Mystery High App



Mystery High Application



Applicants Legal Name: Song Hei Ryung


Date of Birth: 20/11/1997        Place of Birth:Chennai, India              Current Place of Residence:Seoul, S.Korea


Are you a Korean resident?: Y  Nationality: Korean-Indian              Species: Undine


What languages do you speak(State fluency)? English (fluent), Korean (basic) and Tamil - South Indian language (basic)




Gender: F                              Height: 162cm or approx. 5ft and 3.5 inches             Weight: 52kg or 114.5lbs

Bloodtype: A+                         Eye Color: Hazel Green                       Hair Color: Reddish Auburn                  


Current Grade: Year 10 (15 years)             Average GPA: 3.1-4.0



Wanted Classes (Pick 8) (If requesting an honors or AP class put a '*' next to your choice) (Must pick a History, Science, Language and Math)

Pre-Algebra | Algebra |Geometry | Algebra II | Pre-Calculus | Calculus | Statistics

Early World History | Ancient World History | Korean History | Chinese History | American History | Civics | Vampire Wars | Supernatural Wars | Supernatural History | Medieval World | Psycology | Sociology | Ancestrey | Supernatural Origins

Korean | English | Mandarin Chinese | French | Japanese | Russian | Arabic | Spanish

Physical Science | Biology | Chemestry | Physics | Bio-Medical

Painting I | Painting II | Drawing & Painting | Digital Media | Photography

Intro to Singing | Singing II | Singing III | Intro To Dance | Dance II | Dance III | Chorus | Piano | Guitar

Shape-Shifting 101 | Intro to Potions | Potions I | Potions II | Intro to Hunting | Mind Control Training | *Intro to Defense | How to properly feed off a human | Controling Blood Thirst | Elemental Training | Scent Honing | Study of Supernaturals


Class Request:N/A








Roommate Survey 

동숙 인둘러 봄 

Bold Your Choice

What kind of relationship do you want with your roommate?

- Do everything together

- To be friends

- To be respectful and peacefully coexist


How do you feel about your roommate using your belongings?

- Never a problem using any of my things

- OK, but only after asking permission

- OK with electronics, but not my personal items

- My roommate should not use any of my belongings


How often do you clean your room?

- Daily

- Twice a week

- Weekly

- Monthly

- Before a family visit

- When I move out


When does your average day begin?

- Before 8AM

- 8-10 AM

- After 10 AM


When does your average day end?

- Before 11 PM

- 11 PM - 1 AM

- After 1 AM


How would you describe your sleeping habit?

- Light sleeper

- Heavy sleeper


Please write four ways you most enjoy spending extra time.

I enjoy having a balance between my social life and my personal time. I like hanging out with a few close friends and going to places such as the beach. I also like spending time by myself on a sunny day, near the lake or a creek, writing song lyrics or taking a walk through the forest.


Please write 5-10 likes.

* Sunny Days

* Humid Rain

* Mints

* Creeks/Rivers

* Beaches

* Twilight (not the book!)

* Picnics

Please write 5-10 dislikes.

* Liars

* Obnoxious people

* Arrogant people

* Ignorant people

* Extremely hot days

* Darkness

* Snobby people

* Early morning starts (detest level a million)


What's your species like? (Just a quick background on your species (Significant wars why they hate x species etc.)/ if human write 'N/A')

Undines are incorporeal beings that are able to create a physical form for themselves made of water (aka water elementals). The word "Undine" literally means 'Of the waves'. In a sense they use their energy in mass to create the element of water by binding the molecules together with an impenetreble energetic bond. When they attain a physical form, they are visibile to the eye unless in a body of water.  As Undines have a weak physical form it is easy for them to be magically dispersed and so they are often forced to recollect "pieces of themselves" in the spirit world. 

Undines are born when freshwater sources are created and are essentially immortal and unchanging. They do not age physically and do not sicken either. (It is possible for toxins to be dissolved in them which will cause them discomfort until they can get rid of it.) They tend to exist mostly in the spirit world but are one of the creatures that can travel quite easily to the materialistic world and back. As their raw physical form is made of water, they are able to draw any water sources around them and manipulate it as part of their body.  Undines heal fastest when in water. 

Undines also have an aquatic form, similar to that of a mermaid. They can be 10ft-15ft un length and have protruding fins down their spine. Their hair is usually half the length of their bodies and tends to be unnatural shade with bright streaks of aquatic colour. They are able to shift into the shapes of small schools of fish or coral in order to camoflage themselves (note: they never change into the shapes of larg sea animals such as whales.). Their human form is very similar to that of their aquatic, however growing the obvious difference of legs. In human form, their hair is generally shorter and of a natural hue.

