I have too much free time... (jk, author's block)

1. This gets majorly personal, you ready?

I don't think so, actually... Let's give it a try! :D

2. Last person you text?

A friend.

3. Does he/she mean anything to you?

Yes, she's my friend! :D

4. Does anything on your body hurt right now?

My neck hurts.

5. Do you believe love can last forever?


6. Do you have any siblings?

Yes, four.

7. Do you think anyone is thinking about you right now?

Well, I'm talking to two friends right now, I hope they are thinking of who's talking with them... xD

8. What is the closest purple thing to you?

The pack of my tissues~

9. Is there anyone you’re missing right now?

Uh... Yes, there is.

10. What is your hair looking like right now?

I made the mistake of cutting it two weeks ago and it looks terrible. I have a headband now on.

11. Is there anyone on your mind that shouldn't be?


God, can you please just go awayyy~ ;___;

12. If you were given an alcohol test right now, would you pass?

Of course.

13. Do you swallow gum when your done with it?

Uh, no?

14. Is anything bothering you right now?

Actually, a lot of things...

15. If you could go back in time and change things, would you?

A few, yes.

16. Have any of your friends seen you cry?

My best friend Marta, once, because my eye was hurting a lot, it had blood in it and the hospital wouldn't accept me because I was a minor. I cried in frustration and desperation because the other hospital was like, really far away, no one would get my calls and I was so frustrated that she ran from the class she was having to be with me. Nice of her, really :))

17. Have you ever peed while on the phone?

No, I never take the phone with me...

18. This time last year, can you remember who you liked?

Yes, it was the same person... And I was completed obsessed over him at that time. I now manage to control my emotions, though it would be better if he just disappeared from my mind like, right nowww.

19. You never know what you have until you lose it; true or false?

True, unfortunately.

20. Can you read other peoples expressions?

Sometimes, yes. I learned that it's better than to believe in their words.

21. Is there anyone you would do absolutely anything for?

Yes! And not only one.

22. Who was the last person you talked to in person?

My sister, just now.

23. Does bad spelling/­grammar annoy you?

Even though I, myself, do a lot of mistakes (like everyone does) it freaking annoys meeeeee. Especially in portuguese.

24. If your parents didn't like the person you were dating, what would you do?

It's not up to them, though I would try to see and know why was it that my parents didn't like him.

25. Red or green grapes?


26. Do you open up to people easily?

Sometimes I wish I would, that way it would have been easier to have new friends. But I don't, and that gave my few but good friends :D

27. Where did you sleep last night?

At home, on my bed~

28. Do you have a best friend of the opposite ?

I used to have, we eventually stopped talking...

29. Do you honestly believe good things happen to those who wait?

Not really, but at least it makes me more aware of what's really happening around me... or it doesn't?

30. Do you currently have a spot/blemish?

Yes, on my cheek ;___;

31. Do you think a lot of people talk badly about you behind your back?

Most people don't have reasons to do it, but I grew to think of it as indifferent for me.

32. Do you think tomorrow will be good?

Won't be doing nothing special, just going to the gym and spend the rest of the day reading/writing~

33. Will it get any better?

My life? Oh, I really hope so.

34. Are you the type of person who would rather go out than stay home?

No, rather stay home than go out.

35. Is there someone you wish would just turn up at your front door right now?

Honestly... Yes.

36. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple of months?

If it depended solely on me, yes. But there's also the other party...

37. Once a cheater, always a cheater. True or false?

Must give everyone a second chance.

38. Excited for anything?


39. Did you kiss/hug anyone in the last 72 hours?

Hug, yes. Kiss? On the cheek? xD

40. What were you doing at midnight last night?


41. Has anyone ever told you "you could do so much better," about the person you liked?

No... I always choose people that are above me, that's why I never get what—who I want.

42. Anything go on this week?

Don't have anything scheduled...

43. Do you like anyone?

I don't know if I still like him... The other day he talked with me and my friend for some minutes and, besides me being judging him all the time (inside of myself, of course - he seemed way too hypocrite, it annoyed me.), I didn't really feel anything. Though I couldn't take my eyes off him for the rest of the night.

44. How has 2012 been for you?

Has been going on way too fast. But yeah, the faster, the best.

45. When was the last time you really laughed and why?

Probably on Friday, since it was the last day of school for 2012, we just went on and laughed at everyone who looked ridiculous enough to be laughable (? not making any sense, mafalda...)

46. Who was your last hug?

Milow, most probably.

