The new foreign students - Application :)





name: Amber Glazierr

adopted name: Amber Choi

nickname: Bri

age: 15

nationality: Mostly French with a tiny bit of Indian.

blood type: A1+

birthday: 20/11/1997

height: 161.5cm

weight: 52kg

birthplace: France

hometown: Paris

current living: Seoul, South Korea 

Languages: English - Fluent, French - Moderately Fluent.

age you got adopted: 7


Tell me about yourself:

do you curse?: Not freely. Only when I'm super super super mad.


* Humid rain

* Mints

* Eating ice-cream in the rain

* Beaches

* The smell of freshly mown grass

* Sunset

* Summer/Spring

* Junk food

* Snow

* Rings 


* Rude or obnoxious people

* Night-time

* Extremely hot days

* Snobby people

* Ignorant people

* Heights

trivia: I have 3 piercings in each ear. Each of them sport a different coloured stud.


* B-girl dancing

* Sketching/Drawing

* Surfing

* Swimming

style: My style is fairly relaxed. I'm not a fashionista but I know how to dress myself. I don't like wearing extremely revealing clothes or anything with overdone lace and frills.

Casual : 1 2

Formal: 1 2


Character name: Emma Watson

links or pictuers: 1 2 3 4 5 6 


back up character name: Lacey Chabert

links or pictures: 1 2 3



Kingka group beast love interest:  T.O.P aka Choi Seunghyun (Bigbang)

age: 16

describe him:  He's naturally outgoing, exuberant and loud. Plays pranks on everyone and has the "i-dont-care-about-the-world" attitude. He tries to act all macho and play with girls' feelings but really deep down he's vulnerable and wants to find the one that understands him the most. He gets jealous easily and is super possessive. He jumps to conclusions and can be a bit irrational at times.

Kingka group monsterz love interest: Lee Minho (Actor)

age: 17

describe him: He's mysterious and no one knows much about him. He's serious and doesn't talk much. He's built a lot of walls around him and it's hard for people to get close to him. His inner self is a bit dorky and cracks lame jokes. He doesn't laugh or smile that much either. He can get jealous super easily too but doesn't show it. He can read peoples' emotions and thoughts, just by looking at their faces.



any comments??: none ^____^ Excited for the storrryyy ~



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