Undines are bestowed with a human soul and body ONLY when they fall in love with a man. If they are unable to do so and are detroyed, they will disappear forever, unlike a human soul which lasts forever. In the ancient days pure Undines died after evaporating slowly on dry land, however modern day ones have developed a resistance to these dry conditions and are able to live in a human form, on land for an immortal period of time. An Undine-turned human slowly will start to lose its magical capabilities within the following three years and will have an appropriate human life span.

Special abilities of Undines include: Telepathy and image creation, Water control, Very strong swimming talents, Weather reading and semi-enhanced senses.

Random Undine facts:

Undines are said to have enchantingly beautiful voices and are often heard in forests, their voices carrying over creeks and lakes.

They tend to be able to talk easier to star signs related to water such as cancer, scorpio and pisces.

An Undine also has one more ability. It is able to grant on wish and one wish only. The wish must be plausible and sensible in nature. These wishes are bestowed upon someone that the Undines trusts completely. Most Undines tend to hold onto these wishes and are hesitant to give them out as they are afraid that they wll give it to the wrong person.

If someone offends an Undine, the Undine is able to curse them severely, rendering them unable to breathe when they sleep/


Write about yourself. (Background)

Hei Ryung doesn't know when she was born or even how. Usually Undines live together in small group in many different seas, however Hei Ryung was born in a small cove off Marina beach in Chennai, India. Without the guidance of any other Undines (as these species do not have any parents) Hei Ryung discovered her abilities for herself. She lived close to the surface of the water and learned the language of the people, however, never once set foot on land. Years passed by and Hei Ryung decided to venture out to sea to find others like herself. She had often heard them calling (telepathically) but had been too timid and afraid to travel far. She swam for days, following the calls she heard in her mind. At last she stumbled upon the humble dwellings of one of the Undine's most revered elders. The Elder (Song Eun Mi), named Hei Ryung and took her in as her own. Eun Mi, who lived around the body of water around South Korea, set about teaching Hei Ryung the ways of the Undines. Although Hei Ryung did not know Korean, she understood the ancient aquatic language of the sea by default. Her darker indian features started changing ever so slightly and eventually she resembled a halfie. Eun Mi was able to teach Hei Ryung both English and Korean as well as the values and legendary stories of the Undines. She taught Hei Ryung, how to use and control her powers. As Hei Ryung grew up, Eun Mi deemed it was time to teach Hei Ryung how to change into her human form. Although Eun Mi preferred not to go up to the human lands, she knew it was Hei Ryung's right to be able to fall in love and choose to become mortal. 

Hei Ryung learned to shift into her human form and Eun Mi often accompanied her on short trips outside of their home, teaching her the basics of the human world. Although Hei Ryung was a witty girl, she was somewhat naive and unaware of what could happen if she was not careful. On such an occasion, Hei Ryung ventured too far out to sea and got herself entangled within the fisherman's nets. Having not yet learned the art of changing her form into pure water, Hei Ryung was captured and taken aboard. She managed to change into her human form so as not to be discovered as an Undine but was confronted by barbaric seamen who wanted to sell her.  Not knowing how to deal with the situation, she blindly trusted them until they started throwing her around and abusing her. 

Eun Mi tried to rescue her but she was not able to do anything, without revealing herself. She tried changing into her human form, however as a human, Eun Mi was old and quite weak. Eun Mi knew of the school for creatures of different sorts called Mystery High. She contacted Undines that attended the school and managed to get them to contact Hei Ryung telepathically. They "bought" her from the fishermen and nursed her back to health. Eun Mi realised, that without a full education Hei Ryung would never be able to live on the lands and so got Hei Ryung a place at Mystery High.


Describe your personality:

Hei Ryung is a quiet background-blender. She hates excessive attention and prefers to not be noticed at all. In saying that, she's not the type that enjoys isolation. She just thinks it's the best way to get through the purgatory of highschool as fast as possible. However, Hei Ryung (although she may not express them) has super strong opinions and tends to judge people too quickly. Her stubborn attitude used to piss off Eun Mi all the time and it hasn't changed one bit since highschool. Once her mind is set, there's no way she's turning back.

Her no-bull, toughie persona isn't just a mask she's wearing. Although there are certain threads of uncertainty and vulnerability within her, she's good at hiding her weaknesses, especially in front of her enemies. She hates crying in front of others as she thinks it's a sign of weakness. Usually around people she doesn't know she retreats into her little cocoon and only speaks when absolutely neccessary. Hei Ryung has learned to trust her instinct and make wise decisions after her many blunders. 

Although she may be very introverted, Hei Ryung changes completely in front of her few friends. She smiles a lot more, cracks jokes and is a lot more comfortable around them. After the boat incident, her trust issues have only been slightly improved after meeting her friends. For this reason she usually doesn't talk/interact with any male students unless she has to.

