Today is officially the day the world is suppose to end...

and nothing has happened.

I decided to write a rant since that seems to be the trendy thing to do. Lol. No but seriously it's getting pretty annoying so I can understand why everyone is ranting about it in blog form.

It's officially 12:00 12/21/2012 So I'm currently wondering if the world has a specific time during the day when it's going to end or not. I'm also wondering if it's ending according to timezones because um isn't the Eastern Hemisphere ahead of us here in the Western Hemsiphere by like... A LOT. So that would mean it would be waay into the 21st. Shouldn't the world have ended by now for them?

Of course not because it's a load of crap and let me explain why.

We are making these baseless assumptions out of the Mayan calender but where exactly did them not continuing on with the calender equal the end of the world? They didn't even consider leap years which means that they're off by like 30 years and the next asteroid/meteor isn't set to "hit" for another 50 years, so what is the cause from one day to the next? Is the Earths core suddenly going to shut down and make us fall from orbit? thats a little far-fetched.

So what's going to happen? How is it going to happen? Why?

There is no real reason. Isn't this like the Y2K and 666 end of the world theories? 

Seriously, listen to some Kpop or something. -.-

On a lighter note,



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Erm well Y2K was based on the fact that the computers were set up in base 2000, so when the year 2000 came around, they would be set to zero and apparently bad things would happen like electrical grids going out. At least, that's what I understand >.< I might be wrong.
The Mayan calendar was just a calendar. Although it's pretty cool the cycle ended on the winter solstice. Those astronomy freaks. XD
yeah I agree. LOL ppl shud do something better with their lives than make up stupid world ending theories