« c a t c h m e —— choi hyeri 혜리 » —— a p p l i c a t i o n

« catch  me   —— if  you wanna» 
the only person you can rely on is yourself.


choi hyeri

the real you.
     username: K_I_M_C_H_I
     activeness: 7 ; whatisalife
     nickname: just call me seo.

the girl.
     name: choi hyeri
     birthday/age:  04/08 /89  ;  22
     ethicity: korean
     nationality: south korean
     languages: korean -- mother tongue ; english -- conversational

     zodiac/horoscope: tiger/aries
     blood type: b
» when happy, hyeri will show lots of determination, self-confidence, and enthusiasm, even if she's doing something incredibly boring ...like filing papers or trying to stay awake when her father lectures her on this and that. and whenever he's raving about how good her older brother seunghyun is asking to himself why she didn't turn out like her brother. she'll be fidgeting around a lot more when she's in good spirits and will be constantly smiling throughout the rest of the day. 
           sad/angry » if she's ever furious with rage or unhappy, hyeri will never show her true feelings with others and tends to keep it to herself. this is her weakness--she dislikes having to talk about her emotions and her inner thoughts to others. when there are others around and she's upset, then she tries to hide the fact that she's hurt or that tears are welling up in her eyes. she doesn't want to bother other people and make them worry about her, so she tries to keep everything to herself. however, is anyone figures out that she's crying/sad, then she'll become an complete bawling, hideous mess. when angry, you don't want to mess with hyeri. when she gets angry, she doesn't just yell and scream in fury, like everyone else. oh, no. hyeri drops her polite lady act and goes completely ape. hyeri will act like a vicious and make fun of you if you get on her bad side. she may be cool as a cucumber on the outside, but if she happens to dislike you...well, you're in trouble.  
           classy lady » like her mother always says, the elite have to appear classy and polite. as a cover, anyways. in the public eye choi hyeri appears as an high-class lady who's a tad bit arrogant and always wearing a cool facade. it's been described as an i'm-too-cool-for-you attitude. even when she's angry or extremely dissatisfied with something, hyeri will maintain her composure and not let anyone else see that she's not as strong as she pretends she is. people might often mistake her unwillingness to talk to strangers as being cold and extremely impolite, but that's just because hyeri doesn't trust strangers and is much more cautious than usual around them; changing her way of talking and acting. 

          life » is a big, fat, . what's the point in living when you're an insignificant individual being among billions of others just like you? what's the point in living when you and everyone you hold dear is going to eventually not exist anymore? what if the universe we live in is all just a lie? what if, since the universe has a same pattern as a brain cell...we're all just parts of a brain cell of an extremely large life form? hyeri tends to dislike thinking about life, as it's vast and far too complicated for just the humans to understand. 
          love » love? what is love? hyeri thinks that love can be, well..anything. but true love? is that really possible? for such a fragile thing between two people? they're bound to get tired of each other at one point and move on. that's just how humans are. they get bored of things and then completely forget about them. she reckons it's the same with relationships. true love is impossible to obtain.
           » hyeri doesn't get why it's such a big deal for most people whenever is mentioned. but then again, it's probably just because she's around it constantly. is necessary for a healthy human being, and hyeri enjoys finding new ways to do it. she can't go for more than three days without getting laid--who it is doesn't matter, be it a friend or one of the male es or female es or a complete stranger. as long as the is good, hyeri doesn't mind. of course, with this kind of mentality, people often assume that hyerin is a who wants to every movable object. which she is not, by the way.
          relationships » are a bother. being committed to one single person at a time is awfully hard for hyeri, as she likes to sleep around with different men. being in a relationship is like being chained to them all the time; having to worry about their health and if they're doing fine, or worrying about where they are and if something bad's happened to them. being in a relationship is quite stressful, and don't forget, the friends also bother and tease whoever's in a relationship. 
           politics » is one huge pile of . hyeri's always thought of politians as liars and truth-benders who don't actually do anything good for the people. politics may have been a respected topic in the past, but now it is full of greedy, disgusting pigs who pay their way to the top and don't let the common people have a chance.

          killing » is really no big deal at all. hyeri's gotten used to it, after years of living life surrounded by crime and the rotten smell of death and disintegrating flesh. she could kill a stranger in a blink of an eye, without a care. a stranger with a family, perhaps someone who loves them. why does killing matter, when the person's life was going to end sooner or later, anyhow? 


