

Here's the thing..


I'm super duper excited!!


I can't wait for exam day...

Whenever i start to revise on my subject, especially Physic, I go crazy..

I dunno how many times i squeal in between of revising..

M i going crazy?

Lol.. I seriously don't care..

I forgot that big exams like this makes me nervous and excited at the same time.

Mm.. Maybe i should cut down on my cookies intake.


Super duper happy!!

Looking for ward for the exam.


Hope you guys would pray for me for the exam..


I'm all pumped up!



P.S. : I'm not on drugs..

Just been reading too much of science subj.



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I second Karlo o.o I wish the best for your exam <3
pft. No such thing as been reading too much of a science :]