¢ carnival lights ¢ Application


¢ Carnival Lights ¢

- application -





¢ A note from the ticket vendor ¢

While filling out, please remember:

  • be creative
  • if you have any questions, feel free to ask
  • the more detailed, the easier I'll be able to work you into the fic
  • have fun!

Take heed; I may play favorites while writing, depending on how much I like your application.



Thelightsturnon --

Username: tabi_bias (Linked)

*Nickname: Just Abi is fine :)

Age range: 

AFF Activity: I log on everyday and make sure to check all my subscriptions and comment etc :P


Auniqueindividual -- 


Who are you? Lee Jaekyung

Age: 19

Gender: Female


*Ulzzang/idol pics: 1 2 3 4 

*Ulzzang/idol name: Park Yong Hee

*Backup ulzzang/idol pics: 1 2 3 4 

*Backup ulzzang/idol name: Yoon Sua

*Extras:  I am an extremely flexible person. And by extremely, I mean extremely! I am what is commonly known as a contortionist.  I am double jointed, can hyper-extend my arms and can dislocate almost any bone in my body. I don't think I can tell you what I can do, so I will show you: 1 2 3


*Ethnicity: Korean with the tiniest bit of Indian which is not evident in my looks.

*ual orientation: Heteroual

*Weight: 115 lbs

*Height: 64 inches (5 ft 3 inches)

Hair: As I am part of the freak show my hair is frequently dyed abnoramally bright and unnatural colours. At the moment it's a bright mint with pink highlights. It reaches to about half-way down my back and is usually pulled back into a single french braid. My original hair colour is closer to auburn with a hint of red.

Eye color: My eyes are an electric blue.


Thelifeofacarny --

Chosen role: Freak Show

Clothing style: I don't like being seen or noticed. I tend to like dark colours and clothes that hide my face and body. So in general I like old hoodies and jeans that I customize myself and/or scarves. My work costumes are bright and show and absolutely ugly so I have nothing to do with them. They tend to be shimmery and sequin-full, with bright colours and hues, tight fit and polished with a million tonnes of make-up.

Leisure outfits: 1 2 

Work Outfits: 1 2 

Background: It's not that I wanted to be at the carnival. I don't even like it. Honestly, all I care about is getting food into my stomach. If I had to tell you about how I grew I'd have to start from my dream...my aspirations. From a young age I've had this talent. As a baby, I slept with my legs behind my head and arms behind my back. Everyone thought there was something wrong with me. It's not everyday you see a 10 month old baby doing the splits while having breakfast. The word spread and more and more people started showing up to see me do my "tricks". 

Honestly back then...I liked contorting. I considered myself a gymnast. I wanted to train, do it for a living. But we were poor. My family struggled to keep us fed and clothed. One day a man arrived at our doorstep, requesting to be my manager. He said he could make me a gymnast, help me soar to new heights, help me attain the appreciation I'd always clamoured after. We were naive. We believed that bastard all too quickly and my parents gave him all their savings to look after me. 

He tried to sell me. To a pimp.

But no one wanted to come near me. They found my lizard like exsitence too revolting. So in the end, he left me on the streets. I wandered for days, sometimes even contorting on the streets to pay for a bit of food here and there. That's when I came across the circus. That's when the freak show became my home. 

Being a gymnast, going to the olympics, aweing people was my dream. Not this. I exaggerate my moves nowadays, just like the manager of the freak show told me to. It'll draw in the people, he said. I know they find me disgusting. I'm the snakegirl that can bend backwards. People are scared of me. Yet, they come back day after day to see me, making repulsed noises all the while. No one wants to see the Jaekyung that once considered herself talented. They just want to stare and oggle at what Jaekyung has become.


*What about family? Do you have any? What happened to them, and where are they now?

  • Lee Dae Man/ 56  / OC / father / street vendor / Lee Dae Man was a very lively and jolly man. He wasn't very healthy as he always gave up his food for his children but he always managed to keep a smile on his face for his children. / Deceased due to high levels of fatigue and malnutrition.
  • Lee Cho Hee / 52 / OC / mother / street vendor/ Cho Hee is a very soft spoken and kind lady who took over the small road-side store they had when her husband died. Her motherly instinct is over powering and she wishes to protect her offspring as much as she can. She only lives for her children now. To this day she believes her daughter will come home one day. / Alive / In Jaekyung's hometown
  • Lee Jae Min / 12 / OC / younger brother / Helps his mother / Jae Min is a very cautious and quiet child. He is wise beyond his years and looks after his mother. After Jaekyung left and no word was heard from her for a few years he took it upon himself to find out her whereabouts. He is still searching. / Alive / Living with his mother