[ hard candies ] like drugs, hyeri finds the unique flavors of hard candies addicting. she'll most likely always have a stash of hard candies on her bodies, and in many different assorted flavors too. it's better than being a druggie or a chain-smoker.

[ a good mystery ] it's a bit hard to believe, but hyeri has always been quite the er for good detective/mystery novels. the twists and turns always make you think and put together the evidence to complete the puzzle and find the suspect.

[ ] as long as there's some type of protection. because why not? it gets her adrenaline pumping and leaves her feeling relieved and relaxed afterwards.


[ people who constantly complain ] of course, everyone is entitled to complain every once in a while. it's scientifically proven that complaining makes you feel better afterwards. however, it's the people who don't do anything other than complain who really piss hyeri off. nobody wants to listen to your problems 24/7.

[ bitter foods ] they leave a bad taste in that makes her want to throw up. of course, this also makes taking pills and medicine almost impossible for her, as those substances are quite disgustingly bitter.

[ extreme violence ] what's the point? nothing is solved through war and the consequences are severe. just because you may win a fight doesn't make you any better. it makes you worse. 


[ always glancing behind her ] a habit that just naturally grew on her. she'd had several encounters where she was attacked from behind, and these taught her to always be aware of her surroundings...even if they seem perfectly safe, they could be concealing something hazardous.

[ applying lip gloss ] hyeri's lips chap & dry easily, which annoy her endlessly. therefore, she has gotten into the habit of re-applying her lip gloss every few minutes.


[ writing ] this is how hyeri expresses herself. she's not that good at conveying her feelings to other people by sitting down and talking with them, she's much better at letting her feelings flow and form a story or poem.

[ yoga ] it's a way for hyeri to relax and also exercise without having to go jogging or visit the gym.

[ watching news ] she likes to be in touch with the global and national news. it's better to know than not to know, right?


[ ink me up ] hyeri has a tattoo of her father's gang symbol; the ouroboros, etched into her upper-right shoulderblade. it is covered up most of the time and only exposed when she meets a fellow gang member or when she is participating in a gang war.

[ nightmare ] a few times during the year, hyeri will experience episodes of sleep paralysis. they leave her unable to move while she is laying on her bed with her eyes wide open. during the episodes of sleep paralysis, hyeri hallucinates and imagines all sorts of unsightly demons crawling along her bedroom ceiling.

     ulzzang: mirae
           pictures » a c t l i k e a l a d y , t h i n k
     ulzzang no. 2: sung sin

           pictures » l i k e a b o s s

the past.
     childhood/home life: balance is best in all things. if there's a good side, there must also be an evil side. because if the evil side wasn't there, then the good side wouldn't be considered good either, would it? choi hyeri grew up experiencing both worlds --- the bedazzling, hip, and strongly coveted life of the glamorous upper-class society in seoul, and the gruelsome, unsympathetic, and often condemned underground gang scene.  the home life was a bit rough...her parents were always at some fancy charity or gala, and so hyeri and her brother seunghyun were always left at home to fend for themselves. often times their parents would host parties at their own home, and they were forced to squeeze into 'cute' formalwear for children and they would be shown off by their parents like they were award-winning purebreed dogs at one of those dog shows. because of these occasions, hyeri tends to dislike going to stiff and formal galas. she prefers the nightclub life instead of the stuffy parties where you must be extremely happy&polite even if you happen to dislike the person you are talking to.

