It's All Lies. LIESSSS!!!

dear oh wisest and always right person,

no, you are not always right. but you don't want to hear of it or you don't even realize your fault. you push and demand and shove it down our throats, or minds, our ears that your opinions are always always correct. F U! 

you teach us, you teach me, reprimand me, point out my faults and all the imperfections that you correct. yes, thank you. not sarcastic here. yes, i'm absolutely grateful but i roll my eyes on you. you semi-hypocrite! you teach us what should and shouldn't be done. but you. YOU! aren't you aware you're doing the things we, your children, ought not do... "think about your future patients/customers/boss/employees..." my arse!?! 

F U! dammit! today you told me to go buy something that would be needed tomorrow. in the most dire time for me, my cramming time, that rare moment where i feel like getting serious. you get annoyed or started raising your voice saying that you need it by tomorrow morning! the fuq! you always tell us, over and over and over again that if we need something say it before hand (that would be days before... or hours before - if needed on the same day of the announcement. not hora mismo! not right now!) 

do you hear yourself? huh? HUH? have you heard yourself lecture and talk a lot of times?! you're too contradictory! is that why you're too strict on us, because of your shortcomings?! why, by god.... wow. i don't... i won't ing care anymore. i'll vent it out on something else. cry on it again. no, tear it out. tear out the built up anger and frustration. frustration that my voice will always be inferior unless we're joking. 


BUT thank you. i know what i should do or not do when and if i do become a parent.

thank you for inspiring me on those times that i wrote those fanfics... the anger, the stress, the tears, the unspoken words for transforming them into inspiration. i might've killed you a lots of times already or just injured you as one of my biases or even the minor characters. and you just made a lot of fluff too because i was a bit opposite those times. because you made me angry i make fluffy and sometimes just angsty. and i'm also itching to make one now, but i shouldn't.

thank you for giving me reasons why i should succeed in whatever i want and get the hell out of your house. because in your house it's your rules. thank you. i learned how to make up alibis. thank you, i learned i shouldnt be too intimidating but still be a 'good' person. 

thank you. because i dont get easily angry when people try to anger me or tease me, it takes a lot of teachers/instructors/friends' bullying (i bully them back anyway)/doctors nonsensical sadistic moves to level up with how you make my blood boil. dont you feel proud? you're the only person whose simple tease could upset me so much. but whose praise i think is the most important at times. but you know, you could work a lot more on the encouraging department. 


i hate you! F U! but i lurv you dammit! i dont want to meet another man like you! but i wish and hope if, IF, ever i'll settle down it would be a man almost as good as you! wow, ain't i really your daughter. i'm also contradicting myself. but at least i know it, i'm aware. as aware as i am that even our cosmic stars... constellations whatever... we are certainly incompatible. XD but what can we both do? we're stuck and bonded by blood. you can't do anything but put up with me. i will always make mistakes. i will annoy you. you will get irritated because i intentionally want to and most of the times, you're just too stereotypical. you're strict, over-almost-anything, unflexible at times and ain't i suppose to be the female version of you. the dumber, shorter and slacking version that is. 


forever ranting about you to my friends, 



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syewe_yoss92 #1
"I hate u F U but i lurv u dammit"
I used to feel the same way towards my father too
So much , but hes still the best man for me
What should i do
LOL Is this like, to your dad or something. XD