Personality: I'm really not a scary person. No one just takes the time to get to know me. I'm more the serious, no-bull type. I can be stubborn when I want to and I sometimes judge too quickly. I'm more of an observer rather than someone who is more outgoing. I hate being stared at so other than on stage I tend to hide myself in my clothes and in different nooks and crannies of the circus. I hate appearing weak to anyone or inferior. I'll never show my emotions especially grief because it makes me so vulnerable and I hate the feeling of uncertainty and fear. I haven't cried since I escaped the pimp house. 

I think a lot. Too much sometimes. I mulch thoughts around in my brain. I don't talk much at all. I tend to conduct one way conversations in my head rather than saying it out loud, in case I say something wrong. But I'm not a quitter. Once I've set myself a challenge, I won't stop until I've completed it. I won't back down if someone challenges me, even if it nearly kills me. I'm determined to stick it out, no matter what it is or who its for. 

There aren't many people that I feel close to that feel the same way about me. I'll be lucky if I say 2. I'll never let them go. I'm the type that will protect them no matter what, because they're the ones that gave me a chance.

People shy away from me. They avoid me or they stare at me like I'm not supposed to be part of this planet at all. I know I'm creepy. They don't have to re-inforce that. The happy, smily, naive me was broken by the realities of the world. Now all that's left is the hollow shell of someone who used to live in this body.

What do you value in life?

Acceptance. I know I'll never have it, but I want it so much. The more I desire it, the further it seems to shy away from me. I see people in the circus every single day. Couples, families, friends, young people, old people, you name it. They crack jokes to each other without a care in the world because they know there's always going to be someone there to laugh, no matter how lame the jokes are. They are accepted so easily...they don't have to do something to earn it or change themselves to fit in. So why should I?

Trust. I learnt it the hard way. I trusted that bastard and look where it got me. Trust, is such a delicate thing. It's so tempting to play with, but once you break it, you'll never fix it again. Mine's been broken. When I meet someone new (a rarity in itself), a million different ways of how they could betray me runs through my head before I can say one word to them. But I wish, that for once I wouldn't have to think like that. For once, I could simply trust someone to catch me when I fall and vice verca.



  • Gymanstics
  • Sketching
  • Collecting trinkets
  • I sow and make my own clothes from recycled rags/ unwanted items from second hand stores. Not the work costumes, those hideous things are supplied by the circus.

Special Talents:

  • I'm ambidextorous, but I prefer my left over my right hand.
  • I have an uncanny, almost photographic memory.
  • I sing to myself. It's never been anything more than that. No one has heard me and I never intend to let them. It's just one more thing they're going to add to the list of "The Many Uglinesses of Jaekyung the Snake-girl."


  • Observing the circus goers. I like watching them from afar, watching and escaping into their lives for those few moments so I can feel normal.
  • Twilight when the sun is setting on a hot day.
  • Rain on humid days.
  • Mints. Their soothing effect calms me down.
  • The smell of freshly mown grass


  • My work costumes.
  • Stuck up/ Snobbish people
  • People who take things for granted
  • Fake people


  • Rejection
  • Night-time/ Darkness
  • Lonliness

*More random facts:

  • I hate chocolate. It's too sweet. Too nice.
  • My eyes were initially a very very dark blue but have since lightened to an electrifiying hue.
  • My feet are quite small, which strangely makes it easier to balance.
  • My favourite number is 3. Only because it's the number no one picks. It's a reject. Just like me.


Comeone,comeall --

Platonic relationships:

Which of the other 6 carnies are you close to? Chasing Fate

*Why/How? What do you guys do together? Her quirks and mysterious ways appeal to the introvert in me. She talks and doesn't ask for a reply. The million and one things going on in  her brain fascinate me, it's like I can hear the cogs in her mind turning when she's doing something. She's the only one who isn't freaked out by my eyes...or the fact that I like to drink my tea with my legs tied in knots. She was the first one to notice my existence and make and effort to acknowledge the person in me when I first arrived at the circus. 

Which of the other 6 carnies do you dislike? Targeted

*Why/How? What happened? She cheats people. She plays with them. Plays with their minds, their hearts and their trust. Watching her work...I don't do it anymore. Simply because it infuriates me how people choose to trust her, knowing that they are going to end up broke by the time she's finished with them. Life in general is like that to her. A business and nothing more. She doesn't know how it feels to be judged and scrutinised every single day. She just accepts that everyone will come to her no matter what she does to them.

