My Mom Scolded Me


I was doin my own stuff in my room.

Instead of sleeping or resting, i was studyin.

Then my mom knock my door and walk in.

She sat on my bed.


Mom : I'm buying you a car soon.

Me : Ek? I'm getting my own car? Why...? I don't want!

Mom : Why? Stupid girl.


With that, she left my room without letting me explain why i don't want it. Haiz..

Before this, i learn that, never argue with your mom cuz it'll eventually be useless.

This time, i know that i don't have to explain anything to her cuz i know it'll be useless.

But still, i don't need the freaking car.

If i ask my grandma, she's say " It's good for your status.. "

What status? I'm just a kid. Haiz..



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hmm...I can't say I'm the same because I'm not =O<br />
but yeah, I try to never argue with my mother. pointless >>
Lol.. I got no reason cuz i already hav my own license and all..<br />
I can drive and all..<br />
But.. Just tat i like it better if someone drive me around.. Besides, i already got 1 that i can use. Why do i need another 1? Troublesome.
o.o my mom is the same, >.> I'm glad I convinced her not to get a car for me. My argument, no parking license, that's why I'm delaying it as much as I could o.o