47. Do you have a picture of yourself kissing someone?


48. How’s your heart?

/sigh. Hurt. Hurt, but hopeful. That all of this may change one day.

49. Do you think guys and girls can be friends without feelings for each other?

Yes, I can say that for myself.

50. If you could seek revenge on someone, would you?

Revenge... that's not like me at all. I don't like... that kind of thing. That's bad. I hate bad things. I know it sounds childish... but it exactly speaks my mind.

51. Are you happier now or three months ago?


52. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?

Ugh, I hope so! I want to be married before 23, and that's in 6 years, so...

53. Did you straighten your hair this morning?

I don't style my hair. I don't waste my time with those things, I just wash my face, brush my teeth and comb my hair and I'm ready to go~

54. Are you going to get hurt any time soon?

If I knew that, I would avoid it, right?

55. Is your hair long enough to put in a ponytail?

Yes! Not as long as before, though :((

56. Do you say sorry first?

This. I'm a very prideful person, it annoys the hell out of me that I'm like this, really, and I try my best to change it. It's easier said than done, though. I'm not someone who would say sorry first. But I noticed something different! A few months ago (was it two?), I walked up to my classmate (he was my friend before...) and asked him why was he acting that way towards me. I even said sorry for being the way I was, and that I would do my best to change it. And we stayed good for one/two weeks before he got mad at me once again. And this time I won't be the one going up to him first and ask what's wrong. I don't care anymore, let him do it, I'm pretty good the way I am now, not having to talk to him.

57. Is there a girl you really cant stand?

Oh, so many. I really can't stand empty-minded, stupid, childish girls, they annoy the hell out of me. And I don't even do a minimum effort to hide it.

58. Why aren't you and your ex still together?

I... never dated, actually. I hate it, but I only made out with people. Because I can't really... I didn't have the maturity of being in a relationship at that time. And I prefered rejecting them instead of screwing up.

59. What’s the relationship between you and the last person you texted?

He's my school and gym-mate!

60. Do you tan?

Not at all xD I'm really, really white!

61. Do you know what you want to do as a career when your older?

Yes :) I wouldn't mind being a translator, actually! Though what I really want to is to be a screenwriter.

62. Have you ever been suspended?


63. Do you have strange dreams?

Maybe more times than I should...

64. When was the last time you did the dishes?

Before lunch? Yeah, I think so.

65. Are you happy?

I'm... normal? I'm happy, I have whatever I want, though... if it's not asking much... can I have a bit more, besides of what I have now? I have a big family, we don't really get perfectly along, but we survive and are still together (even though some live away from home). I have a few friends that make me feel... full? My classmates are the worst when it comes from people outside, but we actually get along pretty well! Uh... I have a home, a school, food, love... I just ask for... more love and understanding. I just ask for someone. One person that can fullfill those two requests.

66. Are you afraid of others judging you from reading your answers?

Not really, I'm pretty open to people on AFF, maybe those can really understand me. (Wait, why do I sound like an emo preteenager?! But it's true ;___;)

67. Are you in a good mood right now?

Mixed emotions, actually. Because some questions make my smile while others make me pout... And it's pretty weird xD I'm frowning at the moment, btw.

68. Has anyone every told you that you have pretty eyes?


I was once working on this anime-related event, selling merchandise (I love doing it *o*) when this guy here who had been passing by me for a few times before, suddenly asks me about something (we had to yell for the other person to listen us, since the music was really loud) and I had to bent over and put my head closer to his and ask what did he say, when he grabs my head with both hands. My mind immediately thought "Mafalda, this is it.". He whispered on my ear, these exact words: "Don't get me wrong. You have really beautiful eyes."




Not weird at all. "Thank you" I said.



Everything was fine.

When I (and I swear, if my eyes didn't deceive me!) caught a glimpse of his self being passing by me the other day at the gym. I only had the time to cover my face, but I don't think he saw me. Hope so.


It was creepy.

69. Is there something you want to tell someone, but cant?

"Hey, just in case you didn't figure out yet, I like you. Can you please tell what was going on inside your mind that summer?"

70. Last song you sang?


71. Which is harder; telling someone you love them or telling them you don’t?

Never been through any...

72. What is your favorite color?

Pastel colors are beautiful. Color is beautiful. Please don't ask me to choose one. That's like, asking me what do I prefer "Chocolate? Or Chocolate?" I can't choose!

73. Ever dated someone over 18?

Not yet~


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Hm very interesting ^^ And I also can't believe how fast 2012 has gone O_O Where does the time go huh?