     previous jobs: previously, hyeri had a job as an intern at vogue korea magazine. she'd worked hard -- 4 years at seoul national university -- to get the job that she wanted the most. of course, being an intern had consisted of mostly just getting coffee for the higher-ups and being told to clean up the offices. but that didn't matter because hyeri thought she would've been able to work harder to get promoted to a better position. but contrary to what she had planned out, her father put her in charge of the /human trafficking in the gang...and also told her to quit her internship. hyeri wanted to resist her father's orders, but she knew that she had to follow his orders -- or else. 
     school life: hyeri attended the prestigious yangsuk academy of seoul, which was chock-full of the offspring of multi-millionaires and the top tier of society. for grades k-12, hyeri was known as one of the 'popular kids'. she was considered a 'queenka', and was originally incredibly mean and pushed people around. and then, the transformation happened. she matured, and stopped being snobby or spiteful to those less fortunate than her. she'd realized, after she watched one of her snobby friends get kicked out of the academy and then go bankrupt, that her life may have seemed perfect--when it could fall apart at any second. it was then that she started acting nicer to just everybody in general and transformed her completely. of course, since nobody had known about her 'secret life' as a gangster, the classmates in her graduating class all expected her to marry her current boyfriend, cho kyuhyun, fresh out of high school. well, they were wrong. she broke up with kyuhyun shortly after she entered seoul university due to the discovery that he had been cheating on her since they hadn't gotten enough time to spend with each other.

     misc background: hyeri is the unwanted result of a short fling that her father had with one of his . he usually checked to see if they were  pregnant so that they could get abortions -- nobody wants to buy "damaged goods", anyways -- but hyeri's mother was particularily favored by her father, and so he let her give birth. shortly after his daughter was born, he shipped the to the "bidder" who paid the most money, never to see her again. it's likely that she became some sick-in-the-head wealthy man's slave or labor worker -- but hyeri will never know. her parents kept this secret hidden to her, and she grew up thinking that her real mother was her father's wife.

the future.
     role: gangster
     career: socialite 

     current lifestyle: hyeri's living the life. quite wealthy and well-known both underground and in the world of the elites. of course, this means that she's constantly paranoid, thinking that someone's going to pop up and kill her. she knows that people want her dead. so on the outside her life might seem perfect---when in reality she's constantly on the run. hyeri often moves from hotel-to-hotel, each of them rated 5 stars. she also often goes on foreign endeavors, just to evade the ones searching for her. from time to time she visits her father at the main house in apgujeong, but doesn't stay often. her brother choi seunghyun (better known as T.O.P. underground) often sends his guards to protect her from a distance and make sure she's safe.

     if you're a gangster:
           what role in the gang do you have? » hyeri is in charge of trafficking. which is basically a fancy way of saying that she is in charge of buying, shipping, and selling es to the highest bidder. it's a nasty line of work, really. she has to make sure that they're all in line and not wanting to escape their fate, which also involves torturing them with different methods. hyeri also always has disgusting, old, and balding men always trying to put their grimy hands down her because she's often mistaken for a e--which she is certaintly not. 
           why did you join the gang? » hyeri really had no choice in joining the gang. if she had a choice, she would have chosen to not get involved with her father's gang and instead just get married to some wealthy family friend and start a family. that's how the upper-class had always worked, anyways. but, hyeri's father told her that the marriage could wait, and that she should help him with his gang. if she rejected his idea, then she probably would've been disowned and thrown out onto the streets. her father would probably be glad to do that, actually. one less child to feed and take care of.
           do you believe in the gang? » she doesn't exactly believe in the gang, but she doesn't doubt it either. her father's spent tons of time creating his underground empire--the gang probably ranks in the top five in seoul. of course, hyerin doesn't like how the gang members think--violence this, violence that. it's quite annoying how much they want to destroy. why not settle down your problems with a simple game of chess like they do in the middle east? seems a lot simpler that way. the smartest one wins, and therefore the smartest is the most powerful. but of course, that's not how the world works. she's okay with most of the gang members and they respect her, but there are a few s that she feels like kicking right in the balls.
           detail your skills as a gang member of your status » hyeri is rather respected in the gang, having control over many of the guys who could easily beat her up. but of course--that would be dangerous to do considering her father's position in the gang. she's got protection/undercover bodyguards around her almost 24/7. she usually just takes care of anything in the gang that has to do with human trafficking, such as taking orders/shipping out the /slaves and such.

