My Christmas Presents... :)

:) these are my Xmas presents.. from me, to me <3

cuz hey, you CAN'T just have 1 set... you have to have the entire group..... unless you're one of those people who thinks one is better than the other.... to be honest, M is cuter than K, but K has more of the "fangirls have ual frustrations because of me" feels :P
You know... I don't know why I got this... Sure he's cute, and I bawled like a child when he died in a fic... (I didn't shed tears until he died... and he was like the 7th? one to die...) :P
'cause I'm sooo addicted to these.... I've been waiting them sooooo bad... for like months now xD I got 2 sets... :D
Hell, if I get rings, I'll definitely get my bias' ring xD Oh my Lulu... y u such a girl? xD <3
Now, now, did you think I forgot about our SJ? o.O I can't believe you thought about that TT__TT SJ is number 1. No ifs ands or buts about it... <3 I love this... <3 <3 <3
So I ended up buying this... because I decided I liked it better... and because all of you guys were like "I LIKES DIS ONE~~~"
xD lol
If I get a Donghae keychain, you bet I'd get something Kyuhyun... he's not my ultimate bias for no reason :P
Yeah.. I'm addicted to rings.. xD hehehe <3
See, I was going to get more SJ stuff... but my parents were like "o.O KATY... NO MORE SHOPPING FOR YOU!!!!!! >.<"
TT__TT Oh well..... I'll be happy with what I get :)
<3 <3 <3 I got 2 sets of these as well <3 Shisus, I lovers my U-Kiss soo much! <3
I'm not sure if I got this in the end or not... but oh well :P It'll be awesome if I did <3

Well, there you have it: Umma/Unnie/Katy's Xmas presents <3 *sighs* I'm so happy...


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Luhan's my bias too!
Great presents, wow! Super cool!
Andreina3729 #3
Where did you get that? I want your presents!XD
party-party #4
can i have one??
p.s where did you get the rings from?
wowww so jealous! haha :)
i asked for loads of kpopy stuff for christmas but he said he wouldn't be able to get them in time (LIESSSS i asked for them months ago!) but he said I can get stuff for my birthday instead so im happy :) xx
keyforu #7
wish i had those items too..
Jealous :P
GOD ! They're awesome ! :D
jealous right here .. ehee JK :)
AMAZING~~~!!! I always shop on this vietnamese website to buy those things!! XDD In Vietnam, since it's cheap there because it's near Korea, I buy like... EVERYTHING (But not literally everyting)!!! But my parents always tell me that I might get over them... But I fought back and said, "NO! I'M NEVER GETTING OVER SUPER JUNIOR, SHINEE, EXO, UKISS, BIGBANG, LED APPLE, TEEN TOP, B2ST, B1A4, BOYFRIEND, TVXQ, FT.ISLAND, CNBLUE, SNSD, KARA, 2NE1, 4MINUTE, B.A.P., F(X), BTOB,(and I say all of the bands I know and love)." But I said it calmly. My parents laughed and said go for it... X333 I felt undefeated... You got really cool stuff!!! Wait... are these what you got for Christmas? It's not even Christmas yet!!!
*Envious of you because of the Donghae and Super Junior stuff*
You live in America right? (random question! XD)
which site did u order these from?
At first I was like "......... eew. Please not only that... OH, SUJU. FAHK YEAH."

I'll have the Kyu ring for X-mas, and I already have the SJ one xD And you say you're addicted to rings? xD Ha... hahaha xD I have *counts* 9 rings on at the moment xD And I'll have 10 when I'll have Kyu xD
I'm gonna get me one of those. LOL.