A New Feature?

You guys know that you can hide the featured stories from the front page? O.O I just found out about it yesterday ^^; I think if everyone knew about this, maybe everyone can stop complaining about how 'crappy' all the featured stuff is and just hide them and be done with it :3 But is this a new feature or has it always been around?



Also if you're curious just go to edit profile, prefrences and it's on the very top of the list :)


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O.O really?
Meh. I don't think I'll do that, some featured fics are good...
It's been around for some time :3 but not too long I think
I think I've seen that feature before but never done anything with it. I always check out the featured fic just out of curiosity, and then after that I basically ignore it, so hiding it does nothing for me. I'm not angered by the mere sight of it or anything, lol.
o.O really? Never knew that...
I never knew this. How though? o u o