     life today: hyeri doesn't love her job, but she doesn't hate it either. it's a hard job--having to 'punish' the slaves when they misbehave or refuse to eat. she knows it's illegal, but she doesn't have any other choice. she'd rather live like this than on the streets. hyeri works hard, but sometimes gets distracted while on the job and things go wrong that way. it is a bit easy--the transactions occur and the slaves are shipped to their 'masters' easily, and the police never seem to really notice what'd going on. the hard part of her life is always having to be on the run from the authorities and the people who want her dead. hyeri doesn't want love right now--not so soon. but maybe someone will be able capture her heart. 


     father | choi chaesun | 49 | alive | current chairman of samsung ; gang boss | ruthless, blunt, tactical | choi chaesun and his daughter aren't that close and don't really get along with each other. when in the same room, the atmosphere will be incredibly awkward and silent. he definitely has more of a liking for his successful son, seunghyun. however, hyeri must follow his instructions or face being disowned by chaesun.

     mother | kim daejin | 39 | alive | socialite, on seoul's board of education | cunning, foxy, seductive | daejin has always tried to mold hyeri into a mini version of herself, teaching her to be lady-like and polite, but also trained her to be able to defend herself and be able to stand up for herself. a headstrong woman, daejin doesn't like it when hyeri tries to rebel against her teachings. she's closer to hyeri than chaesun is.

     birth mother | baek mina | 47 | alive | e | rebellious, stubborn, kind | baek mina has not had a single glance of hyeri after she gave birth to her and was kicked out onto the streets to fend for herself. hyeri does not know she even exists. 

     half-brother | choi seunghyun | 25 | alive | ceo of samsung's marketing division ; in charge of smuggling weapons in gang | 4d, shy to strangers, intelligent | seunghyun has a special something that makes everybody who meets him instantly like him. hyeri is also very close to him. growing up, the two would be inseperable and do almost everything together. hyeri doesn't get to see him as often nowadays since she's always on the move but always tries to take time to visit him. 


     park jiyeon | 20 | alive | vogue korea art manager | tough, relentless, tricky | hyeri and jiyeon met when hyeri was an intern at vogue korea. jiyeon was a fellow intern and due to her good job at work, has been promoted to an art manager. hyeri and jiyeon share the same mentality; jiyeon also comes from a similar background. they have lots to sympathize with each other and completely understand how the other feels. 

     byun baekhyun | 20 | alive | manager of the advertising division of korea air  ; part-time gangster in charge of drug trafficking | naive, happy-go-lucky, a bit slow | baekhyun is hyeri's most innocent friend. his personality is quite naive and childish for one who sells drugs illegally when he's not at his 'real' job. baekhyun can make anybody happy by releasing his plethora of corny jokes and his comforting words. hyeri usually goes to baekhyun when something extremely bad has occured.

     seungri | 22 | alive | career | mischevious, player, polite when around elders | seungri is hyeri's closest guy friend. the two had been put together as desk buddies in 6th grade. seungri at first tried to get hyeri to become his girlfriend, but later realized that she was only a good friend to him and not someone he was romantically interested in. the two share an interest in watching some really weird . hyeri's always scolding seungri for sleeping with so many girls per week, even though she does basically the same thing. 

     best friend: im yoona | 22 | alive | career | sassy, high maintenance, clever | she might be extremely high-maintenance and hard to satisfy, but once you're on yoona's good side, she'll treat you like you were her blood sibling. yoona and hyeri are best friends. and by best friends, i mean the type of relationship that has lasted through their entire lives. they've had a couple of stupid fights, but always came back to each other. they're there to support each other in hard times and celebrate with each other during the good times. the two are family friends whose great-great-grandparents were good buddies. yoona's father controls a gang allied with hyeri's father's gang.

