New story in mind but don't know which title to choose.


Its about U-Kiss Dongho falling in love with his highschool Hoobae...

He's always observing her from afar, she was different from the others..

When he was in 2nd year of highschool, the girl vanished.

Now that Dongho has graduated, he got busy with more schedules.

One night he caught a glimpse of her...

Dongho tries to get close to her and as closer as he get, he finds out that she's not human.

She's a cold blood creature..


so yeah. Twilight Destroyed my brain XD

help me with the girls name also!~ 

And description...i'm bad at those~ thx in advance!~



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Her name can be Kim Yuryeong. Just so you know, Yuryeong literally means Ghost in Korean. Story title can be 'That Mysterious Girl' or maybe just 'That Girl'. I'll think about the description later ^^
i like the idea! mmmm.. what do you think of calling it "her cold gaze" or glare/stare instead of gaze... an how about calling the girl Soomi? (i think i'm reading a story with that name as one of the background chars haha thats probably why i thought of it) or Kim DaeMin or MinDae? i'm not good with names :3 haha