in the spirit of xmas. i need you.

so our college has this thing every christmas, i think. the last time was a wreath making contest (made out of recycled things) this year we had a picture thing contest. 

we had themes and all. honestly, me and my group wouldnt give a about it. but then a groupmate's bf said that we'd get plus 5 in our Blocks (this is how we divide our topics/subjects and stuff, maybe the ultimate module) so we decided to join


and just as how we cram for exams we crammed for this contest too. 

so here's the part i would like to ask for your help.... this is not our entry yet. 


simple really just go to your FB account. or click the link below

and 'LIKE'

"Star ng Pasko"


this is my friend's group's entry. and i really like theirs.. and i tell you. ours is ty compared to this. i'll probably ask help for ours soon. when it gets submitted for the likes... 

and here's another one... 

"The Night Before Christmas"


thank you so much! for wasting, i mean, spending your time with my pleas...


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Oh! I remember you blogging about that recycled thing last year... Wow... We've been talking for over a year, unnie. XD <3

I liked both XD Fighting?~