*Any other acquaintances? 

  • Park Hei Ryung / 25 / OC / Almost like an older sister / Kindergarten teacher / The opposite of me, Hei Ryung is the bubbly and cheerful girl that mothers me. She saw me a few times when she brought her kinder class to the circus, and has been with me ever since. She nags me to come live with her, but she's not much better off herself. / Alive / Lives a few streets away from the circus


Passionate relationships:

Love interest 1: Choi Seunghyun aka T.O.P/ 23 / idol / Big Bang / Underground rapper-DJ

Personality: Seunghyun is a prankster. He jokes around and has the "i-dont-care-if-the-world-ends-tomorrow-" attitued. He's an extrovert who has many friends. He tries to be macho and pretends that he just wants to play with girls' feelings but deep inside he just wants to fins his "only one", just like everybody else. People tend to gravitate towards his happy and friendly nature. He radiates a warmth unlike any other.

Love interest 2: Park Jaebeom aka Jay Park / 23 / idol / Singer-Song writer

Personality: Jaebeom is the frizzled, clumsy little worry wort that everyone loves. He forgets things easily and frets a lot. He hates being teased but loves doing it to other people. He's sensitive and caring when it comes to serious matters. He doesn't know how to react when people are upset, and instead will try to make them laugh. He's uncomfortable in tense situations but is generally a very affectionate person.

*Love interest 3: Dong Young Bae aka Taeyang / 22 / idol / Big Bang / Trainee at YG

*Personality: Young Bae can win the nicest person of the world award any day. He puts others before himself and is the type that helps grannies across the road and empty his wallet into a beggars bowl. He's a listener and knows what to say and when to say it. Sometimes he tends to zone out and day dream about the randomest things on the planet. He likes peace and quiet and wouldn't mind sleeping away the day.

*Rival: Goo Hara / 20 / idol / Kara / Freak Show Manager's daughter - also runs a small candy store

*Personality and appearance: To put it frankly, she isn't a very nice person at all. She's shallow and doesn't think past the next few minutes of her life. She likes following around popular people and tries to copy/be like them. Her overly forced cuteness can be vomit-worthy most of the time and in some cases enough to induce comas. She's ignorant of those around her and very self-centered. She doesn't consider that others are human beings too and have feelings. Most of the time she pretends to be the queen of the world and her father (the freak show manager) is content in treating her that way, letting her prance about and trample on other peoples' lives. [Appearance: 1 2 3]

*Why is he/she your rival? Being the Freak Show mangaers little princess, she gets away with tormenting and torturing us. No matter what it is, whether its calling names or convinving her father to make everyone wear the ugliest costumes ont he face of the planet, she'll do it jsut for the fun of seeing us suffer. Hating her with a passion is pretty much in my job description.


How do you act around people you like as a friend? As a friend, I'm usually more laid back and relaxed. I let down my guard but I'm still quiet. I guess you could say I have a comfortable silence around them, more thoughtful and conteplative. I smile.

How do you act around people you don't like? I tend to ignore what they do. Don't make eye contanct and try not to claw their eyeballs out. 

How do you act around a crush? I'd still try to maintain my cool and pretend I'm still the same old me. I'll be more aware of what's going on around me though. I don't really know how to show my affection for the person so I'll be more withdrawn than usual, but a hell of a lot more observative.


  • Angry: I like to run it out in the open fields behind the circus. Tire myself out before I get the chance to kill anyone.
  • Sad: I don't show it. Especially an emotion like sadness. I escape the situation as soon as possible and go to my fields. I'll sit for a bit and hum or sing to myself. I stopped crying when I figured it was a waste of time.
  • Happy: I'm not the type to jump up and down for joy. Smiling is the only way I know to show that I feel good inside.


Goingonce,goingtwice --

*Anything I've missed? nothing ~ 

*Suggestions/Thoughts: love the idea, dont want to change it because its so original :)

*Give me a song! - Ugly - 2ne1

Did you read the rules? Ticket purchased *cha-ching* hehe ^____^



Good job, you've finished! Now comment the link to this post on the original story and I'll add you to the applicants list :) Remember, if you have any questions, you can ask me. Don't worry, you're allowed to change anything on your application anytime, even after you submitted. Just comment that you've changed it on the story if you have. Thank you for applying! 




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