At the first sign of danger, Hei Ryung once again transforms. She drips sarcasm from every corner and doesn't like anyone trying to protect her. She's a fighter and doesn't back down until she knows she's won. Fiercley loyal to everyone she loves, Hei Ryung isn't afraid to give up her life for them.


Is there anything significant about you? 

* Hei Ryung has always been ambidextorous although she prefers her left hand over her right.

* Her eyes sometimes change shades according to her moods, although this is uncommonc for undines and nobody knows why.


You prefer a roommate who is:

As long as it's not someone who parties 24/7 I'm fine with it. I'd like someone bubbly and welcoming. Since I have a somewhat cooler demeanour I'd prefer someone who didn't expect me to do much of the talking. Someone not too messy but not too lazy when it comes to cleaning up either. I can be a super messy person, but I'm willing to clean up after myself as long as I'm not stuck cleaning up after them! (Please author/god, don't let it be some bum that either sleeps aorund all day or  does drugs in the dorms.)


How social do you prefer your room to be?

- Quiet and serious

- Welcoming to one or two friends at a time

- A lively social center where everyone hangs out



Please rank in order of preference, with "1" being the most important and "3" being least.*

- Double (1 )

- Triple ( 3)

- Quad (2 )



Do you wish to room with the same gender?

- Yes

- No

- No Preference


*All dorms are in an Apartment style






Other Application



First Ulzzang Choice Name:Michelle Alicia Saram (I hope it's ok that she's an actress.)

Links (Hyperlink 5-9): 1 2 3 4 5 


Second Ulzzang Choice Name: (I'm really sorry, I have no idea what her name is because I found her on tumblr. I couldn't find many authentic halfie looking ulzzangs, that's why :/)

Links (Hyperlink 5-9):1 2 3 4 5

Family: Song Eun Mi|  | Elder | Undine | Almost like a grandmother.She's strict but loving and also super super super protective.


Friends: Lee Jae Kyung | 15 | Grade: 10 | Complete opposite of me, Jae Kyung is bubly, outgoing and talkative. | Naiad - A water Nypmh (which would explain that fact that it was quite easy to learn to trust Jae Kyung) | From the very first day, Jae Kyung was the first to notice me. She tagged along, bugged me and was a pain in the backside from her contant talking to melodramtic ways. However, her easy to get a long with personality slowly grew on me because she filled the empty spaces in our friendship when I was still learning.

Rival: Choi Cho Hee | 15 | Grade: 10 | Basically and A grade B*tch. Loves making fun of people with her crowd of minions. Especially quiet people who keep to themselves. Self centred and spoiled, Cho Hee doesn't give a about anyone else except herself. | Trooping Fairy - The Queen or leader of a group of fairies i.e her minions. | Usually the quiet people don't know how to react when they're being made fun of so Cho Hee bullies them more. Hei Ryung was the first to stand up to her, in a crowded area and verbally put her down. Her hurt pride hasn't healed yet and she tries to make every living day hell for Hei Ryung since that day.


Former Love: -


Crush: Choi Seunghyun | 15 | Grade: 10 | He's also the opposite of me, he's outgoing and a socialite. He loves playing around and doesn't take anything seriously. He's a daredevil and acts before he thinks. Seunghyun is a player and all the girls fall in line for him anyway so he tries to act all macho and cool to please his gang, although there is a certain vulnerabilty inside him too that has made him create this mask to protect himself. After seeing the way Hei Ryung insulted Cho Hee, he made a bet with his friends to make Hei Ryung fall for him. (But secretly he's pretty impressed with the amount of guts she's got and is curious about her.) | Elemental - Bends fire | Seunghyun is his usual jokey self which really annoys Hei Ryung. She tries to avoid him at all costs however he always happens to be wherever she is. His cheesy lines and corny jokes make her giggle sometimes but she controls herself and pretends she hates his guts anway. | Pretty close to enemies.


Back-Up Crush: Lee Joon | 16 | Grade: 11 | He's dark and mysterious and nobody really knows much about him. He keeps to himself and doesn't talk much. He has a bit of a bad boy/cold attitude and people tend to think he's arrogant and get frustrated with him. He likes to hide himself and most of the time the reason he doesn't say much is because he has trouble expressing himself. He also doesn't like getting close to anyone because he can't control himself when he gets angry or upset and would rather not hurt anyone around him. | Werewolf | Because Joon is so quiet Hei Ryung does most of the talking which is unusual for her. She likes talking to him because it feels like he's always listening and has valuable advice when he talks/if he talks. She likes making him smile because it's so rare. Even though Joon avoided her in the beginning she grew on him slowly and he started to miss her when she wasn't around. He did try to distance himself from her because of his "issues" but he couldn't bring himself to. | Hoobae-Sunbae



Anything extra you want to say about your character? -


Password:hehehe...hope you like :)     






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