     enemies: kris wu yifan | 22 | alive | professional hitman | stealthy, manipulative/teasing, mysterious | an evasive figure who never tells the full truth; 'kris' is a well-known silent assassin in the underground world. he's hired by all sorts of gangs and even corporate businessmen to 'take out the trash'. kris and hyeri don't necessarily get along very well, especially since hyeri is one of kris' targets. he wants to kill her, and she's always being forced to run away from him. even though she's pretty skilled in weaponry and shooting, hyeri has got nothing on this guns specialist. they have a love-hate relationship going on, constantly teasing each other and leading each other on. he's also one of hyeri's ex-boyfriends. he had pretended to be a normal citizen in order to gain her trust and kill her later. kris is pretty annoying and hated by hyeri because she can never best him or get away from him. 
     rival: jung jessica | 23 | alive | career | straightforward, cold to strangers, curious | jessica is a journalist who is hell-bent on writing some newsbreaking article that would reveal the insides of a gang. she's approached hyeri many times after seeing her come out of the gang's headquarters with guards all around her. she's not dangerous, but jessica is a little annoying poking her nose in places where it should not be.

     love life: hyeri's love life consists of mostly just her running around and sleeping with guys. of course, she's keeping an eye out for the one guy who accepts her for who she is and is able to compete with her/be her match...and not just follow her around like a lovesick puppy. she's gone through enough guys to make aphrodite look innocent, and usually just throws guys away like they were her toys once she gets bored with them.  

     past lovers:

    cho kyuhyun--the two broke up because he was cheating on her. they were supposed to be married after high school/college.                                                 f   kris wu yifan--he tricked her;saying that he was a businessman when he was really a hitman looking to kill her.
     lover: kim jaejoong ; future
     lover's role: fbi. he's currently an undercover field operative whose job is to infiltrate south korea's massive network of gangs and survey the situation with drug dealing, illegal black market trade, firearms smuggling, and human trafficking. then the intel is to be collected to be sent back to the main operative j. edgar hoover building in washington d.c. 

     lover's personality: jaejoong is awfully stealthy in his actions&words. he chooses every word carefully before he says it out loud because he doesn't want to cause any friction and say something incredibly stupid. he's also very good at hiding in plain sight and being a chameleon--blending in to fit in with his surroundings. he's usually calm&cool, never letting anything get to his head and make him upset or angry. jaejoong always acts as if nothing really matters except for his missions and tries to conceal his true emotions. he's also very competitive--he likes a good competition and he absolutely must win it. he's a bit of a sore loser, and will do anything to get the results that he wants. even if it's dangerous.
     lover's background: ever since a young age, jaejoong had wanted to become unique, and not follow the masses of people blindly. he was born to poor parents who didn't have enough money to take care of him. they left him at an orphanage, and he was taken in by two rather well-off foster parents who lived in the same neighborhood as hyeri's parents did. they have passed each other on the streets once or twice, but never really noticed each other. straight out of university at oxford, jaejoong was recruited into the fbi by a scout who was picking out possible agents from top schools. he's been working as an undercover field agent who busts gangs from all types of countries ever since. 

before you go.
comments: i'm sorry this app is a bit late---this week has been extremely hectic. anyways, i hope that you like this character...i've worked quite a lot on her and tried to fit everything together.
questions: could you explain more of the plot? i know it circles around the lives of gangsters/police/normal citizens who get pulled into the situation, but there's more behind just that, right?
concerns: if you find anything wacky or wrong that you feel needs to be corrected, just tell me and i'll get on it. 

disclaimer: this is a rated M story. you clicked on it with that understanding and with the same understanding you filled out this application. please know that there will be violence in this story, possibly death, as well as other adult themes, including but not limited to ual encounters. if you are not alright with this, please do not continue past this point. this is your fair warning.
also, any similarities between my story and another before it is purely coincidence. any similarities with actual events is not intended and also coincidence. i own the story line and my character alone. your character belongs to you, but you grant me the right, as author, to adjust and portray her as it fits the story.
[ x ] do you accept my disclaimer? [ put an x in the box if you do. ]



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