, we all know it's just for attention. what you want is for someone to ask "what is wrong, how can I make it right" so you can "humbly" say "nothing" and go back to brooding.

well screw you, I will not fall in to you little self assurance that you're the better man (woman...) I will not grace your presence with my concern because I know what'll happen- you will say "nothing" and go back to huffing your anger out, irritating me more and more.

Just ing get over your self and come out with it already so we can move on with our lives, so we can focus our attention on something that matters-everything else.

I sound like a major but at least I'm not trying to imitate the big bad wolf.


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Buju501 #1
ha, i totally understand what you mean. i know people who do it all the time, but i usually pretend i don't notice anything so they'd just QUIT.
Wah... o_o; Scary~<br />
Yet, so true.