Who am I in EXO?

It's 4:05 am I don't want to do my genetics paper. I don't want to sleep.

So I stole this from Jewell unni ♥



[] You like golf
[x] You're polite and considerate
[] Favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean
[x] You're good at making honey water
[x] Always checking up on friends and family for problems
[] Like acting
[] Weak with personal talents
[] You're favorite song from EXO's album is Angel/Into Your World
[x] You like to read on your free time
[ ] You're born in May
TOTAL: 4/10

[] You play the piano well
[x] Used to be in a school band
[x] You're bright and cheerful
[x] You like to socialize
[x] Fashion style is usually tidily casual
[x] Favorite types of movies: SF, fantasy, action
[] You're into acting
[x] You can sing very high
[] You think eyeliner makes you look feminine (And insanely gothic/punk OTL)
[] You're a hardcore girl group lover
TOTAL: 6/10

[] You can play many instruments
[] You can rap
[x] You're a romantic person (LOLOL.)
[x] Habit of following rhythms with your hands
[] Bright person with positive personality
[x] Passionate about learning and playing different instruments (I don't have the money nor time OTL)
[] You're voice is charming
[x] Laugh out of nowhere
[] You can beatbox
[] Favorite color is black
TOTAL: 4/10

[x] Like to be clean
[] You like to cook
[x] You're a quiet person
[x] You're deep on the inside
[x] You're a sharp person
[x] Habit of humming songs
[] Favorite food: Spaghetti
[x] You have great English Pronunciation
[] You take/took vocal lessons
[x] Style: Casual
TOTAL: 7/10

[] Dancing machine 
[] Dark skin
[x] Bossy
[] Really good at games (depends on the system and stuff, though)
[] Can't express feelings that well
[x] Warm-hearted
[x] Habit of /biting lips
[] Likes shirts with characters on it
[] You have a dog(s)
[] You know ballet
TOTAL: 3/10

[] You have a lisp
[] You're the youngest amongst your friends
[x] You love to cry
[] Habit of sticking tongue out
[x] Shy at first, lively when well-known
[] Can't stay still
[] You're not scheming/manipulative
[x] You like to dress neat
[x] You like sushi and meat
[] You like colors black and white 
Total: 4/10

[x] You have a chubby face (Yeap. Baby face OTL)
[] You're strong
[x] Your clean and neat 
[x] You want a huggable person
[x] You like ballads the most
[] People mistake you as Chinese 
[x] You have a cute grin (maybe...)
[] Your favorite song from their album is MAMA 
[x] You have cute nicknames
[x] You make a lot of cute/funny gestures (I wave my arms like an idiot when I rant, so yes.)
TOTAL:  7/10

[x] Mistaken that you're younger than you really are
[] Easy going
[x] Don't like it when people are on your bed
[ ] Rubik Cube genius
[x] Like simple clothes (Ish. I adore accessories too much, tbh.)
[] Favorite sport is soccer
[] Very lazy
[x] Catch colds easily
[] Natural curly hair
[x] Scared of heights
TOTAL: 5/10

[] Tallest amongst your friends (LOLOLOL AS IF)
[x] Like reading inspirational books
[x] Very social
[] You sleep talk
[] Can do magic tricks
[] Naive
[x] Obedient
[x] Favorite song from their mini album is What Is Love
[] Fashion King/Queen (All my friends know I won't pull off crazy fashion that I like, but they all come to me for fashion advice)
[x] You know more than one language (I know of them, but I don't speak them fluently.)
TOTAL: 5/10

[] You can play more than one instrument
[x] An all-rounder
[] Naughty
[x] Funny at times
[x] Forgetful
[] Can cook very well
[] Slow reaction
[x] Training maniac (All the practice and training, yo.)
[x] Like eating junk food
[] You can't keep a secret
TOTAL: 5/10


[x] Specialty is singing high notes
[x] You give an impression of gentleness
[x] You like to wear simple clothes
[] You have a powerful voice
[] You can play the piano
[] Gentle
[] You have a soft laugh
[x] You're a bit shy (Eh, sometimes)
[] Born in September
[] Favorite song from their album is MACHINE
TOTAL: 4/10

[] Likes to take care of their body
[] Knows wushu
[x] Likes to take long walks on the beach
[x ] Likes cats
[] Likes drinking Starbucks Coffee
[x] Conservative person
[x] Sensitive
[x] Like Western Food
[] Favorite color is blue
[x] Full of aegyo. 
TOTAL: 6/10


Xiumin or Kyungsoo

not bad not bad


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I got Luhan. How weird .___.
aww I'm stealing this pls, neh?^^ HIHI. thnks
little purplekpop's KyungKyung *^* Love.