Which Exo Member Are You? Oh gosh.. Bacon.. why.. ? XD I love you though!



[] You have a chubby face [*squishes my face* O 3O]

[  ] You're strong [*flails flimsy arms* ahaha.. no.]

[] You're clean and neat

[] You want a huggable person [> w < ALL OF EXO and L. Joe and Fany Unnie 83 and Zelo and B.A.P. and etc. etc. > w>]

[  ] You like ballads the most [Mm.. it's a tie with Pop songs XD]

[  ] People mistake you as Chinese [Eh.. only once.. it's mostly Japanese]

[] You have a cute grin [Eye smile counts right? o 3o]

[  ] Your favorite song from their album is MAMA

[] You have cute nicknames

[] You make a lot of cute/funny gestures




[] Mistaken that you're younger than you really are [*sob* I'm 20! I swear! ; A ;]

[] Easy going

[  ] Don't like it when people are on your bed [Uh.. I hope this means like when people are sitting on my bed.. o - o..]

[] Rubik Cube genius [Mwahaha! He was the reason for my Rubik's Cube obsession XD]

[  ] Like simple clothes [I make simple clothes into fashionable clothes o 3o]

[  ] Favorite sport is soccer [It was.. then came tennis = w=]

[  ] Very lazy

[  ] Catch colds easily

[  ] Natural curly hair [Wavy o 3o]

[] Scared of heights [*twitch* Sehun pushed us both off a cliff ; u ; leave a comment if you saw that tumblr cartoon XD]




[  ] Tallest amongst your friends [pft.. yeah right > w>]

[  ] Like reading inspirational books [AHAHA Seohyun unnie.. = w= but no sorry lol I fall asleep when I do that..]

[] Very social [Over-excessively at times = w=;;]

[  ] You sleep talk

[  ] Can do magic tricks

[] Naive [This has given me bad results at times.. "OTL]

[] Obedient [*nods* It makes people take advantage of me sometimes ; 3; but I don't like to argue..]

[] Favorite song from their mini album is What Is Love [Mm.. it's a tie between this and History but I'm checking it ;)]

[] Fashion King/Queen [Ahaha.. don't judge ; 3; I blame Fany unnie]

[] You know more than one language [I know.. 5? Fluently o 3o or conversationally ;3]




[] You can play more than one instrument [Piano, violin, guitar, and flute.. and my voice 8D Best instrument evah and some drums]

[] An all-rounder [This means I can sing, dance, and rap right? o 3o]

[  ] Naughty [Ahaha.. not by choice.. my friends force it upon me and I blush "OTL so no..]

[] Funny at times [Keke~ I think? *scratches head*]

[] Forgetful [*whistles* hm? What?]

[] Can cook very well [<-- corrected grammar >:3 and yush thanks to halmoni~]

[] Slow reaction [Eh.. sometimes lol]

[] Training maniac [This is bad XD but I can't help it.. it's fun]

[  ] Like eating junk food [Not lately]

[  ] You can't keep a secret [Pft.. oh Lay.. *facepalm*]




[] Specialty is singing high notes [*nods* To Taeyeon's pitch or just below it]

[] You give an impression of gentleness [I guess? Noone's said I look hostile or anything *shrugs*]

[  ] You like to wear simple clothes [Only at home.. *shrugs*]

[] You have a powerful voice 

[] You can play the piano

[] Gentle

[  ] You have a soft laugh [When I choose to so in the middle?]

[] You're a bit shy

[  ] Born in September

[  ] Favorite song from their album is MACHINE




[] Likes to take care of their body

[  ] Knows wushu [LOL near 75% of people won't check this XD]

[] Likes to take long walks on the beach

[  ] Likes cats [Only from cartoons..]

[  ] Likes drinking Starbucks Coffee [Not lately..]

[] Conservative person [At times..]

[] Sensitive

[] Like Western Food

[] Favorite color is blue [One of.. three XD]

[] Full of aegyo [Oh gosh.. XD ahaha don't make me start XD]




[  ] You like golf

[] You're polite and considerate [A little too much at times.. I don't know what to say so that I'm not rude..]

[  ] Favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean

[  ] You're good at making honey water

[] Always checking up on friends and family for problems

[] Like acting [I'm training.. "OTL slowly lol]

[  ] Weak with personal talents

[] Your favorite song from EXO's album is Angel/Into Your World [Um.. I'll let this check..]

[] You like to read on your free time [Only romance..]

[  ] You're born in May




[] You play the piano well

[] Used to be in a school band [Um.. we never got famous? Or even out there.. but we were official within our families? :3]

[] You're bright and cheerful

[] You like to socialize [Kekeke… yes.. yes..]

[] Fashion style is usually tidily casual [Hm.. It's clean, casual, and fashionable o 3o]

[  ] Favorite types of movies: SF, fantasy, action

[] You're into acting

[] You can sing very high

[] You think eyeliner makes you look feminine

[] You're a hardcore girl group lover [SNSD FOREVER!! FOREVER 9!! OMG!! FANYYYY!! *dead* but yes, I am a girl as well.. nothing wrong with that right?]




[] You can play many instruments

[] You can rap

[] You're a romantic person [*giggles* = w=]

[  ] Habit of following rhythms with you hands [Not usually.. only when I like the song..]

[] Bright person with positive personality

[  ] Passionate about learning and playing different instruments [Ahaha not since I stopped taking piano and violin lessons]

[  ] Your voice is charming [I dunno.. o - o it's as loud as Fany unnie's.. not that her voice isn't charming because it is.. but in my opinion, I can make my voice better *shrugs*]

[  ] Laugh out of no where [Only sometimes XD not casually lol]

[  ] You can beatbox

[  ] Favorite color is black 




[] Like to be clean

[] You like to cook

[] You're a quiet person

[] You're deep on the inside

[  ] You're a sharp person [lol sometimes.. ]

[] Habit of humming songs

[  ] Favorite food: Spaghetti

[] You have great English Pronunciation [lol I'm fluent XD]

[] You take/took vocal lessons [Taking and took o 3o]

[] Style: Casual [Fashionable Casual XD as in Asian/Korean/Japanese Fashion Casual]




[] Dancing machine [Not to Kai's extreme.. yet.. > w>]

[] Dark skin [Not super dark.. but I'm not Yoona unnie pale XD]

[  ] Bossy [I apologize if I am.. or ever was.. but I don't like offending people "OTL]

[  ] Really good at games [o - o;; I'm actually not lol]

[] Can't express feelings that well ["OTL I hate it.. ]

[] Warm-hearted

[] Habit of /biting lips [Bad! It makes your lips dryer.. ]

[  ] Likes shirts with characters on it

[] You have a dog(s) [Mmhm~ Munchkin, Chubbi, and Mochi - Consecutively: Teddy Bear Shichon Puppy {6 months old - brown, white, and black, mostly white; boy}, Toy Pomeranian {2 years old - beige and white; girl}, Toy Pomeranian {3 months - pure white; girl}]

[  ] You know ballet




[  ] You have a lisp [*squeeee* so cute!! Since when did having one become cute?! Since Sehun was born =w =]

[  ] You're the youngest amongst your friends [In one set of friends yes.. but mostly no XD]

[  ] You love to cry [lol whut? Only when I'm practicing acting]

[] Habit of sticking tongue out [To my lips yes]

[] Shy at first, lively when well-known [Definitely XD]

[] Can't stay still [Omg.. XD]

[] You're not scheming/manipulative [I'm actually not.. I'm too obvious.. ]

[] You like to dress neat

[] You like sushi and meat

[] You like colors black and white



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