Recent Shooting in the US (My school's reaction and mine)

Hey guys, there was a recent shooting in an elementary school here in the US. People all over the country are grieving for the children, teacher and the principal who were murdered by a mentally ill man.

Today, my school had an event for the lost loved ones. People brought teddy bears, flowers and their tears. I stayed in the cafe, where i watched people praying. My friends were quiet and we talked about the accident.

I gave them my opinion, "Why are we doing this for 27 people? There was a bombing, at an elementary school, 80 people died. There are children who die from starvation, diseases, they're even murdered. Why can't we do something like this for them? We have husbands, sons, fathers, brothers, cousins dying everyday for our country. How come we don't pray for them?"

My best friend tells me, "The children of Sandy Hook didn't want to die. Their lives were taken without their consent, they were unwilling."

Now i got mad but decided to change the subject, its almost christmas i dont want to fight with my best friend. But in my mind i thought, "Do those children in the bombing want to die? Do those soliders want to die without seeing their family one last time? Do those children in other countries want to die without livingup to thier full potential? Do you think that they weren't murdered? those diseases took their lives without their consent, they were unwilling.  Why do we only pray for one school and 27 people?"


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I came here honestly thinking you'd be grieving and sappy, too. Thank goodness, because I feel and think like you do right now. More people died over this WEEKEND in the US from guns than those 27 people. But no one acknowledges that. People die all the time, what about those children in China? They all got *stabbed* several times by an mentally ill man.
Our school wouldn't have time for an event like that. We had exam week and that was priority, as it should be. And we likely won't have one because the next time we're going to school is two weeks away, when this will all blow over more or less.
Fortunately for me, my friends don't argue about it. In fact, they feel the same way (except for one, she's the nicest and most caring out of us..we don't really talk to her about the shooting). And my best friend and I are both Vietnamese, what we've seen in Vietnam is infinitely times worst than here in America.
Sorry for typing such a long comment. I feel really strongly for things like this.